Minutes Mon 5 Mar 1792

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Mon 5 Mar 1792


James Wall contracted for building dry wall at Dudbridge wharf. 1s a peck for stones, 2s 6d for walling, 1s 6d for workmanship. Digging out foundations Company expense.
Mr Purnell's purchase of land from Lord Warwick not completed so no action on crib.
Clerk to apply to Richard Cam for two years rent at £10 per annum for his house.
Gates on towpath to be locked once before next General Meeting.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Monday the fifth of March 1792
Present: John Hollings, Jos^h Grazebrook, Henry Burgh, Jn^o Allaway, Benjamin Grazebrook.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
James Wall attended the Committee and contracted for Building a good rang'd Work dry Wall at Dudbridge Wharf at the Price following, Viz: 1^s per Perch for the Stone, 2^s/6^d per D^o for Halling, 1^s/6^d per D^o Workmanship the Company to be at the Expence of digging out the Foundation.
Our Clerk reported that he had waited on M^r Purnell respecting the Crib above Framiload Lock, but M^r Purnell inform'd him that he has not yet compleated the Purchase of the Land, with Lord Warwick, whereon the Crib stands, therefore he could give no positive answer concerning the same.
Ordered that a particular Acc^t of M^r Grazebrooks Barges to and from Gloc^r & Bristol be made out against the next General Meeting.
Ordered that our Clerk do apply to Rich^d Cam for two Years Rent at £10 per Ann^m for his House due Lady day next. Ordered that the Gates on the Towing Path from Walbridge to Framiload be lock'd once before the General Meeting. Adjourn'd this Meeting to Monday the 9^th of April next at two o'Clock in the afternoon at the George Inn in Stroud.

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