Minutes Tue 17 Dec 1861

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Tue 17 Dec 1861


Messrs. Evans Bishop of Brimscombe Mill proposed a reduction of tonnage on coal, higher than that charged to mills above. Referred to Thames & Severn Canal Co.
Mr Andrews, Manager of United Kingdom Electric Telegraph Company, proposed to erect line of telegraph along canal to junction with G&B Canal. Company happy to lend any facility.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 17^th day of December 1861
Present: M^r C Hawker, M^r T M Croome Chairman, J H Warman, T Marling, G H A Beard, H Harris, C Hooler, C H Fisher.
A Letter was read from Mess^rs Evans Bishop of Brimscombe Mills dated 17^th Inst proposing a reduction of Tonnage on Coal carried to their Mills on the ground that it was higher than that charged to the Mills above.
Ordered that the Clerk write to them in reply referring them to the Thames & Severn Canal C^o with whom the rates had been (?) settled informing them on that account this Company cannot interfere.
A Letter was read from M^r Andrews the Manager of the United Kingdom Electric Telegraph Company sate 10^th Inst proposing to erect a line of Telegraph along this Canal to the Junction with the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal on certain terms therein mentioned.
Ordered that the Solicitor reply to the letter to the effect that this Company will be happy to lend any facilities to carry out the proposed object but as it will require consideration they will be happy to see the Secretary at their next Committee Meeting when they will be prepared to go into the matter.
Bills Ordered to be paid:
N A Partridge 1 Qrs Salary due Dec"r 24^th: 30..0..0
N Driver 1 Qrs Salary due Dec^r 24^th: 20..0..0
J Burbidge 1 Qrs Salary due Dec^r 20^th: 15..0..0
Income Tax: 65..12..6
S Rowles Stone: 36..16..6
J Nurse Hauling: 2..14..11
H Dangerfield Iron Work: 3..9..4
H Mabbett Carpenter: 2..7..7
S Harrison Mason: 1..18..8
J Cottle (?) Grate: 1..4..3
D^l Hoskins Smiths Work: -..14..1
H Howell Smiths Work: 1..7..10

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