Minutes Tue 22 Oct 1901

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Tue 22 Oct 1901


Resolved to refuse all applications for leave to ride bicycles on towing path.
Thomas Davis to be summoned for breach of Company’s bye-laws unless he expressed regret and signed undertaking not to commit offence again.
New bridge at Gas Works required. Clerk suggested carriage bridge instead of spindle bridge. To obtain detailed estimate and estimate of repairing Bond’s Mill Bridge.
Resolved to have town water laid on to two cottages at Downfield if tenants agreed to pay rates.
Telephone laid on to office.
Messrs S J Dudbridge appointed auditors to Company in place of Mr Stephen of Dudbridge.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 22^nd day of October 1901
Present: Mr H Hamilton Mills Chairman, Mr A B Hooper, Mr F A Little, Mr W Davies, Mr E P Little, Mr A J M Ball, Mr S S Marling.
The various accounts, Books and Vouchers signed by the Auditor and certified to be correct were produced and passed.
The Treasurers Book was produced examined & signed by the Chairman.
[Bicycles] It was resolved to refuse all applications which had been received for leave to ride bicycles on the Towing Path.
Edward Hills report as to Thomas Davis having passed through the Dudbridge Top Lock without opening both gates was read and it was decided to leave the matter in the hands of the Solicitor with instructions to have Davis summoned for breach of the Company's Bye-Laws unless he expressed regret and signed an undertaking not to commit the offence again.
The Clerk reported that a new Bridge at the Gas Works was required and he suggested a carriage bridge instead of a spindle bridge as hitherto. He was directed to obtain a detailed estimate of the cost of a carriage bridge and submit it at the next Meeting. He as also directed to furnish an estimate of repairing Bonds Mill Bridge.
It was resolved to have the Town water laid on to the two Cottages at Downfield provided the tenants would agree to pay the rates.
The Clerk reported that the Telephone had been laid on to the Office.
Messrs S J Dudbridge & Sons were appointed Auditors to the Company in place of Mr Stephen J Dudbridge.

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