Minutes Wed 16 Jun 1937

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Wed 16 Jun 1937


To Let notice erected at Dudbridge Wharf House.
Mr Wiggall to rent warehouse as well as small portion of wharf for £8 p.a. Allowed to use the remainder of the wharf for a week as a fairground providing it did not disturb or annoy neighbours.
Strachan & Co to be offered portion of Wallbridge Wharf from the Lodgemore Mill wall to a point near the footbridge over the Frome for £150, and a permanent right of way for £100.
Company not responsible for damage to water service pipe at Old Ship Inn premises at Wallbridge.

Verbatim text

[1937 June] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 16^th day of June 1937 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, R J C Little.
There being only three Members of the Committee present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Dock House at Eastington
Mr Hooper reported that the repairs had been satisfactorily carried out.
Canal, Severn and Canal Carrying Coy
Awaiting development.
Dudbridge Wharf House & premises
The Clerk reported that a "To Let" notice had been erected on these premises.
Dudbridge Warehouse & Wharf, M^r Wiggall
It was reported that Mr Wiggall had agreed to rent the Warehouse and a small portion of the Wharf @ £8..0..0 a year rent, and would sign the Company's Agreement, and pay for it.
After discussion the Committee decided that Mr Wiggall be informed that the could only let him the use of the remainder of the Wharf for a week end for a fairground on condition that he did not sublet or do anything to cause disturbance or annoyance to the neighbours, and if he agreed to this an Agreement could be signed on these conditions.
Dudbridge Wharf premises
Mr Hooper reported that he had inspected these premises and that the roof of the Warehouse let to Mr Perks, had been pulled down and the (?) end of the stabling adjoining had been rebuilt. Mr Hooper suggested that the premises be left in this state for the present as Mr Perks will give up the premises on the 24^th June.
Wallbridge Wharf, Messrs Strachan & Coy
After discussion the Committee decided to offer Messrs Strachan & Coy the portion of Wallbridge Wharf from the Lodgemore Mill wall to a point near the footbridge over the Frome for £150, and to grant them a permanent right of way for an additional £100.
Thames & Severn Canal
The Clerk was directed to send any books, etc, that may belong to the County Council to the Shire Hall, Gloucester.
Whiting, Letter from County Surveyor
A letter was read from the County Surveyor as to the employment of Whiting by this Navigation. After discussion the Chairman undertook to write a reply thereto.
Old Shi Inn Premises at Wallbridge: Damaged Water Service pipe
In reply to a letter from M^r Pearce the Clerk was instructed to say that this Company can accept no responsibility.
Next Meeting
Ordered that the next Meeting of the Committee be held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 28^th July 1937 @ 4 o'clock pm and the General Half Yearly Meeting @ 4.30 on same day.
January 1^st 1937 to 16^th June 1937: 34..17..7
January 1^st 1936 to 16^th June 1936: 25..17..6.
For the month of May 1937: 5..12..4
For the month of May 1936: 3..10..11.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd, Stroud
1937: 138..19..2
1936: 409,..8..7.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
S Hopson, Buildings: 5..1..10


Letter from Cheltenham and District Billposting Co inserted in book between pages 46 and 47.

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