Minutes Wed 18 Feb 1925

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Wed 18 Feb 1925


Consideration of state of canal at Wallbridge postponed. Promises of financial assistance totalling £562 17s 0d recorded in minutes.
Committee to allow Mr Hopson extra 60 sq yards, with 144 sq yards of additional wharf room adjoining his shed. Rent for warehouse and wharfroom £45 p.a.
Mr Verney’s estimate for carpenter’s tools, £4 6s 5d, accepted.
Messrs E T Ward & Son account for tonnage overdue.
Gloucester Harbour Board. £1 10s towards funds. Committee to withdraw name from list of subscribers.
Mr Shipway had withdrawn estimate for oak scantling for Westfield Lock bottom gates . Ryeford Saw Mill’s estimate of 6s 6d per foot cube for big pieces and 5s 6d for smaller pieces accepted.
Statement of Account and Balance Sheet of T&S Canal year ended September 1924. Tolls re through traffic over Stroudwater Navigation to and from Thames & Severn Canal year ended 26 September 1924 ascertained in compliance with Section 43 Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1895. Through traffic £335 11s 7d, average of past three years £367 13s. Average three years to September 1894 £449 4s 1d. Decrease of £71 11s 1d. No payment due Section 46 Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1895. Only £75 of £150 of promised contribution to canal paid.
Mrs Teesdale of Whitminster House wrote complaining of overflow of surplus water from canal to River Frome at Whitminster Lock. Any unusual overflow into River Frome caused by recent abnormal weather. Very large body of extra water coming into canal from meadow and neighbouring lands. Impossible to pass away all surplus water. Normally Company takes water from Frome. Turns water into river in case of floods or repairs. Gloucester & Berkeley Canal could mitigate floods as they are in control of section of Stroudwater Canal between Shallow Lock and Junction.
Messrs Abdella Mitchell, now in administration, owed £15 10s.

