Tue 17 Dec 1889
Licence of all persons taking canal water: annual charge payable in advance; any person taking water without a licence liable to be proceeded against; no pipe to be laid into canal without written permission of Company surveyor.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 17^th day of December 1889 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr C H Hooper, Mr E P Little, Sir W H Marling Bart.
[50] The Committee considered the suggestion that a charge should be made on persons habitually using the Canal water and the Chairman stated that he had gone through the list of the occupiers of houses or property adjoining the Canal and had marked on it the sum he considered should be charged to each. This was discussed, and having been modified and agreed to, the form of circular or license was then settled and directions given to the Clerk to have it printed, and a copy deliver to such occupiers.
The following was the form of Circular approved of:
Stroudwater Navigation Company
[50] The attention of the Committee has been directed to the habitual use of Canal Water by the occupiers of houses or property adjoining the Canal, and to the dissatisfaction which has arisen from some persons being charged when others have not. The Committee have therefore resolved upon making a small charge on all persons taking Canal Water, and Notice is hereby given that every such person will be required on and after the 1^st January next to take out a licence for that purpose at the Canal Office Wallbridge, near Stroud.
The annual charge in your case will be ____ for each year or part of any year, payable in advance.
Any person taking the Canal water without a licence will be liable to be proceeded against.
Under no circumstances must a pipe be laid into the Canal without the written permission of the Company's Surveyor.
By Order
Canal Office, Wallbridge
December 17^h 1889
Cheques drawn:
1889 £ s d
Dec 17 Stroud Hospital: 2..2..0
Dec 24 W^m James Snape: 37..10..0
Dec 24: M N Peyton: 10..8..0
[Total] £50..0..0