Minutes Tue 11 Oct 1785

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Tue 11 Oct 1785


General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £691 16s 10d + £105 5s. Balance £793 1s 10d. Dividend of £3 15s declared.
Mr Ben Grazebrook to pay £25 for tonnage for his barges between Bristol and Gloucester.

Verbatim text

At a General half yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held this Eleventh Day of October 1785 at the George Inn at Stroud
Nathaniel Winchcombe Esq^r in the Chair.
The Minutes of the last General half yearly Meeting were Read and confirmed.
The several Books and accounts were produced respecting the affairs of the Company (as directed by the Act of Parliament) and examined and Confirmed.
Ordered that the Money Rece'd for Tonnage from the 12^th of April last to this day amounting to the sum of Six hundred and Ninety one pounds Sixteen Shillings and Tenpence be paid into the Treasurers hands, which with the Sum of £105..5 now in his possession maked £793..1..10 Ballance in his hands.
Resolved that a Dividend of £3:15 on each Share be made, and that the same be payable on the first Day of November next, to be paid by the Treasurer our of the said Sum of £793..1..10 and allowed in his Account.
Ordered that our Clerk before the Day of payment do transmit circular Letters to the respective Proprietors to inform them that they may draw on the Treasurer or apply to him for payment of the same.
Ordered that M^r Ben^n Grazebrooks Barges to and from Bristol and Glocester do pass and repass the Canal till the next half yearly Meeting in Consideration of his paying Twenty five pounds for Tonnage during that time.

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