Minutes Tue 19 Aug 1862

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Tue 19 Aug 1862


Annual inspection on Company’s Boat.
Stores in company’s premises at Chippenham Platt found to be well cared for.
Joseph Cottle, lock keeper at Dudbridge, to be paid 18s a week for additional work in attending to weighbridge and otherwise.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held on board the Company's Boat on Tuesday the 19^th day of August 1862
Present: M^r H Harris, M^r T M Croome Chairman, G H A Beard, Capt^n C H Fisher, M^r T Marling.
The Committee commenced their annual Tour of Inspection and proceeded down the Canal.
The Works generally were found to be in good order and condition. Orders were given on various points requiring the Committee's attention. The stories in the Company's premises at Chippenham Plat were inspected and found to be well taken care of by the Surveyor with whose general care and attention the Committee have reason to express themselves well satisfied.
The subject of an addition to Joseph Cottle's wages as Lock Keeper at Dudbridge in consequence of additional work being imposed on him in attending to the Weighbridge and otherwise was taken into consideration and it was ordered that he should be paid in future Eighteen Shillings a week to commence at once.
Ordered that the following bills be paid: £ s d
M^r Rich^D Berry Ironmonger: 13..3..2
J Ferrabee & C^o Castings: 5..10..0
J Apperly & C^o Castings: 3..5..2
Sam^l Ford Smith's Work: 1..14..5
G Freebury Painter: 0..9..0

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