Thu 31 Aug 1865
Surveyor’s report on drains and sewage read to be put into minute book.
Surveyor instructed to put on vaults to all privies on Company’s property now emptying into canal. All other parties named in report to be requested to put in vaults forthwith.
All parties now taking water from canal to discontinue same or enter into special agreement as to quantity to be taken. Yearly rent for use.
New foot bridge to be put in at Hilly Orchard.
Liability for repair of railway Ocean Bridge to be sought.
James Godsell King accepted as tenant of Chippenham Platt Wharf premises.
Messrs. Ford to be requested to put towing path between their mill and the bridge into good and sufficient repair.
Parties taking water from the canal:
Mr J D Hunt, Lodgemore – one pipe to supply steam engine, one to supply cattle with water;
Gas Company – pipe to supply their works;
Mr Thos Webb, Ebley – pipe to supply steam engine;
Mr Gardner, Saul – pipe taking water for general use.
Sewers and drains running into canal:
Downfield New House, belonging to Company – drain;
Dudbridge Wharf – drain from Company’s house and privy for use of wharf;
Stonehouse & Nailsworth Railway Co. Dudbridge – drain from stables and buildings;
Mrs Argent’s house, Dudbridge – water closet;
Mr Warman’s house, Ebley – ditch running from road and drain from house;
Mr Jefferies, Ebley – privy and sewage from stables;
Mr Webb, Ebley – drain from yard and ditch from road;
Mr T Eycott at Oakfields – drain from road;
Miss Brown’s house, Ryeford – drain from road;
Messrs. Ford Brothers, new house, Ryeford – drain bringing all sewage;
Mr Lewis, Ryeford – drain from house and privy;
Mr Blick, Stonehouse – ditch from road;
Company’s wharf, Stonehouse – privy and drain from house;
Mr Marling’s house, Stonehouse – privy empties into Stonehouse Ocean;
Company’s property, Eastington, Sam Critchley’s house – drain from privy, and drain from buildings, Bristol Road;
Mrs Bolton’s house – privy;
Mr Cam’s house, Saul – privy and other sewers.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Thursday the 31^st day of August 1865
Present: M^r J H Warman, C Hooper Chairman, C Hawker, J T Fisher, G H A Beard, C H Fisher, T M Croome.
The report of the Surveyor in writing was read to the Committee respecting the Drains and Sewage running into the Canal and the water taken from the Canal.
Ordered that the Clerk make a fair Copy of such report into the Minute Book.
Resolved that the Surveyor be instructed to put in vaults to all privies belonging to the Company's Property which by the above named report now empty into the Canal.
Resolved that all other parties named in the report whose privies now empty into the Canal be requested to put in vaults forthwith, and that all parties who are now taking water from the Canal be required to discontinue the same, or, enter into a special Agreement as to the quantity to be taken therefrom and pay a yearly rent for the permission for the use of the same.
Ordered that a new foot Bridge be put in at Hilly Orchard near Dudbridge.
Resolved that search be made upon whom the liability rests for the repair of the Railway Ocean Bridge.
Resolved that James Godsell King be accepted to succeed Sam^l Critchley as Tenant of the Chipenham Plat Wharf premises and land now occupied by him - such Tenancy to commence on the 29^th of September next on the same terms as now let.
Resolved that Mess^rs Ford be requested to put the Towing path between their Mill and the Bridge in good and sufficient repair.
Copy of Surveyors Report of all Parties taking water from the Canal and of all Sewers and Drains emptying into the Canal:
Parties taking water from the Canal
M^r J D Hunt Lodgemore one pipe to supply Steam Engine and one to supply cattle with water.
Gas Company a pipe to supply their works.
M^r Tho^s Webb Ebley a pipe to supply Steam Engine.
M^r Gardner, Saul, a pipe taking water from the canal for general use.
Sewers and Drains running into the Canal
Downfield New House belonging to the Company: Drain.
Dudbridge Wharf: Drain from the Company's House and a privy for the use of the Wharf.
Stonehouse & Nailsworth Railway Company Dudbridge: Drain from Stables and buildings.
M^rs Argent's House Dudbridge: Water closet.
M^r Warman's House Ebley: Ditch running from the road and Drain from House.
M^r Jefferies Ebley: Privy and Sewage from Stables.
M^r Webb Ebley: Drain from Yard and Ditch from Road.
M^r F Eycott's House at Oakfield: Drain from Road.
Miss Brown's House at Oakfield: Drain from Road.
Mess^rs Ford Brothers Ryeford Premises: Drain from Privy in garden above the Bridge.
Mess^rs Ford Brothers New House Ryeford: Drain bringing all the Sewage.
M^r Lewis Ryeford: Drain from House and privy.
M^r Blick Stonehouse: Ditch from Road.
Company's Wharf Stonehouse: Privy and Drain from House.
M^r H Marling's House Stonehouse: Privy emptied into Stonehouse Ocean.
Company's property Eastington: Sam^l Critchley's House: Drain from Privy also Drain form Buildings Bristol Road.
M^rs Bolton's House: Privy. Company's property at Bristol Road.
M^r Cam's House, Saul: Privy and other Sewers.
Bills ordered to be paid: £ s d
M^r J H Warman - Law Expenses: 211..5..6
H Howell - Smith's Work: 6..7..10
General Assemblies: 7..10..5
T Webb - Timber: 10..3..6
T G Matthews & C^o - Oil: 2..18..0
B Brewer - Smith's Work: 1..4..0
O Cam - Mason: 2..8..11
J Burrows - Paint: 0..14..3
B Butt - Plumber: 0..8..4
W^m Hobbs Ironmonger: 0..18..0