Minutes Tue 8 Oct 1793

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Tue 8 Oct 1793


General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £746 3s 4d. Balance £467 7s 2½d. Dividend of £3 declared.
Mr Ben Grazebrook's barges to pay £70 tonnage on canal. Mr Grazebrook to be paid for timbers.
Mr Freebury, Mr Grazebrook, Mr Smith to purchase barge.
Shed to be erected at Wallbridge wharf for teams to be protected from inclement weather.

Verbatim text

At a General Half Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Tuesday the 8^th of Octo^r 1793
Will^m Battersby Esq^r in the Chair.
The Minutes of the last General Meeting were Read and Confirmed.
The several Books and Accounts were produced respecting the Affairs of the Company as directed by the Act of Parliament and Examined and Confirmed.
It appears by the Accounts that the Sum of Seven Hundred, forty Six Pounds, three Shillings & four pence has been received for Tonnage from the 9^th of April last to this day, a part of which has been applied towards the Payment of Debts, Wages, etc, there remains with a former Ballance in the Tresurers Hands the Sum of £467..7^s..2½^d. Ordered that a Dividend of Three Pounds be made on each Share to be paid by the Treasurers the first day of January next, and that our Clerk do transmit Circular Letters to those Proprietors who are absent from this Meeting to inform them that they may draw upon the Treasurers or apply to them for Payment of the same. Ordered that M^r Benjamin Grazebrooks Barges to and from Glocester and Bristol do pass and repass the Canal till the next half Yearly Meeting in Consideration of his paying Seventy Pounds for Tonnage and Wharfage during that time, and then be given up. Ordered that M^r Grazebrooks demand upon the Company for Timber be forthwith paid.
Ordered that M^r Freebury, M^r Grazebrook & M^r Smith do immediately purchase a Barge under the Direction of the Committee.
Ordered that a Shed be erected at the Wharf at Walbridge that the several Teams that come there may be protected from the Inclemency of the Weather.

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