Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/10
Letters written by William James Snape between December 1895 and August 1903
Supply of 4ins and 2.5ins nails to Eastington Canal Yard (0.5 cwt of each)
Request for quote for painting, etc, of Dock House
Note to say Mr Martin to be calling about the painting, but not of room used for ironing.
Regarding rates to be paid for the insurance required by Workman's Compensation Act 1897
Should we accept offer of 10s % from Mr Ruegg or wait to hear from The Sun and Mr Dudbridge (?)
Rate quoted by Sun Life Insurance is 18s %
On 15 July for men in two canoes to enter at Saul. Please provide them with tickets free of charge.
Acceptance of application for tenancy of the Ship Inn at lease of £40 per annum
Return of map sent, noting that it is incorrect to show the Stroudwater as a narrow canal
Solicitors Little & Mills to send bill for 12s 6d, half the cost of preparing Eastington premises agreement
Enclosing postal order for 15s to be credited to deposit account
Informing that their offer for the lease of Ship Inn would not be accepted
No accidents on canal in 1897, or any serious accidents in the last 26 years
Enclosing copy of minute re dredging passed at the Committee Meeting held 21st June
Instruction to proceed with work at Canal House, Eastington, at cost not exceeding £5
Has the weighing machine been repaired?
Your letter failed to say if the weighing machine had been repaired. I need to tell the committee.
Cheque for £2 refused by bank. Please pay by Monday
Framilode pound is in bad state. Please see to it when you have done between Double Lock and Stonehouse
Would like to know when you have the bridge(?) repairs in hand
Your pay and free rent will be stopped if you do not keep up Framilode Pound and bridges properly
Can keep the pasture land in your occupation for another month to make 2 months for 8s 4d
Weighing machine repairs still not done, and Mr Whiting's lease is about to expire
Have you arranged for the key of the Ship Inn Wallbridge to be handed over on 29th Sept?
A copy of your letter re stoppage of Reliance has been sent to Mr Waddy of Sharpness Docks Co
Copy of letter relating to stoppage of Reliance due to your canal being 14ins under weir level
Copy of letter from Mr Waddy stating they are pumping day and night and have level up to 18ft 3ins
Order for oak and elm to be delivered to Eastington Canal Yard by boat, but can't pay till January
29th September at hand, but have not heard of repair of weighing machine at Eastington Canal Wharf
Will meet your representative tomorrow to discuss repairs needed to Ship Inn
Mr Butt will claim damages for loss of trade following failure to hand over premises on 29th Sept
Enclosing 15s for company's deposit account. Please make up pass book so that it can go to auditor
Whiting leaving premises this evening, but weighing machine still not repaired. You will be billed cost of weighing elsewhere, and for loss of time
Instructions re widening door in little back kitchen at Eastington Canal Yard
Order for items required for kitchen at Eastington Canal Yard
If as you say you will not repair weighing machine measures will be taken to enforce our agreement
I will alter invoice and head it Stroudwater Navigation Co. Can't give you order for other gates until they have been measured
Coal to be unloaded shortly will need to be weighed elsewhere and cost of this charged to you
George Gardiner has key to Wharf House so that we can undertake repairs. Can Whiting make use of house?
Mr Martin will commence repairs next week. On completion should key go to Whiting or you?
Mr Whiting is to have the key, but tell him more work needs to be done on Monday
Committee will not release you from agreement until March 25th next unless you find another tenant
Enclosing postal orders for £3 15s to be credited to deposit account
Please say what you mean to do about weighing machine
Please send form for Return for this year
Please supply 2ft wide furnace and grid to Eastington Canal Yard
While mud boat is in dock, clear ditches and cut hedges between Newtown and Gardiner's house
No one working on wharf. Need to complete doorway before expected bad weather
Order for oak and elm for Eastington Canal Yard
Order for nails and nuts for Eastington Canal Yard
Complaint about quality of 2ins pitch pine planking supplied to Eastington Canal Yard
Need to find 3ins elm for bottom of boat
Not to cut 1.5ins elm for boat as 3ins will be needed
No good Mr Jew calling until he has seen the timber (faulty pitch pine)
Order to repair weighing machine will be given to Pooley & Sons and charged to you
Order for nuts, nails and pitch to be delivered to Eastington Canal Yard
Order for oak planking to be delivered to Eastington Canal Yard
Order to repair weighing machine has been given to Pooley & Sons
Request to repair weighing machine at Eastington Canal Wharf
Estimate for work to be done at Eastington Wharf House accepted, but expects further work to be done
Bartlett & Son of Bristol instructed to repair weighing machine at Eastington Canal Wharf
No longer needed to repair weighing machine at Eastington Canal Wharf
Send man by next train to Stonehouse to inspect machine at Eastington Canal Wharf and cost repairs
Faulty timber will be in Eastington Canal Yard until Mr Jew can get to inspect it
Dividends are lower this year because the coal strike has reduced traffic and T&S Canal was dredged
Bricklaying can stand over as the furnace and sink will not be wanted yet. Can you find good bricklayer?
Continue with bricklaying now Harrison is back. Previous bricklayer made very big points.
If timber not delivered immediately I will have to order from Gloucester
Order for nails, and enquiry of why only 120 of the 200 nuts ordered were delivered
Cannot allow further use of Dudbridge wharf. Must make good damage done. Charges for water and broken stop planks 10s
Wagons and traction engine used by Butcher damaging wharf. Please provide stones to repair it.
