Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/10
Letters written by William James Snape between December 1895 and August 1903
Enclosing notice of planned stoppage of canal at Framilode
Enclosing amended stoppage notice as date has changed
Concern that Staffordshire colliery now has rail connection. All our trade to Chalford on T&S may be lost
Why charge boat 12s for 34 tons Gloucester to Junction rather than 7s 6d before. May lose Coop trade
Is the drain you have put into the wharf causing the pollution? Who gave permission for its discharge?
There has been a rise in tolls on G&B Canal. Hopefully the deed on the land sold to the colliery will prevent loss
Has the increase on tolls between Gloucester and Junction on Stourport cargoes been applied to yours?
Detailing tolls now charged from Birmingham via Stourport to Junction, and Worcester to Junction
Will include Glover on our pay sheet. Will let you know if time changes for stoppage at Framilode
You are behind with rent and have sublet premises illegally. Notice hereby given to quit on 1st Sept
Charge for rowing boats is 10s per annum. Use of locks ¾d per lock. Or can pay 25s for unrestricted use
Repairs now completed and canal reopened
You and friend caught netting in canal must appear before the committee on 18 September or will be summonsed
The company have every right to grant Angling Licences on the Canal they own.
When banks cut please cut the hedges at 5 Locks before Gas Co start piling work. Put rushes on bank
Your cart has damaged brickwork and floor in warehouse. Please replace bricks knocked out at once
Cannot check Income Tax demand without duplicate copies and details of how it is arrived at.
Captain says mud is between Shallow Lock top gate and weir. Cut back trees at Downfield garden
Please look at your trees, which are overhanging canal and are above the roofs of our two cottages
We are about to start cutting back trees. As you said you prefer to cut yours I thought I would let you know
Committee has discussed the question of water supply to your garden and requires you to pay a charge of 2s 6d
Enclosing company pass book and asking that it be made up
What would you charge to connect our house at Stonehouse Wharf leased to C Critchley to the mains?
Cost of supply of water from mains and fitting house would be 16s per annum, making rent £15
How much would you charge to connect our house at Stonehouse Wharf to the main? Skylight still bad
Explaining the assessment of the water company based on rent of £15 for house and £5 for stable
Thanks for agreeing to pay the water rate. Expect to get quote for work in next few days and then start
Butcher and his Traction Engine and workgang are tearing up wharf and behaving disgracefully again
If I do not hear from you shortly I will have to get someone else to connect water supply at Stonehouse
Unless £16 8s 6d paid by next Saturday matter will be put to County Court. This his final notice.
Detailing repairs needed to Dudbridge Wharf. Cannot afford to buy from Mr Jeffries, must boat stone in
Need authority to pay dividends of shares 79, 80, 103 &171 to you. Get owners to sign enclosed form
Order for guttering and other piping to be supplied to Wallbridge Wharf
Removal of part of fence used for bill posting in Rodborough Road Stroud is giving public access to canal
Please have all catch pits that drain into the canal cleaned out
Not able to get permission until 20th. If you get permission charge is 2s 6d. £1 towards painting agreed
Sorry water has not been connected. I expected it to be done last Monday. Will write to contractor
I have heard water is not connected. Immediate attention is required as I have to report to committee
Regarding damage done to towpath due to cutting away bank to enable your ducks to pass to and from the canal. Kindly make bank good
Acknowledging cheque for £2 10s, enclosing licences and permit to hold contests between 26 & 31 Dec
Members of the Silver Bream Angling Association have permission to angle in canal between 26 & 31 December.
Please call at office to sign transfer book for three shares sold to Mr Little
I was surprised to find the two instruments taken away. I think all the wires will do as they are now.
Do not proceed further with the fixing of the telephone until you have seen me again.
I sent our man up with the Poor Rate payment, but you were not there. Please call to collect it
My company does not carry. Our tolls are enclosed. A vessel drawing 10ft could only come to Junction
Enclosing copy of letter from Liverpool company wanting to send 200 tons of flags to Stroud
I hope you have now heard from the traders mentioned in my letter
If you have not yet got the Telephone instruments don't get them until further instructions
Please let me know when you intend to roll in the pound (?) on Dudbridge Wharf.
