Minutes Thu 8 Jan 1778

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Thu 8 Jan 1778


Mr Beswick’s men are to take turfs off and wheel them a distance away so that they don’t get mixed with clay and gravel.
Whitminster and Westfield locks are incommoded with mud and gravel. Proper implements to be made to clear them.
Great complaint that the road leading to Eastington is very dangerous and impassable. Ordered to get faggots to lay on the road and cover them with damaged bricks and gravel.
Mr Grazebrook can build a temporary warehouse on waste land at Chippenham Platt if he supplies all of his own materials.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee held by Adjournment at the George Inn in Stroud on Thursday the 9^th Day of January 1778
Present: Joseph Wathen, John Hollings, Thomas Baylis, Durley Wintle, Robert Ellis, Richard Bigland.
Read the Minutes of the last meeting.
The Articles are Received from M^r Aldridge, and executed by all the Proprietors in Bristol. ~~ Miss Browns assent not yet obtained as she is in London.
Ordered that M^r Freame Arundell be desired to waite on her in London, and to request the favour of M^r Coney to attend with him to Obtain her assent to the Line proposed.
Jos: Grazebrook Reported that he has settled with M^rs White, and paid her all damages during her Lease.
Our Clerk has been to M^r Reddall in order to get the Conveyance of his Land executed, but he would not execute, without the approbation and Consent of M^r Lane, and a particular exemption from Tythes; Ordered that M^r Ellis be desired to apply to M^r Lane to inspect it and that M^r Lane will send it to M^r Reddall, and when executed that it may be returned to M^r Lane.
M^r Richard Pettat has executed the Conveyance of his Land, and the purchase money paid.
Mess^rs Ellis and Grazebrook have not yet waited on Mess^rs Hawker and Cook, it is desired that they will waite on them the first Opportunity.
M^r Colborne has not yet waited on M^r Wyatt. Ordered that he be desired to waite on him the first Opportunity, and Tender him the money for his Land.
No answer from John Organ.
Ordered that M^r Smith do see that no more Bricks are Hall'd to the Work, but such as are perfectly Sound, and all that are unfit for use, to be laid by.
Ordered that M^r Gleaves do see that M^r Beswicks Man do take off the Turfs, and Wheel them to a proper distance, that they may not be intermixed with the Clay and Gravell.
M^r Gleaves Reported that the Whitmister and Westfield Locks are incomoded with Mud and Gravell; Ordered that he do get proper Implements to be made, and that the said Locks be cleared immediately; and that he do inform M^r Hollings when it is done.
M^r Smith Reported that there is great Complaint of the Road leading to Eastington being very dangerous and almost impassable; Ordered that he do procure some Faggots to Lay in the said Road, and cover them with damaged Bricks, and Gravell, to render it passable.
Ordered that M^r Smith do immediately take with him, two, or three able men, and go to all the several Brick Yards, and Stack up all as are well burnt and fit for use, sepperating all that are soft and imperfect, and give strict Charge that noen but what are Sound be boated, or Carried by our Team.
Ordered that our Carter do attend the next Meeting.
Ordered that M^r Gleaves do inquire of our Blacksmith, if he has made the twenty Handles for the Cloughs he has orders for, and that he do finish them immediately.
Ordered that M^r Grazebrook be informed that he has leave to Build a Temporary Warehouse on the waste Land at Chippenhams Platt he finding all the Materials and Building at his own expence.
Ordered that our Clerk do waite on M^r King to inquire what damage he has Sustained by the Brick Yard, and report it at our next Meeting.
Adjourned this Meeting to Thursday the 15^th Instant at two o Clock in the afternoon at the George Inn in Stroud.

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