Minutes Tue 21 Feb 1893

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Tue 21 Feb 1893


Captain Meadows’ offer of £1 10s for damage to Wallbridge towing path accepted.
Mr Snape to write to clerk of Stroud Local Board for water connection to be made to Ship Inn, Wallbridge.
Mr Mills to see Secretary of Canal Association over committee’s fears regarding the canal schedules and rates the Board of Trade might adopt.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 21^st day of February 1893 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr Jno Howard, Mr C H Hooper, Mr E P Little, Mr W^m Davies.
It was resolved that Capt Meadow's offer of £1..10,..0 for damage done to the Wallbridge Towing path door be accepted.
Mr Snape was directed to write to the Clerk to the Stroud Local Board asking for water connection to be made to the Ship Inn Wallbridge.
A discussion took place with regard to the Canal Schedules and the rates which it was feared the Board of Trade might adopt with regard to our Canal, and Mr Hamilton Mills was requested to see the Secretary of the Canal Association on the subject.

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