Wed 22 Jul 1925
Continuation from page 206
Re River Frome, Lower Level, Chairman, Mr Hooper, Major Little and Mr Bloxam met surveyor on spot. Certain work to be done at once. Other work to stand over till owners on other side dealt with part for which they were liable.
New pair of bottom gates for Westfield Lock in hand. Clerk to obtain timber and iron, not in stock. Cost about £18.
Mrs Penn liable for repairs to weighbridge at Stonehouse.
George Cook. £3 bonus for three months to 30 June1925.
Thames & Severn Accounts to 31 March discussed.
Association stating that the matter would be brought up at their next Meeting.
[Lock-house at Eastington] Lock-house at Eastington - Repair of roof
The Contractor had informed the Clerk that the repairs would be shortly undertaken.
[River Frome] River Frome Lower Level
The Chairman reported that he had together with Mr Hooper, Major Little and Mr Bloxam met the Surveyor on the spot. It was decided to carry our certain work at once, which had been done. Other work which required attention to stand over until the Owners on the other side had dealt with the part for which they were liable.
[Westfield Lock Gates] Westfield Lock
It was reported that the work of preparing and constructing a new pair of bottom gates for this lock was in hand.
Authority was given to the Clerk to obtain timber and iron, not in stock, the probable cost of which would be about £18.
[Agreement Sealed M^r Hopson] Agreement Sealed, M^r Hopson
M^r Hopson's Agreement, tenancy of Warehouse at Wallbridge, was duly sealed and attested.
[M^rs Penn] Weighbridge at Stonehouse, Repair
Mrs Penn had asked the Company to contribute towards the cost of repairing the Weighbridge rented by her at Stonehouse Wharf.
The Clerk reported that he had informed M^rs Penn that she is liable for the repairs under the Agreement.
[G Cook] The Clerk was authorised to pay George Cook the bonus (£3) for three months ending 30^th June 1925.
Thames and Severn Canal, Accounts
The accounts of the above Canal for the half year ended 31^st March last were discussed.
[Meeting] Next Meeting
It was decided not to hold a Meeting during August.
[Half Yearly Accounts to 30^th June 1925] Half Yearly Accounts
The accounts were examined by the Committee and explained by M^r Dudbridge who attended for that purpose. It was decided to recommend that No Dividend for the Half-year ended 30^th June 1925 be paid.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
(P G Snape) Committee fees: 1..12..6
E C Govier - Poor Rate: 12..3..0
E H Larner - Poor Rate: 5..3..6
J B Powell - Poor Rate: 4..4..0 + 1..15..0 = 5..19..0
D C Tanner - Poor Rate: 2..3..2
F Miles - Poor Rate: 1..11..3 + 3..1..3 = 4..12..6
D H Neale - Poor Rate: 2..10..0 + 1..6..9 = 3..16..9
F Cookley - Poor Rate: 3..3..4
Postmaster General, Office Expenses: 3..6..7