Minutes Thu 3 Feb 1780

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Thu 3 Feb 1780


Mr Keck has received our letter and will take down that part of the Double Lock, which is giving way and rebuild it when season permits.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee held by Adjournment at the George Inn in Stroud on Thursday the 3^d of February 1780
Present: Joseph Wathen, Thomas Baylis, William Knight, Fream Arundell, John Hollings, Thomas White, James Dallaway.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
The Committee have not Yet Staked out the Land of M^r Butchers.
Ordered that our Clerk do write to Robert Sandford Esq^r to inform him that we are sorry the Money is not Paid for the Land at Ryford owing to M^r Phillips not agreeing to the terms proposed for Damages but that we are ready at any time to pay the money when agree'd to by M^r Phillips.
Rece'd a Lett^r from Mess^rs Lane & Jepson informing us that M^r Baxter gives up the Charge for the Oak Tree, but expects to have the Interest (for the money due) Calculated to Xmas last; Ord^d that our Clerk do inform them that we agree to pay the same and that the whole Business be immediately settled.
No answer Yet Reced from M^r Gardner relative to M^rs Balls Land.
Our Clerk Reported that he hath delivered the Lett^r wrote at the last Meeting to M^r Anthony Keck; in answer to which M^r Keck says he doth intend (as soon as the season will permitt) to take down that part of the Double Lock which is given way, and rebuild the same.
Our Clerk Reported that he has Rece'd no answer from Mess^Rs Lane & Jepson relative to the expence of M^r Philips Tryal.
Mess^rs Cook & Hawker not attending; Ordered that our Clerk do inform them of the next Meeting.
Ordered that our Clerk do write to M^rs Phelps and M^rs James and pay them for their Land taken in the Canal & Towpath agreeable to the Price fix'd by the Commissioners.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Thursday the 17^th Instant at 4 o'Clock in the afternoon at the George Inn in Stroud.

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