Tue 15 Oct 1776
Mr Lingard to draw up plan showing proposed route through Mr Baxter’s land.
Agreed that the locks and bridges be built of Hanham Stone up to high water mark then brick. Hollow quoins, coping and trunking of Abbey, Tintern stone.
Mr Bowen to be given 2s 6d per ton for stone delivered to banks of Wye, and 9s per ton for scabbled stone fit for quoins, etc.
Mr Bough to provide estimate for building brick bridge, and Mr Pashley for a timber draw bridge.
At a Meeting of the Committee held by Adjournment at the New Inn at Framiload on Tuesday the 15^th Day of October 1776
Present: Joseph Wathen, Freame Arundell, William Knight, Durley Wintle, James Winchcombe, Thomas White, John Hollings, Benjamin Grazebrook.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
M^r Lingard Reported that he had been with M^r Baxter of Atherstone and apply'd to him on behalf of the Company for the price of his Land necessary for the Navigation, and his answer was that he had no Objection to the parting with his Land, but desired first to have a plan of his Lands, and a Skeck of the Canal where it passes Through to be sent him. ~~ Ordered that M^r Lingard do draw a plan or Skeck of his Lands describing the passage of the Canal through it and ascertaining as near as he can, the Quantity that will be wanted.
Ordered That M^r Grazebrook do send the same to M^r Baxter, and to mention if he would wish the Company to purchase such part of his Land as shall be cut off, They have no Objections to it, also to desire his definitive answer soon as possible with his Terms.
M^r Grazebrook Reported that had attended M^r Keck to Framilad and view'd the Timber sent there by M^r Sheward, That M^r Keck Objected to the Pieces of Scantling as unfit for our use.
Ordered That M^r Grazebrook do write to M^r Sheward informing him of the particulars of the pieces he has rejected.
From the recommendation of our Mason M^r Bough it is Agree'd That the foundation of the Locks & Bridges be built of hanham Stone to the high water mark, from thence upward of Brick; the Hollow Quions Coping & Trunking of Abbey Tintern Stone.
Agree'd with M^r Bowen to give him 2/6 per Ton for common Stone broke out to any thickness that Shall be required in a Workman like manner delivered at the Banks of the Wye.
Read a Letter from M^r John Linton offering some Oak Timber about the Quantity of 16 Ton. Ordered that M^r Grazebrook and M^r Pashley do go and see the Timber and to agree for what will be fir for our purpose at a Sum not exceeding … per Ton.
Ordered that M^r Bough do give us an Estimate of the Expence of Building a Common Communication Bridge Built of Bricks including the backing ~~ also that M^r Pashley do give us an Estimate for a Timber draw Bridge including the Backing to be given at the next Meeting in Stroud.
M^r Lingard Reported that M^r John Beswick offers to undertake the Cutting of the Canal upon lower terms than we have had it done already. Ordered that M^r John Beswick do send in his proposals in writing to the Committee as soon as he can.
Adjourned this Meeting to Thursday the 24^th Instant at four of the Clock in the afternoon at the George Inn in Stroud.