Minutes Wed 23 Jul 1924

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Wed 23 Jul 1924


Continuation from page 152 https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/9902/.
Ditch in filthy state. Water over banks of Stroudwater Canal into Mr Parker’s field, then under Berkeley Canal into Saul Ditch. If Gloucester & Berkeley Canal had drawn sluices at Sharpness, flooding would not have happened. Stroudwater Canal on level with Berkeley Canal. Latter responsible for maintenance.
Mr Blakemore, Chairman of Parish Council, happened to be passing. Seconded Mr Harris re paddles at Sharpness. No blame to Navigation’s man Pockett. Good thing to have larger culvert under canal. Sufficient at time. Culvert could not take water from Saul during high tides. Flap or door which closes outlet when tides are running against it, holding back water in “Saul Ditch”. Saul liable to flood from surface water as well as tide water. More water against inlet than against outlet. Tidesman Pockett’s statement. Night Sat-Sun 31 May-1 June, Framilode Pound normal. 6.45am pound 15” above normal. He at once drew paddles at lock. 11 o’clock pound at proper level. At Junction Lock 8 o’clock water running over gates into Framilode pound, over off bank of pound and towing path bank. William Fredericks out at 1.30am, water in Berkeley Canal about 1” above weir level. 5.30am raining heavily, 1ft above weir level. Sent a man to Sharpness on his bicycle, 8 miles, to ask them there to raise sluices. Feeder at Whitminster not running. Water flowing over banks of Stroudwater Canal between Junction and Walk Bridge, on off side into Parker’s field, then under Berkeley Canal into “Saul Ditch”. Water running over gates at Junction Lock into Framilode pound. Flood water coming rapidly from Gloucester end of canal. 11 o’clock things normal. As precaution Berkeley Canal drawn down 10 inches. Mr Fredericks agreed Sharpness Docks Co liable for maintenance of canal and works of Stroudwater Canal from head of “Shallow Lock” to point below the Junction Lock in Framilode pound. Saul Parish Council have sluices closed during high tides, to stop tide water reaching our culvert. If they neglect to lower sluices, our “Flap” or “Door”hung at outlet of culvert would prevent tide water passing under canal through our culvert.
Committee received representatives of Thames & Severn Canal Committee on1 July. Suggestion that Navigation administer T&S Canal up to Chalford for two years. Every effort to cut down expenses and increase trade. Deficit during period to be borne by County Council. Proposal did not meet with representatives’ approval. County Council should apply to Ministry of Transport for order to abandon whole of canal after 25 March 1925, under terms of Thames & Severn Canal Act 1895. County Council at meeting 7 July adopted recommendation of its Canal Committee to apply for order to abandon whole of canal after 25 March 1925.
Protest with Ministry of Transport to County Council application. Copy to Sharpness Docks Co, Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal Co and Severn Commission asking them to make similar protest. Decision to inform Stroud Chamber of Commerce, Stroud Urban District Council, Stroud Rural District Council, Stroud Traders Association of position and ask them to join in protest. Mr Evans to interview Millowners, Stroud to Chalford.
Letter to Minister of Transport 23 July 1924. Closing of Thames & Severn Canal will very seriously affect Stroudwater Navigation, attempting to carry on under great financial difficulty owing to trade depression. Application will have serious effect on industries served by Navigation for over 150 years.
Necessary repairs of locksides at Dudbridge carried out.
New pair of bottom gates for Blunder Lock ready for fixing. Stoppage of canal needed. New balance pole required, £17 from Ryeford Saw Mills.
Messrs Bretherton & Sons, Gloucester, about re-arrangement of tenancy of Ship Inn premises, Wallbridge. Agreed to seven years full repairing lease at present rent £22 p.a.

