Wed 9 Mar 1853
Committee willing to accept suggestions made by Thames & Severn Canal Co for a revision of tolls. They recognize the need for urgency given the anticipated opposition from the Railway Company. Early communication to Public to enable traders to decide on their course and keep trade on canal.
Charles Hobbs to be allowed 10s towards the repairs made to his oven at Stonehouse Wharf.
At a Meeting of the Committee held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 9th day of March 1853
Present: M^r G H A Beard, M^r C Hooper Chairman, Will^m Fryer, Rich^d Martin, Fred^k Eycott, T C Croome, Hen^y Harris.
M^r Croome reported that he had sent the Notice to M^r Battershall required by the resolution of the last Meeting and the matter was adjourned for the present.
Several letters were read which were addressed to M^r Hawker by M^r Taunton and M^r Prideaux on behalf of the Thames & Severn Canal Company one of which was accompanied by a copy of Resolutions passed by the Committee of that Company on the 22nd Ulto -- these were fully considered and it was Resolved Unanimously:
That this Committee is willing to meet the Suggestion thrown out by the Committee of the Thames & Severn Canal Company for a revision of Tolls between the two Companies and to consider any full and detailed statement of their Views.
It was also Resolved that the Urgency of the anticipated opposition of the Railway Company be stated to the Thames and Severn Canal Company as a reason for asking an immediate statement of their views in as much as an early Communication to the Public of any change in Tonnage is most desirable to enable the Traders to decide on their course and keep the Trade on the Canal.
Resolved That the usual Half Yearly Meeting take place on Wednesday the 27th day of April next at 2 O'Clock and that the Clerk do give the usual Notice by advertisement and that the usual Monthly Meeting of the Committee do take place at 1 O'Clock on that day.
Ordered that Ten Shillings be allowed to Cha^s Hobbs towards the repair he had made to the oven in the house at Stonehouse Wharf.
Ordered that the following Bills and Accounts be paid:
Jn^o Burbidge 2 months Salary & Candles 20.-: 11^£..-^s..^d
N Driver 1 Quarter due Mch 25^th: 18..15..-
Edwin Cooper Auditor ½ year: 7..17..6
J P Brisley Stationery: 8..1..8
H^y Dangerfield Iron^y: 1..11..6