Wed 16 Jan 1924
Special Committee Meeting recorded death of Mr W Davies who was on Committee for 41 years.
Special Meeting at request of Clerk of Gloucestershire County Council to consider granting of permission to proceed with works at Pike Bridge and Whitminster Bridge. Proposed reduction of headroom and width of arch would affect normal traffic on canal. Not less than one month’s notice of such obstruction could be given to traders and boatowners. Company must be indemnified against all loss of tonnage and receive compensation, based on average tonnage for corresponding period of 1920, 1921, 1922. Not to exceed £5 a day. Subject to an agreement on these terms, permission to be granted to Council to proceed with work. Notice of impending obstruction to be given at once to traders and boatowners.
[1924 Jany 16] Special Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesdaythe 16^th day of January 1924 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Henry R Hooper, W R Bloxam, R J C Little, Edward P Little.
[M^r W Davies] After the reading of the Minutes of the last Meeting, the Chairman rose and referred tot he severe loss sustained by the Committee in the death of the late M^r W^m Davies who had been on the Committee for 41 years and a very regular attendant.
[Swing Bridge Whitmintser Bridge Glos County Council] The Chairman stated that he had called a Special Meeting of the Committee at the urgent request of the Clerk of the Gloucestershire County Council to consider the granting of permission to that body to proceed with the proposed works at Puke Bridge and Whitminster Bridge..
The Chairman having read the recent correspondence with the County Council and also draft of the proposed Agreement to be entered into by the Council,
It was Resolved that the Clerk of the Council be informed that the proposed reduction in headroom and width of the Arch of the bridge would affect the normal traffic of the Canal, that not less than one month's notice of such obstruction could reasonably be given to traders and boatowners, that the Company must be indemnified against all loss of tonnage and must receive compensation therefor, such compensation to be based on the average tonnage for the corresponding period of the years 1920, 1921 and 1922 but not to exceed £5 a day, that subject thereto and to an Agreement embodying the terms permission be granted to the Council to proceed with the work and that Notice of the impending obstruction be given at one to traders and boatowners.
Mr Bloxam was instructed to write to the Clerk of the Council accordingly.