Wed 18 Jun 1924
Cost of dredging at Lodgemore to 5 June, £137 6s 8d. Letter to Messrs Cook & Co, contractors.
Stroud Brewery Co. Ltd sent claim by their tenant at Saul for alleged flooding of his premises with water from canal and consequent damage. Chairman on spot at canal inspection 25 June.
Committee of County Council to meet Canal Committee 1 July to discuss taking over T&S Canal.
Canal Inspection Report:
1. Coat of paint to be put on ironwork of footbridge at Ryeford.
2. Clerk to write to Stroud Rural District Council re surfacing of roadway over Oil Mills Bridge and Stonehouse Cross Bridge.
3. Repair to be made to wing walls of bottom gates of two locks at Dudbridge.
4. Fix new heel posts to upper gates at bottom lock at Dudbridge.
Madeline Charlotte Clutterbuck, Charles Fitzgerald Raikes and Kenneth Macdonald claimed shares nos.118,119, will of Edmund Henry Clutterbuck.
Clerk to give Mr Sibly notice that on or after 29 September 1924 rent charge for bathing in canal by pupils attending Wycliffe College, Stonehouse to be £5 p.a.
[1924 June] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of June 1924 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Edward P Little, Henry R Hooper, W R Bloxam, S S Marling, F A Little.
[West Glos Power Co] _West Gloucestershire Power C^o_
It was reported that in accordance with minute of last Meeting a letter had been sent to M^r Hill, Assistant Engineer of the West Gloucestershire Power C^o, and the Chairman read their reply of the 26^th May expressing their regret that for the time being they must leave the matter as they could not agree to the rental suggested by the Committee as it would cause a precedent for all other wayleaves; but with regard to the lease of the land, part of the Wharf at Dudbridge, this somewhat was affected by their decision with regard to the to the wayleave, but they were still looking into this matter.
It was decided to await further communication from the Power C^o..
[John Richings] _John Richings_
As the result of the action taken in the County Court, John Richings had paid his rent in full.
[Pike Bridge] _Pike Bridge at Eastington_
The proposed alterations of the Wing Walls on the East side as desired by the County Surveyor was agreed to, no expense would fall on the Canal Company.
[Wharfage A/c M^r Smith] _Wharfage Account_
Mr Smith had paid wharfage account in full settlement of the amount up to date.
[Dredging] _Dredging at Lodgemore_
The cost up to June 5^th was stated to be £137..6..8. After discussion it was decided that a letter, to be settled by Mr Bloxam, should be sent by the Clerk to Messrs Cook & C^o, the Contractors.
[Saul Flood Saul] _Stroud Brewery C^o Ltd_
Claim by the tenant at Saul for alleged flooding of his premises with water from Canal and consequent damage suffered by him. After discussion the Chairman stated he would go into the matter on the spot at the Canal Inspection on the 25^th inst.
[Thames & Severn Canal] _Thames & Severn Canal_
The Chairman stated he had had correspondence with Mr Gardom, and had fixed the 1^st July next at 3.15pm for the Canal Committee of the County Council to meet this Committee at Wallbridge.
It was decided to call the Committee at 2.30 on same day to discuss the County Councils proposal before meeting their Committee.
[Canal Inspection] _Canal Inspection Report_
Stonehouse 'Ocean Bridge' to Stroud
Messrs F A Little, H R Hooper & G A Evans.
The report made by these Gentlemen was read and discussed and the thanks of the Committee tendered to them for their service.
The Clerk was instructed to attend to the following urgent matter mentioned in the report, viz:
To have a coat of paint put on the ironwork of the footbridge at Ryeford.
Write to the Stroud Rural District Council with regard to the surface of roadway over Oil Mills Bridge and Stonehouse Cross Bridge.
Carry out necessary repair to the wing walls of the bottom gates of the two locks at Dudbridge.
Fix new heel posts to the upper gates at bottom lock at Dudbridge.
William Richard Bloxam of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Solicitor attended under a written authority from Madeline Charlotte Clutterbukc of Hardenhuish Park Chippenham Wilts Widow, Charles Fitzgerald Raikes of The Northwester Miller, 59 Mark Lane London Esquire and Kenneth Macdonald of 37 Gay Street Bath Esquire Executors of the Will of Edmund Henry Clutterbuck late of Hardenhuish Park in the County of Wilts Esquire who died on the 11^th day of February 1924 at the Cottage Hospital Chippenham Wilts and made out their claim to two shares numbered respectively 118 and 119 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation and now standing in the name of the said Edmund Henry Clutterbuck aforesaid in the Books of the said Company by producing the tickets or titles of the said two shares and the Probate of the Will of the said Edmund Henry Clutterbuck the said Will bearing date the 2^nd May 1921 and proved by the said Executors in the Salisbury District Probate Registry on the 28^th March 1924 and the claim was admitted accordingly and new tickets or titles ordered to be made out on the tickets of titles of the said Edmund Henry Clutterbuck being delivered up.
[Bathing] _Whycliffe College_ - Bathing in Canal at Stonehouse
The Clerk was directed to give M^r Sibly notice that on and after the 29^th September 1924 the rent charge for bathing in the Canal by pupils attending Wycliffe College Stonehouse would be £5 a year.
[Tonnage] _Tonnage_
The tonnage for the period 1^st January to 17^th June 1924 was £478..5..10 comparing with £319.3..11 (stoppage) last year and £493..7..5 in 1914.
[Tonnage] _Tonnage_
The tonnage for the month of May 1924 was £107..13..7 comparing with £94..19..6 (stoppage) las year and £69..14..4 in 1914.
[Bank] _Balance at the Bank_
The balance at the Bank was £181..4..8 against £67..14..2 last year and £316..9..5 in 1914.
[Next Meeting] It was ordered that the next Committee Meeting be fixed for the 23^rd July @ 3 o'clock pm and the General Half Yearly Meeting to be held @ 3.30pm on the same date.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
S J Vinson & Co Ltd Maintenance A/c: 1//12//11
J J Shipway Maintenance A/c: 5..2..5
Ryeford Saw Mills Co Maintenance A/c: 7..4..0
F Miles Tax: 3..17..5