Tue 19 Jan 1892
Mr Daniels of Stonehouse claimed compensation on loss of horse alleged to have died after slipping into canal when dragging ice boat. No liability but £3 3s as gift in sympathy.
Solicitor to prepare agreement for permission to Messrs Hooper & Co. to put 3 inch pipe by side of Roving Bridge to convey water to Bond’s Mill at 10s p.a. from 20 December.
E. Harris, coal merchant at Bristol Road Wharf, to take Company’s house occupied by Mrs R Williams, also portion of wharf. Rent £12 12s p.a. from 25 December.
Oliver Sittington, old servant of Company 73 ill. Full wages for fortnight and 5s a week till next meeting.
Report of sub-committee on Classification of Traffic & Schedule of Tolls approved.
Work on catch pits to be done.
Canal to be measured from Ordnance sheets by Mr Moore of Gloucester.
Seal of Company to Classification of Merchandise and Schedule of Tolls for submission to Board of Trade.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 19^th day of January at 3 o'clock pm 1892
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr E P Little, Mr J Howard, Mr F Gyde, Mr W Davies, Sir William H Marling Bart.
No application having been made for the taking of the house at Dudbridge wharf, the Clerk was directed to repeat the advertisement for letting in the Stroud papers.
Mr Daniels of Stonehouse attended the Committee in support of a claim he had made for compensation in the loss of a horse which he alledged had died in consequence of slipping into the Canal when employed in dragging the Ice Boat. The Committee informed him they were in no respect liable for the loss he had incurred, but by way of shewing their sympathy directed a payment to be made to him of £3..3..0 as a voluntary gift.
[Messrs Hooper & Co Water pipe] The Solicitor of the Company was requested to prepare an agreement for granting permission to Messrs Hooper & C^o to put a 3 inch pipe by the side of the Roving Bridge to convey water to Bond's Mill at 10/- a year from 25^th December 1891.
E Harris, Coal Merchant at Bristol Road wharf having offered to take the Company's house now occupied by M^rs R Williams off her hand, his application was approved of and an agreement was ordered to be prepared accordingly also to include a portion of wharf now in his occupation, to whole to be taken at a rent of £12..12..0 per annum from the 25^th December 1891.
Oliver Sitlington an old servant of the Company and, aged 73, being ill and having been so for a fortnight his full wages for the fortnight were directed to be allowed and 5/- a week until the next Meeting when the matter would be further considered.
The Sub-Committee appointed at the Meeting on the 15^th December last to consider the Classification of Traffic and Schedule of Tolls, etc, reported to this Meeting the result of their deliberations which was approved of.
A letter from Mr Colchester Wemyss was read respecting the Catch pits, and Sir William Marling stated that the matter had been considered by the Highway Committee of the County Counci., and that the work was ordered to be done.
The length of the Canal was ordered to be measured, for the Ordnance sheets by M^r Moore of Gloucester and an order was given to affix the Seal of the Company to the Classification of Merchandise and Schedule of Tolls, etc, for submission to the Board of Trade.