Minutes Wed 18 Oct 1922

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Wed 18 Oct 1922


Estimates from Henry Workman Ltd of Woodchester, £35 8s 9d (about 7s 1d per ft cube), and the Ryeford Saw Mills Co, £27 9s 9d (about 5/11 per ft cube) ,for oak deck plank for swing bridge at Bond’s Mill, Eastington. Ryeford Saw Mills Co.’s tender accepted.
Canal Committee of County Council had previously decided not to dispose of any of canal property. Not likely to alter this opinion.
Clerk to proceed with piling and sheeting of canal bank against river in Framilode Pound which had given way about 30 feet. New piles about £3. Needs some 2 inch elm sheeting to complete work.
All cheques drawn at meetings to be entered in Minute Book.
Clerk to obtain comparative cost of pitch pine and oak balance poles for renewal of balance pole on outside bottom gate of bottom lock at Dudbridge.

Verbatim text

[1922 18^th Oct] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th October 1922 @ 3.20 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Edward P Little, W R Bloxam, R J C Little, W^m Davies, Philip Jas Evans, Gd Evans, S S Marling, J R Morton Ball.
Swing Bridge at Bond's Mill, Eastington.
Estimates had been obtained from Messrs Henry Workman Ltd of Woodchester and The Ryeford Saw Mils C^o for the Oak deck plank for this bridge.
Messrs Henry Workman's estimate amounted to £35..8..9 (about 7/1 per foot cube) and The Ryeford Saw Mills Coy's estimate amounted to £27..19..9 (about 5.11 per foot cube). It was decided to accept The Ryeford Saw Mills Cos Estimate.
A letter dated 11^th October 1922 had been received from the Clerk of the County Council stating, that the Canal Committee of the County Council had, on previous occasions, decided not to dispose of any of the Canal property, the matter would be before the Committee at their next Meeting, but he thought they would not alter their opinion.
The Chairman stated he had instructed the Clerk to proceed with the piling and sheeting of the Canal bank against the River in Framilode Pound which had given way for about 30 feet. The cost of new piles would be about £3..-, but it might be found necessary to obtain some two inch Elm sheeting to complete the work. This was confirmed.
The Chairman proposed and Mr E P Little seconded that all Cheques drawn at the Meetings should be entered in the minute book of the Committee.
With regard to the renewal of the Balance Pole, on the outside bottom gate of the bottom lock at Dudbridge, the Clerk was instructed to obtain comparative cost of Pitch Pine and Oak Balance Poles, and to report to the Chairman, who should deal with the matter before the next Meeting.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Heelas A H Grant: 2..13..2
Ryeford Saw Mills C^o: 1..8..6
Powell, G F J: 3..3..7
Post Master General: 3..10..3.
The Tonnage for the period July 1^st to Oct 17^th was £379..10..2 comparing with £405..15..3 last year, and £277..16..11 in 1914.
Bank Balance was £405..18..8 against £226..1..8 last year and £311..7..10 in 1914.

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