Minutes Thu 5 Dec 1776

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Thu 5 Dec 1776


Bricks made by Joseph Morris badly burnt and many unfit for use.
Agreed with Mr Thomas Barnard to make 1,000,000 bricks from clay that lies in the first and second filed above Butt Lane Bridge at 11s a thousand.
George Edwards proposes to make 1,000,000 bricks. Asked to attend next meeting to sign an agreement.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee held by Adjournment at the George Inn in Stroud on Thursday the 5^th day of December 1776
Present: Joseph Wathen, John Hollings, William Knight, Thomas White, Thomas Baylis, Durley Wintle, Robert Ellis, Richard Bigland.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Examined the Accounts, except M^r Baylis's which is ordered to be settled at the next Meeting.
M^r Lingard Reported that the Bricks made by Jos: Morris are very badly burnt, and great Numbers of the unfit for Use.
Ordered that M^r Lingard do appoint some other Person to Burn the Clamp that remains to be sett.
M^r Tho^s Barnard Attended the Committee and produced Samples of different Sorts of Clay burnt by way of tryal of its Quality, and his report is that he has no doubt, but it will make very good Bricks.
Agree'd with M^r Tho^s Barnard to make one Million of Brick of the Clay that lies in the first and second Field above Butt Lane Bridge at 11^s per Thousand, M^r Barnard to find Coal, Wood, Straw and other materials necessary for making and burning the Bricks, and to deliver none but perfect Bricks such as shall be approved of by some person that the Company shall apoint.
M^r Greorge Edwards attended the Committee and proposed to make One Million Bricks for the Company. ~~ Ordered that he do Attend the Committee at their next Meeting to sign an agreement for that purpose.
Adjourned this Meeting to Thursday the 12^th Instant at four of the Clock in the afternoon at the George Inn in Stroud.

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