Men trimming trees throwing branches on towpath and Ryeford Lock. Use higher poles here
Company has found alternative tenant and release you from the tenancy
Enclosing bill for £3 15s for repair of weighing machine by Bartlett & Sons. No charge for our work
Complaint about slow work done at Eastington Canal Wharf. No men since Friday week.
Identifying reasons for cutting 8ins thick piece from long log. Log had not been ordered, only section.
Complaining that a lot of work had to be done on long log because instructions not carried out
Order for nails, etc, for Eastington Canal Yard
Please push in the bricklayer at Eastington as we need to let the tenant in
Ship carpenter told your sawyer to cut off a slab so that the piece would hold out "hard""."
Order for ¼cwt of 1¾ ins nails for Eastington Canal Yard
Why was bill for £4 15s rather than £3 15s + 7s 11d for carriage of weights?
Order for oak, must be free of sap
Please explain difference between Clerks' tickets and Weighing account
No reply to two letters, and no rent paid for two months. Committee may decide to give notice on 25th
Order for ½cwt of 4ins nails for Eastington Canal Yard
Toll for coal from Sharpness to Junction 1½d, on Stroudwater 8d and on T&S Canal 4½d per ton
Order for Red Deal boards and battens and English Oak planks
Enclosing cheque for £2 2s as subscription for hospital. Another two guineas has been collected from the canal workmen
Tell Sam to stop work on gates to do Mr Lambert's work. Instruct Mr Mastin to fix drain pipe.
Take load of good ashes to Eastington Canal Wharf, together with paving slabs and gutter bricks
In consequence of fall in traffic your pay will be reduced from 13s to 10s from 14h Jan
Window not rotten, the frame was torn off hinges by wind. Get one from Hills of Stonehouse
Enclosing bill for damage done when cutting trees between Stonehouse and Ryeford, Return ladder.
Enclosing postal order for 15s to be credited to deposit account
Gas works complaining about barges discharging opposite their works. Tell captains to desist
Receipt for £4 for work on painting Ship Inn on their giving up tenancy
On enquiry, there are three ladders missing that were borrowed by your men
Wages reduced because in your 7/8ths of a mile we now have only 0-10 boats a month rather than 25
Please look at condition of 3 ladders returned when next here and send me the duplicate agreement
Returning income tax demand for property which we have stated does not belong to company.
There is still a mistake in the income and land tax bill. We do not know anything about 199-201
Will inspect storm damage to chimney pots. Paper came off because Mastin put it on damp plaster.
As of 25th January the value of Stroudwater shares was £71
A few slates need to be fixed and pointing to be done at Eastington Wharf House
Request for cheque for 19s for use of wharf for dwelling van, and request to repair gate stopping post
Order for two steel sheets and ½cwt of nails for Eastington Canal Yard
Have sent £2 13s 11d to lock keeper at Eastington for collection as payment for Income and Land Tax
Enclosing cheque for £1 2s, your new fortnightly pay. You can also have one ton of coal per year.
Returning demand for 8s 6d income tax as don't know what it is for. Will pay when particulars given.
Returning demand for 13s 10d income tax as don't know what it is for. Payment sent for Mr. Long.
Acknowledging receipt of 6s put against bill of 19s. Kindly send balance of 13s.
Send particulars of taxes for Dudbridge and Stonehouse. Cash for Wheatenhurst is with lock keeper
Please send receipt for £2 13s 11d sent on 23rd
Please let Rowley Hall Granite Co know rate from Rowley Regis to the Junction. Our rates given.
Rate for using canal water for engine boiler would be 1s per week.
Stating dividends paid on two shares for Ballinger's Charity between 1883 and 1898
Willing to increase height and width of bank between Junction and Saul Bridge if you pay half the cost.
Please meet me at Eastington Canal Wharf at noon tomorrow to discuss work needed
Please pay for repairs to weighing machine at Eastington Canal Wharf so I can make up my books for year
Please hurry with work on Framilode Pound and see to piling at Gas Works before bank collapses
Warn boatmen that they may be delayed for a few hours in 5 locks while leaks are being repaired
Please provide samples. For first load we will charge 6d a ton, afterwards 7d, from Junction to Stroud
Committee have agreed to give you a gratuity of £2, to be collected on Saturday
Committee have agreed to reduce charge for drawing water to 21s per annum
Committee have agreed to allow £1 2s for wear and tear on weighing machine but you must pay other £4
£1 12s received for right to fish between Framilode and Wallbridge. Did you want to pay 10s for T&S?
Enclosing returns duly filled in
Enclosing postal order for 15s to be placed in deposit account. Please add interest due to December
Enclosing printed notice of stoppage of portion of canal for repairs to locks and other works
Requesting payment of 2 months rent, £2, and informing that lease will definitely be withdrawn on 25th
Respecting the loan of Parry I have always paid him 5s 6d per day. Need him to put in gates he made
Enclosing postal order for £3 15s to be placed in deposit account
Explaining why only half cost of boat, £44, claimed this tax year. £75 for dredging is canal maintenance
Please supply 9ft iron bar
Canal now open from Dudbridge to Wallbridge after repairs
We shall finish with Parry tomorrow night
Following your appointment to committee and as representative on T&S Canal Trust, dates of meetings
Philip James Evans appointed to T&S Canal Trust in place of Mr Little
Mr Mortimer wanted you to confirm the "Special"" rate of 1s 10d per ton from Gloucester to Birmingham"
Stop creating a stable on our company's land near the canal bridge
Land on which stable being built is needed for storage of dredged clay, and for bridge maintenance
Enclosing list of bridges with Schedule of Weights