Wed 18 Dec 1946
No quorum.
Blockhouses at Whitminster and Eastington. Messrs Holbrow of Tetbury to visit and submit estimate.
Messrs Marling & Evans agreed to £2 10 0 for use of Towing Path at Ebley.
Stonehouse Wharf Sale, Mr Rowell. No sale at present.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of December 1946 @ 3 o clock pm
Present: W G S Bloxam R J C Little.
There being only two Members of the Committee present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Blockhouses at Whitminster and Eastington
The Clerk reported that in accordance with a suggestion by the Land's Officer at Bath he had got in touch per telephone with Messrs Holbrow at Tetbury. It was understood that Messrs Holbrow would make an appointment to visit the blockhouses and submit an estimate for their removal. There was nothing further to report.
Stroud Metal C^oy Water Supply
There was nothing to report.
Messrs Marling and Evans: Use of Towing Path at Ebley
Reported that Messrs Marling and Evans had agreed to the Company's terms (£2 10s 0d a quarter) and conditions.
Stonehouse Wharf: Sale, M^r Rowell
The Chairman read a letter from M^r Rowell. After discussion the Committee instructed the Clerk to inform M^r Rowell that it is not at present contemplating a sale of the Stonehouse Wharf.
Next Meeting
Ordered that the next Meeting of the Committee to be held at Wallbridge Office on Wednesday the 22^nd day of January 1947 @ 3 o'clock pm and The General Half Yearly Meeting @ 3,30 o'clock on same day.
July 1^st 1946 to Dec 18^th 1946 -- nil
July 1^st 1945 to Dec 18t^h 1945 -- nil.
July 1st 1946 to Dec 18 1946 £28 8s 0d
July 1st 1945 to Dec 18 1945 £25 18s 0d.
Cash at Lloyd's Bank Ltd Stroud
December 18th 1946 In Credit £294 15s 9d
December 18th 1945 In Credit £240 8s 0d.
Cheques drawn
Committee Expenses £1 12s 0d
Commissioners of Inland Revenue re P G Snape £0 12s 0d
G Holder 1/4 years Salary £8 2s 6d.