Thu 20 Jun 1793
Repairs being made to crib at Framilode.
Mr Greening's estimate for brickwork, tiling, plastering, paving of house at Dudbridge Wharf agreed. Carpenter to be asked to estimate for timber work.
Repairs, including stone drain through Mr Peach's land accepted. Warehouse at Framilode 40 feet long, 18 feet high, 10 feet inside walls, with strong beams and joists for a floor.
Hannah Beale claimed shares nos.158,159,162,163, will of Hannah Beale.
Thomas Lewis’s wages to be raised to 9s a week.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Thursday the 10^th of June 1793
Present: John Hollings, Benj^n Grazebrook, Henry Burgh, Joseph Grazebrook, Rich^d Pettat, Samuel Wathen, Will^m Sevill Jun^r.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
The Men are employed in repairing the Crib at Framiload which is very ruinous and absolutely necessary. Ordered that as soon as compleated, a sufficient Stone drain be made through M^r Peaches Ground, above the Bristol Road, to the tail of the Bristol Road Lock in order to drain the Ground Effectivally and that Communications of Thatchers Ditch with the Canal be substantialy stop'd, and the Breach in the Canal Bank, below the Ditch be repaired, and that a proper drain be made to the Culvert near the Walk Bridge. And the other Repairs be begun and proceeded in as soon as possible.
Agreed with M^r Greening for the Brick Work, Tiling, Plastering & Paving of a House at Dudbridge Wharf agreeable to the Prices delivered in his Estimate. Ordered that a Carpenter be applied to for an Estimate for the Timber Work, and that Mess^rs Hollings, Burgh & Grazebrooks, are desired to agree with him for the same. Ordered that M^r Greening do deliver an Estimate for Building a Warehouse at Framiloade 40 Feet long, 18 Feet wide in the clear, 10 Feet high in the side walls, with strong Beams and Joists for a floor.
Hannah Beale of Hyde Court Spinster attended and made out her Claim for 4 Shares N^o 158, 159, 162, 163 in the Stroudwater Navigation late the Property of Haman Beale of Hyde Court aforesaid, Widdow deceased by producing the Probate of the Will of the said Hannah Beale bearing date the 3^rd of Octo^r 1783 and duly proved by the Perogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury the 21^st of Jan^y 1793 by the said Hannah Beale Spinster sole Executrix, and the Claim is hereby admitted accordingly.
Agreed to raise Tho^s Lewis's Wages to 9^S per Week.