Tue 9 Apr 1793
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £1478 1s. Balance £1323 8s 6½d. Dividend of £6 declared.
Mr Ben Grazebrook's barges to pay £70 for tonnage and wharfage for half year.
4% interest paid to Mr Ellis for money employed in coal trade above £500 advanced by company.
Committee for next year: Sir George Paul, John Hollings, Joseph Cripps, Henry Burgh, John Allaway, Richard. Bigland, Richard Pettat, Benjamin Grazebrook, Samuel Wathen, New House, Edward Wood, William Sevill, William Sevill Junior.
Unanimous approval for clauses inserted in Act for making Gloucester & Berkeley Canal and thanks to Sir G Paul, Mr Hollings, Mr Cripps, Mr Bigland, Mr Burgh and Proprietors of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal.
Warehouse to be erected at Framilode.
At a General Half Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud this 9^th day of April 1793
Nath^l Winchcombe Esq^r in the Chair.
The Minutes of the last General Meeting were Read and Confirmed.
The several Books and Accounts were produced respecting the Affairs of the Company as directed by the Act of Parliament and Examined and Confirmed.
It appears by the Accounts that the Sum of One Thousand four hundred & seventy eight Pounds, one Shilling has been received for Tonnage from the 9^th of Octo^r last to this day, a part of which has been appropriated towards the Payment of the last Dividend other part thereof have been expended in the Payment of Debts, Wages, etc there remains a Ballance in hand of £1323..8^s 6½^d. Ordered that a Dividend of Six Pounds per Share be made on the first day of May next by the Treasurers, and that our Clerk do transmit circular Letters to those Proprietors who are absent from this Meeting to inform them that they may draw upon the Treasurers or apply to them for Payment of the same.
Ordered that M^r Benj^n Grazebrooks Barges to and from Glocester & Bristol do pass and repass the Canal till the next Half Yearly Meeting in Consideration of his paying Seventy Pounds for Tonnage and Wharfage during that time. Ordered that 4 per Cent Int^t be paid to the Rev^d M^r Ellis for the money advanced by him, and employed in the Coal Trade, in addition to the five Hundred Pounds advanced for that purpose by the Company.
Resolved that the following Gen^tn are appointed a Committee for the ensuing Year Viz:
Sir Geo Paul, Benj^n Grazebrook, Jn^o Hollings, Jos^h Grazebrook, Jos^h Cripps, Sam^l Wathen New House, Henry Burgh. Ew^d Wood, Jn^o Allaway, Will^m Sevill, Rich^d Bigland, Will^m Sevill Jun^r, Rich^d Pettat.
The Clauses inserted in the Act for making the Glocester and Berkeley Canal by agreement between Sir Geo Paul, M^r Hollings, M^r Cripps, M^r Bigland, M^r Burgh and the Proprietors of the said Glocester & Berkeley Canal being read, Resolved unanimously that we approve of the same and return our thanks to those Gentelmen for their attention to our Interest.
Resolved that a Warehouse be erected at Framiload under the direction of the Committee.