Minutes Thu 19 Aug 1790

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Thu 19 Aug 1790


Mr Leversage declined fixing amount of Mr King's damages.
Survey of Thatcher’s Meadow appears perfectly dry and no longer injured by canal. Committee willing to pay £35 damages provided no further claims made by Mr Cambridge or his tenants on that account.
Mr Chance confessed to Mr Colborne for his fishing in canal. Mr Whitcombe not to proceed against him.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Thursday the 19^th of Aug^t at ten o Clock in the forenoon
Present: Nathaniel Winchcombe, Benj^n Grazebrook, John Hollings, Jos^h Grazebrook, John Colbore, Jn^o Allaway, Henry Burgh.
M^r Leversage attended but declined fixing the Amount of M^r Kings damages.
The Committee having taken a Survey of the Meadow called Thatchers it appears to them perfectly dry, and that the same is no longer Injured by the Canal. Ordered that M^r Winchcombe be requested to write to M^r Cambridge to inform him of the same, that we are wiling to pay the Sum of Thirty five Pounds for so much money due for the Meadow called Thatchers provided no further Claims shall be made by M^r Cambridge or his Tennants on that account.
It being reported to the Committee that M^r William Chance has made proper Concession to M^r Colborne for his fishing in the Canal, Ordered that our Clerk do write to M^r Whitcombe not to proceed against him.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Friday the 3^rd of September next at Eleven o Clock in the forenoon at the George Inn in Stroud.

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