Wed 19 Jul 1922
Continuation from page 73
Mr Sully’s Association in conjunction with Mine Owners Association of Great Britain were fighting Railway Company. Any reduction to be made on a national basis. Increase of rates already reduced from from 100% to 75% and flat rate from 6d to 3d. Very shortly increase reduced by further 25% making 50% above pre-war. Flat rate abolished. Truck hire would not pay at 6d. Company should get its own trucks. Confident of a profit. He considered 1½d sufficient for tipping charges. Wants Company to put pressure on Berkeley Canal as they use their men at odd times for this work so costs practically nil. With these reductions total cost of delivery to Sharpness approx 2s 0¾d as against 3s 6½d at present time. Other costs Canal charges, Boat Owners’ charges and profits. Suggestion of endeavour to get reductions in both. Decision to lay case before Canal Association.
Notice of intended stoppage of the canal 3-19 August to renew and repair middle gates, paddles etc. at the Double Locks.
Mr Sully said his association in conjunction with the Mine Owner's Association of Great Britain were fighting the Railway Company all they possibly could, and that any reduction in the rate between the Colliery and Sharpness would have to be made on a National Basis as no individual bargains can be made under present conditions. He stated that the increase of the rates had already been reduced from 100% to 75% and the flat rate from 6^d to 3^d., He anticipates that very shortly the increase will be reduced by a further 25% making 50% above pre-war, and that the flat rate wil be abolished altogether.
With regard to truck hire, He stated that this would not pay at 6^d. We told him that unless they were prepared to di it at this figure we should get our own trucks, and that we were confident we could make a profit.
With regard to the tipping charges, He considered that 1½^d might be quite sufficient, and he wants us to put some pressure on the Berkeley Canal. He understands that they use their men at odd times to do this work and therefore the cost of them is practicably nil. If we can get these reductions the total cost of delivery to Sharpness will be 2/0¾ made up as follows: s d
Owners rate: 11½
50% increase: 5¾
Truck hire: 6
Tipping: 1½
2..0¾ against 3/6½ at present time.
The other points in the cost are the Canal Charges, and the Boat Owners Charges and profits. He suggested that we should endeavour to get reductions in both these.
It was decided to lay the case before the Canal Association & get their advise and help.
Notice had been exhibited of an intended stoppage of the Canal from Aug 3 to 19 in order to renew and repair the Middle Gates, paddles, etc, at the Double Locks.
The A/cs for the past half year were discussed and it was decided to recommend a Dividend of 10^s/- per share less Income Tax payable on August 1^st.
It was agreed to have no Committee Meeting during August.