Verbatim text

[1925 Feby] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of February 1925 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Jack Margetson, Edward P Little, Henry R Hooper, W R Bloxam.
State of Canal at Wallbridge
The consideration of this matter was postponed.
Thames & Severn Canal
The Chairman Stated that in accordance with Minute of last Meeting replies had been sent to the Clerk of the Gloucestershire County Council and to the Navigations as directed.
The Chairman read a list of promises of financial assistance as follows:
Stroudwater Canal: £ s d
Messrs Strachan & C^o Ltd: 25..0..0
Messrs Apperly Curtis & C^o Ltd: 18..0..0
Messrs Stroud Gas C^o: 50..0..0
Messrs Butler & C^o (Bristol): 5..5..0
Messrs Hooper & Sons Ltd: 25..0..0
Messrs Stroud Co0operative Society: 2..0..0
Messrs Stroudwater Navigation C^o: 150..0..0
Messrs Godsell & Sons: 5;;0..0
Messrs Stroud U D Council: 50..0..0
Messrs Stroud R D Council: 100..0..0
[Stroudwater Subtotal] 427..5..0
Thames & Severn Canal
Messrs Wood & Rowe: 2..2..0
Messrs T Butt & Son: 1..0..0
Messrs Ward & Son Ltd: 10..0..0
Messrs Stroud Brewery C^o Ltd: 10..0..0
Messrs Gyde Bishop & C^o: 10..0..0
Messrs Strachan & C^o: 25..0..0
Messrs Orchard & Peer: 1..0..0
Messrs W C Chambers: 2..10..0
S G Bailey & C^o: 2..10..0
S Hooper: 1..0..0
Messrs Tylers: 2..0..0
Messrs Worh & C^o: 10..0..0
Messrs Abdell Mitchell Ltd: 20..0..0
Messrs Cousins & C^o: 1..0..0
Messrs H J Hack: 2..10..0
Messrs R Gust & C^o: 5..0..0
Messrs Brimscombe Gas C^o: 10..0..0
Messrs Critchley Bros: 5..0..0
Messrs J H Smart & Son: 100..0..0
[T&S Subtotal] 135..12..0
[Total] £562..17..0.
Mr Milner's Report
It was Ordered that a Cheque for M^R Milner's fee be drawn.
Ship Inn Premises
This matter was postponed.
Premises as Stonehouse: Mrs Penn
The Clerk was directed to see Mrs Penn and warn her that if the rent was not paid the Companys Solicitors had instructions to proceed in the matter.
Swing Bridge at Framilode
It was reported that a letter had been sent to the Rev^d Hull in the terms of the minute of last Meeting to which no reply had been received.
Swing Bridge at "Ocean"
In accordance with Minute of last Meeting a letter had been sent to Mr Workman to which he had not replied.
Premises at Wallbridge: Mr Hopson
The Committee inspected the premises occupied by Mr Hopson, and it was decided to allow Mr Hopson the extra land by which he had exceeded his Agreement (which amounted to about sixty square yards in all) together with 144 square yards of additional Wharf room adjoining his shed, at an inclusive rent for Warehouse & Wharf of £45 per annum. The Clerk was directed to notify M^r Hopson accordingly.
Carpenters Tools
Mr Verney's estimate for Carpenters tools amounting to £4..6..5 was accepted.
Tonnage A/c
The Clerk was directed to write Messrs E T Ward & Son Ltd, respecting their A/c for tonnage which was overdue.
Gloucester Harbour Board
An application was put in from the Trustees of the Gloucester Harbour Board for the contribution of £1..1..0 towards the funds of the above Trustees in respect of the year ending the 31^st March.
After discussion the Clerk was directed to inform the Trustees that in the circumstances the Committee felt it must withdraw its name from the list of subscribers.
Westfield Lock - Bottom Gates
Mr Shipway had withdrawn his Estimate for Oak Scantling.
The Estimate of 6.6 per foot cube for big pieces and 5/6 for smaller pieces sent in by The Ryeford Saw Mills Co was accepted.
Framilode Bridge
The Committee postponed the consideration of the repair of the deck of Framilode Bridge till next Meeting.
Thames & Severn Canal
The Clerk produced Statement of Account and Balance Sheet of the Thames & Severn Canal for the year ended September 1924.
The amount of Tolls received by this Company with respect of through traffic over the Stroudwater Navigation to and from the Thames & Severn Canal for the year ended 30^th September 1924 has been ascertained in compliance with Sec 43 of the Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1895.
It appeared that £335..11..7 was the amount of such through traffic for that year and £367..13..0 the average of the three years last past. The latter figure compared with the average of the three years ended Sept 1894 (£449..4..1) shewed a decrease of £71..11..1 and therefore no payment due under Sec 46 of the Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1895.
The contribution of £150..- under Sec 44 of the Thames and Severn Canal Trust Act 1895 towards the deficit in the accounts of that Canal for the year ended 20^th September 1924 is now due to the Gloucestershire County Council.
It was Resolved to pay £75 of this amount, and a Cheque was drawn.
Shallow Lock at Whitminster
A letter was read from M^r Penley written on behalf of his client Mrs Teesdale of Whitminster House respecting inter alia overflow of surplus water from the Canal to the River Frome at Whitminster Lock.
After discussion Mr Bloxam was instructed to draft a reply for the Clerk to send to Mr Penley to point out that any unusual overflow into the River Frome had been caused by the recent abnormal weather, a very large body of extra water coming into the Canal from the meadows and other neighbouring lands and that it had been impossible for the Company to pass away all the surplus water. With regard to the turning of water into the River Frome, as Saturdays, to inform him that in normal circumstances the Company takes water from the Frome and only exercises its right to turn water into the River in the case of floods or during repairs, and therefore had no option as to the days on which this must be done, and to suggest that perhaps the Gloucester and Berkeley Canal could do something to mitigate the floods as that Body has control of the section of the Stroudwater Canal between the Shallow Lock & the Junction.
It was reported that Messrs Abdella Mitchell Ltd who owed the Company £15..10..0 had gone into voluntary Liquidation. The Clerk was instructed to submit an a/c to the Liquidator.
Next Meeting
It was Ordered that the next Meeting of the Committee be held on Wednesday the 18^th day of March @ 3 o'clock pm,
The Tonnage for the period 1^st January to 17^th February 1925 was £103..16..7 comparing with £105..10..0 last year and £187..10..2 in 1914.
The Tonnage for the month of January 1925 was £74..2..2 comparing with £68..19..9 in 1924 and £99..5..10 in 1914.
Balance ar the Bank
The Balance at Lloyds Bank Ltd, Stroud, was £274..17..8 against £202..0..2 last year and £453..7..11 in 1914.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Committee Fees: 1..12..6
E C Govier Rates & Taxes: 21..10..8
D C Tanner Rates & Taxes: 3..11..10
A M Boucher Rates & Taxes: 9..3..1
F Miles Rates & Taxes: 9..5..1
F C White Rates & Taxes: 5..9..0
J H Wilson Rates & Taxes: 6..2..3
J B Powell Rates & Taxes: 6..6..1
D H Neale Rates & Taxes: 3..3..10
F Cookely Rates & Taxes: 2..17..0
Glos C C Contribution T&S Canal: 75..0..0

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