Thu 30 May 1782
Report of fourth meeting of Commissioners
Stroud 30th May 1782
We whose names are hereunto subscribed being Commissioners nominated and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament passed in the Sixteenth year of the reign of his Majesty King George the third for making the Stroud water navigation being mett at the George Inn in the town of Stroud aforesaid in persuance of an advertisement in the Gloucester Journal of the 13th instant for the purpose by an order of seven commissioners and Ellis James of Eastington in the county of Glocester having lodged a complaint before us that he hath been and still is greatly injured by the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation by their covering a great quantity of his land at Eastington aforesaid with gravell and clay by which the same is rendered of little value and also by the leakage through and under the banks of the said navigation upon his said land and also for his said land taken into the said navigation and that he is disatisfied with the former allowance for the said damages and lands made him by the commissioners under the said Act And that he hath entered into a Bond in One Hundred Pounds Penalty to the Treasurer of the said navigation pursuant to the said Act
We therefore by the authority in us vested have issued out our warrant under our hands and seals to the Sheriff of the County of Glocester aforesaid to impannel summon and return a Jury to appear before the said commissioners on Thursday the thirteenth of June next at eight of the clock in the morning at the dwelling house of Samuel Clutterbuck known by name or sign of the Golden Cross at Cainscross in the parish of Randwick in the said county adjourned this meeting to Thursday the thirteenth of June next at the time and place aforementioned and the same is hereby accordingly adjourned.
J Smith
Nath^l Rogers
Hum Jeffreys
Edward Palling
Nath Watts
Sam^l Webb
Rich^d Watts
Witness J Grazebrook