Fri 3 Nov 1882
Cheque for £215 be drawn for Messrs Little & Mills as Parliamentary expenses in opposing the Thames & Severn (Railway Bill) and the Midland Railway Co’s (Additional Powers) Bill.
Clerk to write to Messrs Ford Bros in respect of their failure to draw up the flood gates at Ryeford Mill during the present floods, which led to flooding of the towpath between the Double Locks and Ryeford and to the Company’s property being damaged, and to state that they will be held responsible for any damage the Company might sustain in future as a result of failure to draw up the floodgates to their fullest extent.
Chairman reported the meeting called by the Sharpness New Docks Co at their office at Gloucester with the representatives of the Associated Canal Companies on the 3 November. The meeting was called to consider the correspondence between Mr Waddy and Mr Taunton in respect of future management of the T&S Canal and to determine what further steps should be taken in the matter when resolutions were passed that Parliamentary Notice should be forthwith given of the intention of the Associated Companies to provide a Bill next Session for powers to take over the T&S Canal. Another meeting of the representatives to be held before any further step be taken.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Friday the 3^rd day of November 1882 @ 4,o,clock pm
Present: Mr G H A Beard Chairman, Mr Mills, Mr Marling, Mr Jno Howard, Mr E C Little.
[52] Proposed by Mr Beard and seconded by Mr Marling that a cheque for £215 be drawn for Messrs Little & Mills on account of Parliamentary Expenses incurred in opposing the Thames and Severn (Railway Bill) and the Midland Railway Cos {Additional Powers) Bill.
[7] Mr Marling stated that owing in a great measure to Messrs Ford Bros not drawing up the flood gates at Ryeford Mill during the recent floods the Cos Towing path between the Double Locks and Ryeford has been flooded by the water from the Brook and the Cos property thereby damaged.
The Clerk was accordingly instructed to write to Messrs Ford Bros calling their attention to the Flooding of the Towing path, and to state that they would be held responsible for any damage the Company may sustain in future by any neglect in drawing up the flood gates to their fullest extent whenever the sate of the stream might require it.
[5] The Chairman (Mr Beard) reported that on Friday the 3^rd November he attended with Mr Mills and the Clerk a Meeting of the representatives of the associated Canal Cos called by the Sharpness New Docks Co and held at the office at Gloucester for the purpose of Considering the correspondence that had passed between Mr Waddy and Mr Taunton respecting the future management of the T&S Canal and to determine what further steps should be taken in the matter, when resolutions were passed that Parliamentary Notice should be forthwith give on the intention of the associated Cos to promote a Bill next Session for powers to take over the Thames and Severn Canal. Another Meeting of the representatives to be held before any further step was taken.
Meeting at Canal Office Gloucester
Nov 3^rd 1882
Present: Representing.
Sharpness New Dock Co: Mr Clegram Superintendent, Mr Waddy Secretary, Mr Riddiford Solicitor.
Stroudwater Navigation Co: Mr Beard Chairman, Mr Snape Secretary, Mr Mills Solicitor.
Severn Commissioners: Mr Marten Engineer.
Staffordshire & Worcester Canal: Mr Jones Manager, Mr Marten Engineer.
Wilts and Berks Canal: Mr Dixon Director and Managing Lessee.
Mr Clegram voted to the Chair.
Mr Clegram explained object of the Meeting and read correspondence. The Representation present Resolved that it is desirable that further action should be taken to secure the objects for which their respective navigations opposed the Thames & Severn Railways Bill and the Midland Railway Bill of last session.
That the only efficient course appears to be, to give notice of an application to Parliament to carry out the scheme agreed on in February 1882.
The Representatives of the Severn Commission and the Staffordshire and Worcester Canal desired to consult their respective bodies before committing them to any expense in reference to the application.
Subject thereto it is _Resolved_ that notice be given of an application as above mentioned.
That before nay Bill be deposited a further Meeting be called.
[Printed copy of Notice pasted onto page 362.-]