Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/10
Letters written by William James Snape between December 1895 and August 1903
Value of shares is £75
Will start dredging at your bathing place once work at Knapp bathing place is complete, at 1s per ton
Supply one 13ft plank of elm - must be a clean bit of timber
A clerical error has been made in our return, as you noted. The correct Return is ...
Draft Table of Through Tolls you passed on to Mr Southall has yet to be approved by our committee
Special rate for Rowley stone in R Russell's Eliza not given. Please make him the allowance
Draft Table of Through Tolls has yet to be approved by our committee. Toll rates above Stroud are ...
Please supply 4 pieces of English Oak to Eastington Canal Yard
Order for oak and elm planks, not to be paid for until January 1900
Complaining about lack of drainage for stable and road, and for covering of urinal at corner of bridge
Stating times at which bathing permitted in other agreements
Use of peat moss as stable bedding might not require drainage, but what of other bedding?
Permission to make doorway between front room and washhouse, at your own expense
Value of shares is currently £75
Agreement to allow water polo to be played at Stonehouse Wharf for £1 1s plus cost of any damages
Copy of letter on page 355
Respecting where bills may be posted between the Ship Inn and Wallbridge and Dudbridge for £7 p.a.
Order for iron bars and blacksmith's file
Need to reclaim tax paid by Stroud Gas Co on pipes in towpath that had already been paid by company
Re complaint about Framilode swing bridge, a man will inspect it and make repairs if necessary
Order for two pieces of oak for Eastington Canal Yard
Thank you for pointing out that the problem is with Saul Bridge, not the one at Framilode
Your suggestion regarding adjusting last year's account will not work as we have already paid this tax
Order for supply of wedge shaped piece of oak
A piece of board has been placed under ends of bridge at Saul. Let us know what you think about it.
Last price at which share was sold was £70
Acknowledging receipt of probate for Miss C Stanton and scrip for 3 shares in her name
Value of shares is currently £70. I can find you a purchaser at this price.
Enclosing form re Private Bill Legislation (Expenses) Return
Acknowledging receipt of Deed of Mutual Covenant re alterations in Gas House Lane
You may commence inserting door at your own expense. Let me know when work has been completed
Enclosing form to allow someone other than executors to attend committee meeting re shares
If the rent is not paid by 19th you will be given a month's notice to quit
I can give you a month's work from the 18th, but give you notice on 30th to leave on October 14th.
Please attend Committee Meeting on 19th to claim three shares of Miss Catherine Stanton deceased
Enclosing agreement with Cainscross Parish Council for Bathing Place at Dudbridge for signature, etc
Returning probate of Miss Catherine Stanton. New share certificates to follow shortly.
Suggested times permitted for bathing at Stonehouse for submission to the Local Government Board
Order for nails required for men working at Gas Works Bridge
Re overflow from tank that killed fish in canal. Please make other arrangements for your overflow.
Chairman does not see why your notice to quit should be withdrawn, but will extend it to 25th Nov.
Enclosing postal order for 15s and bank book. Please make up to date and return
Explaining who was involved in ensuring the Board of Trade allowed the setting up of the T&S Trust
Sorry you have again employed Butcher to haul stone from Dudbridge Wharf. He has already caused further damage to the wharf gates. He is not weighing stone removed.
The charge for your van is 6d per night. Taking water from canal is 10s. Gate repairs 20s 6d, etc.
Enclosing new share certificates for C H Stanton Esq and Rev A H Stanton
Details of doors and other wood required for stables at Wallbridge
Rent for stable to be £2 12s, but because goods are placed in top floor insurance must be increased
Enclosing draft form for Power of Attorney. Transfer can be made after Half Yearly Dividend paid
Let me know if you are willing to guarantee your father's rent, providing his ducks cause no nuisance
Following prohibition of refuse in brook residents are using canal. Councils should arrange collection.
Ducks must not annoy neighbours, and must stay on land provided. Cost of agreement will be small
Captain of Reliance detained at Shallow Lock Monday and Tuesday because G&B Canal too low
Please supply plan of proposed sewage tanks on company land at Stonehouse
Labourer sent has spent much of the day in the Ship Inn, so will not be paid and must not come again
Please send ½ ton of best London Cement to Great Western Station, Stroud
Power of Attorney should be stamped up as per Stroudwater Navigation Act
Enclosing receipt for £5 for dredging Thrupp Bathing Station, but £2 10s needed to cover full cost.