Verbatim text

He was at the Junction Lock at about 8 o'clock and water was running over the gates there into the Framilode pound flowing over off the bank of the pound and towing path bank.
_William Fredericks_ stated that he was out at about 1.30am on June 1^st and the water in the Berkeley Canal stood about one inch above weir level. When he turned out at about 5.30am it was raining heavily and the Berkeley Canal quite a foot above weir level. He sent a man to Sharpness on his bicycle - 8 miles - to ask them to raise their sluices, if not already raised. The feeder at Whitminster was not running. Water was flowing over the banks of the Stroudwater Canal between the Junction and Walk Bridge, on the off side into Mr Parker's field, from there, under the Berkeley Canl into "Saul Ditch".
Water was running over the gates at the Junction Lock into the Framilode Pound of the Stroudwater Canal.
The flood water was coming very rabidly from the Gloucester end of the Canal.
At 11 o'clock am things were normal, but as a precaution the Berkeley Canal was that night, 1^st June, drawn down 10 inches, in case of another flood taking place during the night. M"r Fredericks agreed that the Sharpness Docks C^o are liable for the maintenance of the Canal & Works of the Stroudwater Canal, from the head of the "Shallow Lock" to a point below the "Junction Lock" in the Framilode pound.
The Saul Parish Council have Sluices which they close during high tides, and in this way stop tide water reaching our Culvert. IF they neglect to lower sluices our "Flap" or "Door" hung at the outlet of our Culvert would prevent tide water passing under the Canal through our Culvert.
_Thames & Severn Canal_
The Chairman reported that in accordance with minute of last Meeting the Committee had received Representations of the Thames & Severn Canal Committee on Tuesday 1^st July last, and discussed the question of the Navigation taking over the Canal.
The following proposals were put forward by the County Council:
Subject to the consent of the County Council and to the sanction of the Ministy of Transport (if necessary), it is suggested that a Lease be granted to the Stroud-Water Navigation for a term to be agreed upon and at a nominal rent, of the proportion of the Thames and Severn Canal now open for traffic, viz, from Wallbridge to Chalford, together with the rents of all Warehouses, Buildings, Land, Hereditaments, and Easements situate on such portion of the Canal (herinafter referred to as "The Canal"), amounting to about £423 5s 5d.
The Navigation to maintain and keep in good repair the Canal Buildings and Works, and to pay all premiums in respect of Fire Insurance, Rates, Taxes, and other Outgoings.
It is estimated that the Receipts of the Canal, which includes Rents, Tonnages and Sundry Receipts, amount to about £673 5d 5d, and the expenditure by the County Council in respect to maintenance and other Outgoings to £1,947 4s 8d, leaving a debit balance of £1273 19s 3d.
Of the Canal was abandoned it is estimated that the Stroud Water Navigation would lose in Through Traffic Tolls £387 192 1d. This sum is the average of the last tree years to September, 1923.
The cost of Canal Maintenance, Materials, etc, is estimated at £228 3s 8d, and Workman's Wages £1,233 12s.
It is considered that a great saving could be effected in the cost of maintenance, workmen's wages, etc, if the Canal were taken over by the Navigation.
If the Canal was abandoned, the following Companies (in addition to the Stroud Water Navigation) would lose in Tolls for Through Traffic, the following sums, which is an average of the tree years ending September last:-
£ s d
Sharpness Docks, etc, Company: 109..0..9
Severn Commission: 55..3..4
Staffs & Worcester Canal Co: 3..12..9
and of course other up-Country Canal Companies would lose their share of through traffic.
Possibly the Sharpness Docks Company might be induced to make some contribution in order to keep the Canal open.
It is stated that the Local Industries would be affected by the closing of the Canal, and such closure would prejudicially affect the trade of the Stroud Water Navigation.
With regard to the Bridges carrying Main County Roads, the County Council would continue their present responsibility as to the repair of the structure and roads over the same.
After a long discussion it was pointed out the Navigation is naturally most anxious for its own sake to keep the Thames and Severn Canal as a going concern, but under the adverse conditions in which it found itself the only possible suggestion it could make was that the Navigation administer the Thames and Severn Canal up to Chalford for two years, during which time every effort would be made under a single administration both to cut down expenses and increase trade, the deficit during that period to be borne by the County Council
The Representatives stated the Navigations proposal did not meet with their approval, and that their Committee would probably recommend the County Council to apply to the Ministry of Transport for an order to abandon the whole of the Canal after March 25 1925, under the terms of the Thames and Severn Canal Act 1895.
The Representatives then left.
The matter was further discussed, and it was decided that a letter be written to the Clerk of the County Council, signed by the Chairman, as follows:
The Clerk to the Gloucestershire County Council
2^nd July 1924.
Dear Sir,
At the Meeting held yesterday to discuss your Councils contemplated action with regard to the Thames & Severn Canal my Committee was asked to make some definite proposal for your consideration. On your departure this request was further discussed and I am asked by my Committee to make it clear in the first place that but for the serious loss that this Navigation is being carried on at the present time some proposal more worthy of your consideration would be made as it is naturally most anxious for its own sake to keep the Thames & Severn Canal as a going concern. But under the adverse conditions in which it finds itself the only possible suggestion it can make is that the Stroudwater Navigation administer the Thames & Severn Canal up to Chalford for two years, during which time every effort will be made under a single administration, both to cut down expenses and to increase trade - the deficit during that period to be borne by your Council.
