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for the good and orderly using of the Stroudwater
Navigation,— That the Master or Owner of every
Boat, Barge, or other Vessel coming into the Naviga-
tion out of or from any other Canal, shall on entering
into the said Navigation, produce and shew to the
Clerk of the said Navigation nearest to the place of
such entry, and shall permit a copy or copies to be
made of the Ticket containing an account of the Cargo
carried by such Boat, Barge, or other Vessel given to
such Master or Owner, by the Clerk or Lock-keeper
of the Canal through or from which such Boat, Barge,
or other Vessel shall have come into the Stroudwater
Navigation: And that if such Master or Owner shall
neglect or refuse so to do, or shall produce and show
to the said Clerk, any false, forged or deceitful Ticket,
such Master or Owner shall forfeit and pay the sum
of Forty Shillings for every Ton of Goods and other
things (and also in proportion for any less quantity
than a Ton) which shall be in such Boat, Barge, or
other Vessel of which such Ticket shall be refused or
neglected to be shown, or to be copied as aforesaid, or
of which such forged, false, or deceitful Ticket shall
produced or shown, as the case shall be, over and
above the Rate, Toll or Tonnage, directed to be paid
for the Carriage of Goods, Coals, and other things
upon the said Navigation under any Act of Parliament
in respect thereof; such penalty to be recovered in
such manner as is provided for the recovering of
penalties for neglecting or refusing to give a just and
true account of the cargoes in Boats, Barges, or other
Vessels on entering the said Navigation.
Made at a General Meeting of the Proprietors of the
Stroudwater Navigation, held at the GEORGE Inn,
STROUD, on Wednesday the 23rd day of October, 1833,
To compel Masters and Owners of Vessels to attach a