Minutes Wed 15 Apr 1942

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Wed 15 Apr 1942


Christopher Smith appointed Lockkeeper.
Mr Daniels could use his boat as far as Long Pound for £1 p.a.
Stroud Urban District Council have taken over Messrs Jackson’s tenancy of warehouse and other facilities at Dudbridge Wharf.
Stroud District Water Board proposed placing pipe in towpath at Stonehouse.

Verbatim text

[1942 April] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 15^th day of April 1942 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, G A Evans, Henry R Hooper.
There being only three Members of the Committee present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Gashouse Bridge, Damage, Messrs Mowlem & Coy
The Clerk had telephoned Messrs Cross & Hall of Frampton Mansell who informed that they had the keys to Messrs Mowlem's Office but had no business connection with the them. The Committee directed that a letter be sent to Messrs Mowlem's London Office.
Hoffman Gloucester Ltd: Pipe at Stonehouse
The Chairman reported progress.
Wallbridge Wharf, M^r Hopson Tenant, Trespass
The Clerk reported that he had med Mr Alderton on the spot. M^r Alderton would see what could be done to stop the trespass.
Canal at Eastington, Lockkeeper
The Clerk reported that Mrs Whit had been informed that the Committee had to consider what arrangements are to be made in connection with the duties at the Lock, and that she would be informed as soon as any decision is come to. The Committee agreed to the appointment of Christopher Smith as lockkeeper. The Chairman undertook to settle a letter to be sent to Mrs White.
Messrs B J Hooper, Small boat on Canal at Ebley
Messrs Hooper had paid 10^s/- licence for one year in advance from the 25^th March last.
M^r F W Daniels, Pleasure Boat on the Canal at Dudbridge
A letter from Mr Daniels was read. It was agreed to allow him to land his boat at Stonehouse Wharf at an inclusive charge of £1 a year including use of the "Long Pound".
Saul Bridge, South Gloucestershire Internal Drainage Board Damage
A letter was read from the Clerk of the Board. After discussion the Committee directed that a letter be written, without prejudice, to the Board agreeing to accept £18.
Stroud Urban District Council, Dudbridge Wharf
A notice had been received from the Stroud Council stating that they had taken over the remainder of the premises included in Messrs Jacksons' tenancy.
Stroud District Water Board, Proposed pipe in Towing path at Stonehouse
The Chairman produced a letter and plan received by the Company's Solicitors from the Clerk of the Board. After discussion the matter was left to the Chairman.
Cash A/c: £ s d
April 15^th 1942 Overdrawn: 15..1..1
April 15^th 1941 In credit: 61..7..10.
January 1^st 1942 to April 15^th 1942 (Moorage): 1..12..0
January 1^st 1941 to April 15^th 1941: 2..6..2.
Cheques drawn:
Committee Expenses: 1..12..6
P G Snape £ s d
Stroud District Water Board, Lockhouse at Eastington half year commencing 1^st April 1942: 0..14..0
James & Owen, Stationery: 0..8..3
South Gloucetershire Internal Drainage Board Drainage Rate year ending 31/3/42, Lockhouse & garden at Framilode: 0..5..0
Gloucestershire County Council, two years rent drain to Wallbridge Pound, - to 29/9/41: 0..1..0
[Total] £1..5..3

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