Minutes Wed 15 Jan 1851

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Wed 15 Jan 1851


Robt. Davies requested survey of bridge leading to his house. Planks recently laid down dangerous. Mr Driver inspected it but found it in substantial order.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 15th day of January 1851
Present: M^r Jn^o H Warman, M^r Rich^d Martin Chairman, Tho^s C Croome, Cha^s H Fisher, Fred^k Eycott, Cha^s Hooper, Will^m Fryer.
A Letter from M^r Rob^t S Davies was read requesting that Company to have a Survey made of the Bridge leading to his house as he considered the planks lately laid down made it dangerous.
M^r Driver was called in and Reported that he had examined the Bridge in company with Geo Perry and found it in substantial order.
Resolved that M^r Davies be informed thereof.
Resolved that the following Bills and Accounts be paid:
Jn^o Burbidge 2 Months Salary: £10..-..-
Tho^s Liddiatt Pargeter: 26..3..3
Edw^d Shipway Timber & Repairs: 24..18..11
Tho^s Webb Timber: 15..2..-
Sam^l Pearre pair of Mud Boots: 1..17..-
Will^m Hobbs Smith's Work: 1..16..11
Oliver Can Masonry : 1..2..1

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