My Committee would like to be able to give an assurance that such deficit would not exceed the amount mentioned in your proposal but as we fear an increase of trade can only be obtained by an increased efficiency in the waterway owing to the small amount expended in maintenance of recent years it finds itself unable to do this.
There is one aspect of the question to which no reference was made at our meeting yesterday by either side, namely the inevitable increase in unemployment in the concerns both large and small which will suffer by the closings.
I am, dear Sir,
Yours faithfully
Jack Margetson
The Clerk was instructed to inform the other Navigations interested of the County Councils contemplated action towards the Canal.
_The proceedings of the Committee held on the 1^st July were confirmed._
The letter to the Clerk of the County Council and the Clerks letter to the Navigations were read and approved.
It appeared that the County Council at its Meeting on the 7^th July had adopted a recommendation of its Canal Committee to apply for an order to abandon the whole of the Canal after 25^th March 1925, and had authorised their Committee to take all the necessary steps in the matter.
It was decided to enter a protest with the Ministry of Transport to the County Councils application, & to send a copy of such to the Sharpness Docks C^o, Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal C^o & Severn Commission, asking them to second our efforts by making a similar protest.
It was further discussed and decided to inform the Stroud Chamber of Commerce, Stroud Urban District Council, Stroud Rural District Council, and the Stroud Traders Association of the position, and to ask them to join in the protest.
M^r Evans undertaking to interview the Millowners - Stroud to Chalford.
Letter to the Minister of Transport
7 Whitehall Gardens
London SW1 23 July 1924
re Thames & Severn Canal
The Gloucestershire County Council has informed this Navigation that it is making application to the Ministry of Transport for an order to abandon the whole fo the Thames & Severn Canal after 25^th March 1925; the Stroudwater Navigation is the link between the Thames & Severn Canal and the River Severn, the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal and the industries and waterways of the Severn and the Midlands.
The closing of the Thames and Severn Canal will therefore seriously affect the Stroudwater Navigation which owing to trade depression is attempting to carry on under great financial difficulty. My Committee desires to enter the very strongest protest to the County Councils application. Its action if successful cannot fail to have a serious effect on the various industries which have been served by this Navigation for over 150 years, and in all probability ill add to the present unemployment difficulty.
This Navigation respectfully asks that no steps be taken without it being give an opportunity of representing its views,
I am, Sir
Yours obediently
P G Snape
Clerk and Surveyor.
Letter to Stroud Chamber of Commerce, M^r Witchell
Stroud Urban District Council, M^r Witchell
Stroud Rural District Council, M^r Winterbotham
Stroud Traders Association, Mr O J Leach.
23 July 1924
Dear Sir,
You are no doubt aware that the Gloucestershire County Council is making application to the Ministry of Transport for an order to abandon the whole of the Thames and Severn Canal. Such action if successful will have a most serious effect on the Stroudwater Navigation which k=joins the Thames & Severn Canal at Stroud, and which is a link between Stroud and the waterways in the Midlands and the Severn, and thus cannot fail to create loss and hardship to the various users, traders and others served by this waterway.
Canals are safeguards against unfair transport rates and are this of either actual or potential benefit to the community as a whole. Of late years this fact has been fully recognised by the Ministry of Transport and the County Council action which must also eventually add to the present serious unemployment question strikes my Committee as being most unfortunate. My Committee urgently hope that you will join in the protest which is being made by other bodies and formally request the Minister to take no action in the matter without the fullest investigation.
Thanking you on behalf of my Committee
Your faithfully
Jack Margetson
_Repair of Roadways over Canal Bridges_ viz _Oils Mills and Stonehouse_
In reply to the Companys letter the Surveyor of the Rural District Council had stated that the matter would receive attention at the earlies possible opportunity.
_Repair of Lock-sides at Dudbridge_
The necessary repairs have been carried out.
_Wycliffe College, Bathing_
The Chairman read a letter from M^r Sibly respecting the increased charge for bathing in Canal at Stonehouse. It was decided not to alter the amount fixed upon at the last Meeting.
_Inspection of Canal - Framilode to Eastington_
The Chairman and Major Little.
The report made by these gentlemen was read and discussed and the thanks of the Committee tendered to them for their services.
_Lock Gates - Blunder Lock_
The Clerk reported that the new pair of bottom gates for this Lock were ready for fixing, and that he had called a stoppage of the Canal. A copy of the Notice of the intended stoppage has been sent to the Ministry of Transport. A new balance pole was required, estimated cost £17 - Ryeford Say Mills C^o accepted.
_Premises at Wallbridge "Ship Inn"_
Letters were put in from Messrs Bretherton & Sons of Gloucester as to a re-arrangement of the tenancy of the "Ship Inn" premises at Wallbridge.
It was decided to grant a seven years full repairing lease at the present low rent of £22 per annum.
Mr Bloxam to settle a letter for the Clerk to sent to Messrs Bretherton & Sons.
_Mrs Penn: Premises at Stonehouse_
Mrs Penn was reported in arrear with her quarters rent to 24^th June £8..2..6. The Clerk was instructed to call and see her.
_Cottage at Framilode_
Mr Blackmores estimate of £9..3..6 was accepted.
_Half Yearly Accounts_
The Half Yearly Accounts were discussed and it was decided to recommend that no dividend for the Half year ended June be paid.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Price Walker & C^o Ltd "Maintenance": 7..17..10
The Ryeford Saw Mills C^o "Maintenance": 1..18..10
R J Verney "Maintenance": 7..17..6
H E Steel Ltd Incidentals: 1..14..0
Post Master General Office Expenses: 3..13..4

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