Tue 22 Oct 1889
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £1125 7s 6d. After wages, etc, profit £475 16s 3d. Dividend of £2 5s declared.
Chairman met Mr Knowles and inspected land at Stonehouse belonging to Trustees of Stonehouse Court Estate. Land including 16 willow trees £107. Canal Company erecting and maintaining a fence. Part of larger piece approached from public road over Canal Company land. Purchase to be effected without delay.
List of persons habitually taking water from canal received from Clerk.
2 flannel coats and one pair of water boots for use of lock keepers and mudmen.
At a General Half-Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroud Water Navigation held at their office at Wallbridge on Tuesday teh 22^nd day of October @ 3.30pm
E C Little Esq Chairman.
The Minutes of the Committee since the last General Meeting were approved and confirmed.
[1 & 26] It appears that the sum of £1125..7..6 has been received from the 1^st day of April 1889 to the 1^st day of October 1889 and a balance brought forward from the last Half-Year (after payment of Dividend) of £20..6..5 making a total of £1145..13..11 of which sum £669..17..8 has been applied towards payment of wages, disbursements, etc (including a sum of £146..18..3 tonnage paid to the Thames & Severn Canal Co0 and there remains in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of £475..16..3 available for Dividend.
[13] Ordered that a Dividend of £2..5..0 on each share be declared payable on the 1^st day of May* next free of Income Tax carrying forward a balance of £25..16..3 to the next Half-Years Account.
The sum of £231..3..2 in the hands of the Treasurer stands to the Credit of the "Reserve Fund".
[23] The Chairman reported that he had met Mr Knowles of Stonehouse and inspected with him the piece of land belonging to the Trustees of the Stonehouse Court Estate and had subsequently received from Mr Knowles his valuation which the Chairman now handed to the Committee from which it appears Mr Knowles valued the piece of land including 18 Willow trees growing thereon at £107, the Canal Company erecting and maintaining a fence to divide the land from the remainder. The valuation expressed that the land formed part of a larger piece and was approached from the Public road over land of the Canal Co by permission of the owners revocable by three months notice form such Co. It was agreed that the purchase of the land should be effected without delay on the basis of the valuation and instructions were given to the Solicitor of the Co accordingly.
[50] The Clerk handed the Committee a list of persons habitually taking water from the Canal in accordance with the directions of the last Meeting. The consideration of it was postponed.
[11] The matter of the Ebley Culvert in connection with the Stroud Sanitary Authority & the Highway Authorities was discussed.
[7] Orders were given for 2 flannel coats & one pair of Water boots for the use of the Lock keepers and Mud men.
Cheques drawn;
H H Mills Esq: 7..10..0
F Sturge: 5..5..0
[Subtotal] £12..5..0
H H Mills Esq "Legal a/c" 1..11..0
[Total] £14..6..0
* Dividend probably paid 1st November.