Enclosing money order for £3 15s to be placed to credit of company
Please sign and return guarantee, otherwise notice will be enforced
Returning Power of Attorney so that it can be signed by Mr A W Stanton
Cutting of withies at Ryeford could lead to damage to wires. Please have man standing by.
Boundary wall at Gas House Lane is satisfactory
You did not send £1 due for rent on 25th with returned notice. You are expected to comply
Stating that rent for enlarged stable must be 1s 4d a week if new tenancy agreement to be made
Enclosing receipt for use of land at Dudbridge Canal Wharf, pointing out that notice ends 29 Sep 1900
Share Transfer Book is ready for your signature. I shall be in the office till 1pm tomorrow
Reliance held up again at Junction from Monday to 3.30pm on Tuesday 29th due to low water in canal
Shallow Lock must be made effective for retention of water in Bristol Road reach by raising that level
As you have not paid guaranteed rent notice will be given on 25th and will not be withdrawn again
Walk Bridge, on inspection, is in good condition. Vehicles must pass over bridge at walking pace
Receipt for £1 for rent in November. Ducks still causing nuisance. See to it or I will call on your father.
Enclosing 3 share certificates (9, 137 and 186) made out in names of A H and A W Stanton
Coal merchants don't trade with Messrs Hawkins & Sons today due to poor quality of past supplies
Details of 4 shares owned by Rev J C Fisher deceased. No dividends owing. Latest price £70
You have again failed to pay rent due on 25th. Matter will be put before Committee on 16th Jan
Enclosing postal orders for 15s to be credited to the company
I see that you are not keeping your mounds and hegdes in good order, as required by the agreement
Please let me have the agreement for drawing water duly signed
Your wish with respect to payment of dividend to Lloyds Bank in Stroud will be attended to
Enclosing cheque for £11 10s to be credited to company account
Please supply 3 23ft long railway metals to Stroud station. Contact Mr Davis, Engineer's Dept, Kemble
Ducks are not to go on canal. Also Mr Whiting has complained of fence being pulled about by brother
Company will pay half cost of agreement (11s) but you must remit the other half before exchange
Enclosing consent to proposed transfer Undertaking to County Council of Gloucestershire
Did you know of the application of the Wiltshire & Berkshire Canal Co to the Board of Trade? What steps taken?
Please check culvert from weir near Whitings, and get Sam Organ to fence it off if necessary
Have stop gate lifted for next month's very high tide. Has flood damaged banks up to Saul Bridge?
Stroudwater Navigation Co withdraw opposition to closure of main section of Wilts & Berks Canal, providing North Wilts Branch maintained in good repair
Stating terms under which pipes may be laid for the Cainscross & Ebley Drainage Scheme
Supply wood as specified in order of 6th July 1899. Account to be paid 20th June. Good quality needed
Remove soil and rubbish you have put in canal at Ryeford immediately, or we will remove it at your cost
I cannot give you the order at the prices given in your letter. Will pay 3s 9d per cu ft for oak and 2s for elm
Receipt for £1 12s for rights to angle Stroudwater until 31st Dec
Please say if I can have your agreement before the committee meeting on the 20th March
Order for oak and elm at prices set by 405, for payment on 20th June
Please remove rubbish from garden placed in canal. If not, dredger will be sent and charge will be 15s
Damage to Garden Wall at Downfield needs to be repaired. Please use one of Baxter's men, etc
Dividends will be paid to Mrs Eva Jan Elers of Ealing as requested
Copy of 408
Enclosing form for appointing a representative to sign for shares claimed by executors
Application for tramway and tanks accepted with small trespass charge. Fee if tank needs more water.
Loppings to cost 12s per ton. The sooner they are fetched away the better.
