Minutes Wed 6 Jan 1847

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Wed 6 Jan 1847


Warings Brothers will provide crane of increased length at Dudbridge for £112 and move the old crane to Wallbridge for £53.
Mr Holbrow to request a further extension of the jib of new crane by two and a half feet.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 6th day of January 1847
Present: M^r Fred^k Eycott, G H A Beard, J H Warman, Jn^o Holbrow, Jn^o W Wood Chairman.
A Letter was read from Mess^rs Warings Brothers dated Glocester January 4th offering to make a new Crane of encreased length for the sum of £112..-..- and to erect the same including Masonry and all other work for the sum of £53 by being allowed the old Materials. And also to remove and put up the present Crane at Dudbridge on Wallbridge Wharf.
Resolved that M^r Holbrow be requested to call upon Mess^rs Warings Brothers and make the best terms he can, stipulating that the new Jib shall be two feet and a half longer than the present one at Dudbridge and to be finished with the least possible delay.

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