Tue 16 Jul 1889
Claim of 5s p.a. on Mr Sibly for use of water from canal to his new boat house at Stonehouse. Paid year’s rent in advance.
The Clerk produced a plan of piece of ground adjoining Midland Railway main line at Stonehouse proposed to be purchased from Trustees of Stonehouse Court Estate. Sir W H Marling, on behalf of Trustees, requested tracing preparatory to their naming a price for it.
Z Whiting to occupy new stable at Eastington Wharf at annual rent of £3. Cost of stable £56 2s 4d.
Offering for sale on 26 July of Bell Inn, Stroud, and other property of Thames & Severn Canal Co, noted, which had been subject of negotiation with Great Western Railway Co. Mr Hamilton Mills to write to Board of Trade to prevent sale.
-Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 16^th day of July 1889 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Major Fisher, Mr E P Little, Mr C H Hooper, Mr W Davies, Mr G H A Beard, Mr H H Mills, Mr E F Gyde, Mr W J Stanton, Sir W H Marling Bart (late).
[31] The Clerk stated that he had made a claim of 5/- per Annum upon Mr Sibly for the use of water from the Canal to his new Boat house at Stonehouse, who had consented and paid one years rent in advance.
[11] The had has seen the County Surveyor regarding the Ebley Culvert, who said he would ring the matter before the County Council.
[23] He also produced a plan of the piece of ground adjoining the Midland Railway (Main Line) at Stonehouse proposed to be purchased of the Trustees of the Stonehouse Court Estate, of which Sir W H Marling on behalf of the Trustees requested a tracing preparatory to their naming a price for it.
[2 & 31] The New Stable at Eastington wharf having been finished an Agreement for its occupation by Z Whiting at an Annual rent of £3 was ordered to be prepared and executed. The Cost of the Stable £56..2..4 was ordered to be paid out of the Reserve Fund and a cheque was drawn accordingly.
[44] The attention of the Committee was directed to the advertised offering for sale on the 26^th inst of the Bell Inn Stroud and other property of the Thames and Severn Canal Co and as this property had with other property of the Company formed the subject of negociation with the Great Western Railway Company in October last, Mr Hamilton Mills was instructed to write to the Board of Trade with a view if possible to prevent the Sale.