Minutes Tue 21 Feb 1905

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Tue 21 Feb 1905


Many byelaws of Company out of date. Remodelling of whole of byelaws to be done by solicitors.
Repairs of Canal House, Eastington, completed. Mr Smith’s tenancy to commence on 24 February.
Chain of Wallbridge crane not reliable. Clerk to remove it.
Clerk to make another application to Stroud Rural District Council for 1s due for easement at Dudbridge for ventilation of Council’s sewer.
Clerk to make enquiries as to periodical inspection and certification of Company’s weighing machines.

Verbatim text

[1905 February.] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 21^st day of February 1905 @ 3' o'clock. pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr P J Evans, Mr W Davies, Mr E P Little, Mr F A Little, Sir W H Marling Bart. Mr. Whittingham, Solicitor, in attendance.
[Bye-laws.] It was decided to take advantage of the necessity for additional Bye Laws respecting Cycling etc, to remodel the whole of the Bye Laws of the Company, many of which are out of date, and the following Resolution was unanimously passed, with a view to enabling the Solicitors to submit , at as early a date as possible, a preliminary draft of them to the Board of Trade.
'That the Solicitors of the Company (with the assistance of the Clerk) be requested to draft a complete Set of Bye Laws, embodying all that remain effective of those now existing, and adding such further bye-laws as present circumstances have been found to require, especially the trespass of cycles on the Towing Paths. And that the Solicitors be requested when the draft of the Bye Laws has been completed by them, to hand such to the Clerk that he may pass it round the Members of the Committee for their criticism, in advance of their next Meeting.
[Canal House Eastington] The Clerk reported the necessary interior repairs at the Canal House, Eastington, completed, and M^r.Smith's tenancy to commence the 24^th inst.
[Wallbridge Wharf repairs. Nat. Tel. C^o & Stroud Gas C^o] A letter from the National Telephone Company as to repairs of Wallbridge Wharf, was read, and it remains only for the Stroud Gas Company to arrange their share of the necessary work, and see it executed.
[Crane. Wallbridge] The Clerk was instructed to remove the Chain of the Wallbridge Crane, as it is recognised as not reliable.
[Stroud Rural District Council 1/- rent.] The Clerk was directed to make another application to the Stroud Rural District Council for the 1/- due June last on account the the 'Easement' at Dudbridge, for ventilation of the Councils Sewer.
[Glos. C.C. T&S Canal Contribution £154..12..3] An application from the Gloucestershire County Council for £150 due under sec 44 of the Thames and Severn Canal Trust Act 1895 - and for £4..12..3 under sec's 45 & 46 of the same Act was submitted and approved, and the Cheque for £154..12..3 was _ordered_ to be drawn.
[Weighing Machines.] The Clerk was directed to make enquiries as to a periodical inspection and certification of the Company's Weighing Machines.

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