Tue 19 Mar 1889
Interview between Sir W H Marling and General Manager and Solicitor of Great Western Railway Co, 21 February. Property in hands of Judgment creditors could not be included in purchase of Thames and Severn Canal Co. Negotiation collapsed.
Agreement with Stroud Water Co for laying pipes over Stonehouse Cross Canal Bridge.
Peter Daniel’s allowance of 10s per week continued.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge Office on Tuesday the 19^th day of March 1889 at 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr J Howard, Mr C H Hooper, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr E P Little.
[26] Ordered that the next Committee Meeting be held on Tuesday the 23^rd day of April next at 3,o,clock pm and the General Half-Yearly Meeting on the same day at 3.30 pm,
[44] The Chairman informed the Committee that hem with Sir W H Marling and Mr Mills, had an interview with the General Manager and Solicitor of the G W Rly on the 21^st February referred to in the Minutes of the last Meeting when the latter stated that some of the Property comprised in the Schedule supplied some time since to the Committee was in the hands of judgment Creditors and could not be included in any negociation for purchase of the Thames & Severn Canal and as this excepted property was that which the Committee would have naturally hoped to recoup to an important extent the necessary repair outlay of the Canal the negociation for purchase thereby virtually collapsed.
[54 & 12] The claim of Messrs Marling & C^o Limited for the damage done to their boiler was discussed and a demur being made by the Committee to its allowance, the matter was deferred for further consideration at the next Meeting.
[37] The Seal of the Company was affixed to the Agreement with the Stroud Water C^o for laying pipes over Stonehouse Cross Canal Bridge.
[7] Peter Daniel's allowance of 10/- per week was continued until next Meeting.