Small warehouse Wallbridge can be let at £3 10s per annum. Wharf will remain locked at night
Walls of top tank can be raised 4ft providing no more water is required
Enclosing share certificate 109 in your name
Culvert under canal above Bristol Road Lock is blown, flooding land. Your brother did something in the matter
Rent must be paid by next Friday or notice will be given
Please return share certificates 129 & 163 registered in name of Rev F C Fisher and A J Fisher
Have received agreement with Cainscross Parish Council re bathing place. 21s needed for legal charges
Order for iron bars and angle bars to be delivered to the Midland Station at Stonehouse
4 inch x ⅜ inch angle bar will do, but must ask you to do welding as our smith's shop cannot
Enclosing list of members of committee
Agreement re bathing place has been signed and sealed. Please provide Mr Mills £1 1s for legal charges
Enclosing share certificates 84, 91, 129 & 163 made out in names of Rev F C Fisher and C J Fisher
Canal inspection to take place from Wallbridge to Eastington on 28th and Eastington to Framilode on 29th
Canal inspection to take place from Wallbridge to Eastington on 28th and Eastington to Framilode on 29th
Canal inspection to take place from Wallbridge to Eastington on 28th and Eastington to Framilode on 29th
Canal inspection to take place from Wallbridge to Eastington on 28th and Eastington to Framilode on 29th
Canal inspection to take place from Wallbridge to Eastington on 28th and Eastington to Framilode on 29th
Canal inspection to take place from Wallbridge to Eastington on 28th and Eastington to Framilode on 29th
Canal inspection to take place from Wallbridge to Eastington on 28th and Eastington to Framilode on 29th
Canal inspection to take place from Wallbridge to Eastington on 28th and Eastington to Framilode on 29th
Why has agreement for lease of warehouse at Wallbridge not been returned by your head office?
We expect to finish the inspection at Framilode about 1:30pm
Would you be able to undertake the work needed to repair the road over the Canal Bridge at Ebley?
Can you attend the Inspection Committee?
Use of pleasure boat is 15s per annum, plus lock charges. Bringing boat from the Junction will cost 5s
Enclosing four share certificates in name of Rev F C Fisher of Walton-on-Trent, Derby
Enclosing money order for £3 15s for crediting to company account
You have paid for two boats until 24th June, when need new licences at 10s per boat. 5s from Junction
Men dredging near Shallow Lock report only soft mud. Please show Powell where you found hard mud
I was surprised to hear there was little and only soft mud. I have asked him to point out where he stuck
As I have committee meeting next Tuesday I need a reply to my letter of May 16th (No 419)
Please provide agreement for wire put over canal at Dudbridge. Please inform us before putting up wires
Committee want to know when the Sewage Vault at Ryeford School and the one near Swing Bridge were last cleaned out as per undertaking given in 1894
How many times have you cleared out the Sewage Vault at Ryeford School and the one for the cottages near the Swing Bridge since 1894, and when was the last time you cleaned them?
The present value of company shares is £75
I have had to repair the roadways over the bridges at Ebley and Stonehouse Cross as I have had no reply to letter 425. Please let me have a cheque for the rent due
£8 bill for ½ year Wharfage Room at Dudbridge Wharf
I could not wait for repairs and have had them attended to. Thank you for your offer of the 21st.
Asking for price of various pieces of oak and elm
Order for price of various pieces of oak at 3s 9d per cu ft and elm at 4s per cu ft
Letter accompanying order for wood for delivery to Eastington Canal Yard by Saturday next
Enclosing postal orders to value £1 10s for crediting to company account
Until further notice Mr Long will collect your Poor Rate
Please collect the Poor Rates from Mrs Bolton and William Tudor as company has discontinued them
Until further notice Mr Long will collect your Poor Rate
Provided you repair the roof as promised the committee will allow you to erect a flag staff
Order for supply of 5 iron bars to Eastington Canal Wharf
Please fetch and replace one of the oak head pieces which is shaken at one end
Timber for gate head will need to be covered to prevent it being sun cracked
Order for 1cwt of 5ins clout nails
Could you in any way kindly assist our workmen to put an end to the bathing and indecent behaviour of young men and boys who are constantly making use of the canal near Bristol Road for the purpose. To strengthen your hand in the matter, you can say that a bathing place is provided at a small charge per person near the Westfield Bridge, Eastington.
Fish in Ebley pound again rising to surface dead. You have no right to drain into canal. Please check