Minutes Tue 18 Mar 1890

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Tue 18 Mar 1890


Revd John Wood claimed shares nos.69,187,192, will of Catherine Wood, survivor in a joint account with Henry Eycott Wood and Charles Jacomb.
Osier setts planted by Mr Sibly by canal side at Stonehouse a manifest trespass. Letter to him.
Meeting between Mr Snape and Mr Meredith, engineer of Midland Railway Company Co. at Ryeford. In construction of sluices which Mr Scarborough was going to put at mouth of culvert sufficient provision made for flood water that might overflow to injury of canal towing paths.
Ditch at bottom of Midland railway embankment adjoining pasture ground recently purchased by Company at Stonehouse for deposit of mud cleaned out and an old trunk removed.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 18^th March 1890 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr W J Stanton, Mr E P Little, Mr E F Gyde.
[26] Ordered that the next Committee Meeting be held on Tuesday teh 22^nd day of April nex at 3 o'clock pm and the General Half Yearly Meeting on the same day at 3,30 pm.
[35] Edward Palling Little of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Solicitor attended on behalf of and under a written Authority from the Rev^d John Wood of Wolverton Vicarage in the County of Buckingham Clerk in Holy Orders Surviving Executor of the will of Catherine Wood late of Wolverton aforesaid Widow deceased who died on teh 12^th day of December 1889 and who at the time of her death as survivor in a joint account with Henry Eycott Wood and Charles Jacomb held three shares numberd 69, 187 and 192 respectively and made out his claim to the said three shares of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation now standing in the names of the said Catherine Wook Henry Eycott Wood an Charles Jacomb in the books of the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation by producing the tickets or titles of the said three shares and the Probate of the will of the said Catherine Wood deceased the said will bearing date the 6^th day of November 1874 and proved in the Principal Probate Registry of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice on the 16^th day of January 1890. Certificates of the deaths of Henry Eycott Wod and Charles Jacombe respectively having been produced and also a Memorandum of Indemnity dated the 14^th day of March 1890 from the said John Wood indemnifying the Company against all liability by reason of the said shares being registered in the name of the said John Wood and certificates thereof being issued to him
And the Claim was admitted accordingly & new tickets or titles ordered to be made out.
[21] With reference to payment by the Stroud Gas Co for the water taken from the Canal, the Company's Solicitor Mr Hamilton Mills was requested to attend the next Meeting of that Board of Directors.
[7] Mr Snape reported that he had observed Osier Setts planted by Mr Sibly by the Canal side at Stonehouse (in the water) a manifest trespass.
He was therefore instructed to draw Mr Sibly's attention to this by a letter, the terms of which should be first approved by the Company's Solicitor.
[7] Mr Snape reported that he had met Mr Meredith Engineer to the Midland Railway Co in the premises at Ryeford, and found that in the construction of the Sluices, etc, which Mr Scarborough informed him he was going to put at the Mouth of the Culvert for his own arrangements, sufficient provision is being made for giving vent to any flood water that might otherwise have overflowed to the injury of the Canal towing path.
[7] Mr Snape further reported that he had seen Mr Meredith (Midland Railway Engineer) as to the ditch at the bottom of the Midland Railway Embankment, adjoining the piece of pasture ground recently purchased by the Co at Stonehouse for the deposit of mud, and that the ditch has been cleaned out and an old trunk removed.
Cheques drawn:
W^m James Snape: 37..10..0
M N Peyton: 10..8..0
{Total] £48..18..0

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