Enclosing copy of letter from Liverpool and hoping you will write giving them the information required
For permission to bring deals to sell by auction on wharf, we would charge as if brought by water 1s 3d per ton
Enclosed are copies of two letters from firms in Liverpool and London seeking to use canal. Please contact
Please call on Wharfinger Bassett to collect Poor Rate. From 25th the house will stand in name of Bassett
Re your note on cords of wood and loppings, are they big enough to sell? Use wood from yard for fences
Manager of water company has looked at rate book where house is entered as £20, rather than £15
Enclosing form giving details of injury to company employee
Hills leg was broken on the towpath at a point some distance west of our wharf at Ryeford
Mr Whiting wants the cords of fire wood. Any of our men can have a cord for 5s 6d. Any one else 7s 6d
My inclination is to sell you 12 cords of fire wood at 7s 6d, you to collect from yard. If any left over after selling to our men you can buy
There is no machinery at the Ryeford Coal Wharf. The man was on the towing path ½ mile to west
Re your answer to my letter asking is Kennet & Avon Canal was open for traffic, I thought this was the sort of thing the Canal Association was for.
Enclosing share certificates 14, 89 & 116 made out in your name.
Enclosing pass book and asking that it be made up
Enclosing Bank Deposit Receipts for £50 7s 4d and requesting cheque for £50, the balance to be retained
You will be paid 7s a week, which you club money will make 17s your full wages
No departure from the prices quoted in 487, except 6% cash discount. Please send check for £4 4s
Shares 129 & 163 now stand in the name of Rev J C Fisher, who claimed them 24 Apr 1900
Permission for use Company offices by T&S Canal Committee of County Council will cost £10 per annum
Explaining where the dividends of the seven shares owned and two shared have been paid since 1890
Whilst we did not charge the Canal Trust due to their financial position, we feel £10 a year a fair charge
Enclosing postal orders for £3 15s to be credited to account
Acknowledging receipt of £1 as fee for holding two contests on the Stroudwater up till 31st December
Enclosing eight angling licences
Dividends for shares own by Mr F C Fisher were paid to him until Nov 1899, Since then to his son.
Special toll rate of 6d per ton, 4d for Stroudwater, 2d for T&S. Normal rate would be 9d per ton.
Through rate tolls requested by Sir W H Marling are T&S 1s 5½d per ton. Stroudwater 4d per ton
Certifying that income tax on dividends paid to Mr Ruegg were paid from 1898 to 1901
Will be pleased to help you in matter given in your letter and will make enquiries
Shares 84 and 91 held only by Rev J C Fisher. Shares 129 and 163 held by him and J S Dudbridge
Mrs Boucher at public house in Framilode is throwing slops into canal. She says drains out of order
Please agree to terms laid down in my letter of 24 July 1900 re the Cainscross Sewage Scheme
Copy of letter on 507
Stoppage to lay sewage pipes across canal should be from 20th to 27th July. Must give 3 weeks notice
Rent at Dudbridge to increase to 4s per week from 29th Sept, you to pay rates, taxes paid by company
Today's inspection showed some bricks out of the bridge you built. Company can repair and bill you.
Committee would not agree to terms of your application. Every facility is given to angling ticket holders.
Mr Wilson says that you do not feel it practicable to lay sewage pipes next month. Please agree to terms
Copy of 511 with company name and address at top
Herewith notice of stoppage from 17th to 26th Aug. Can I have Perry from Monday 19th to Saturday 24th
Returning copy of register of death of Mr Francis Holmes. It has been duly registered in Transfer Book
If the weighing machine is out of order I call on you to carry out the conditions of the agreement
Due to other work, and a need for gates on the T&S Canal, I cannot put off stoppage till September, despite Perry not being available to put in gates.
Enclosing conditions and charges for drawing water from canal to lay sewage pipes at three places
I've arranged for someone to replace Parry. Parry would not like to be second man. Is he free September?
Enclosing notice of intended stoppage to canal
Permission to wheel cycle on towing path between Ryeford Bridge and Sparrows Nest for 1s per annum
Permit to wheel cycle on the towing path between Ryeford Bridge and Sparrows Nest
Cyclists have become such a nuisance between Dudbridge and Wallbridge that they have been stopped
Cannot give your angling club exclusive use of canal but can take out 12 2s 6d licences for members
Enclosing share certificates 129 & 163 made out in your name and that of Mr Dudbridge of Stroud
I have been in the employ of Stroudwater Navigation for 29 years, and manager of T&S for 5 years
2s 6d charged for angling licences for year. Send 3s for 2 licences for remainder of year
Returning postal order sent on 8th
Order for iron bars to be delivered to Mr Hill at Dudbridge
One months notice to quit premises at Eastington on 25th September
Order for iron bar to be delivered to Dudbridge Canal Wharf
Thanks for wire re pump. I will pay carriage to Dudbridge and send it back by boat
Chasing payment of 5s charge for taking timber from Ebley to Dudbridge and use of crane last May
Please supply bearer with one box of iron (Connex 2 inch x ⅜ inch)
Enclosing signed agreement re supply of telephone for £3 10s per annum, condition 2 not to apply
You can have the land at Westfield at a rent of 10s per annum from 29th September
Reporting reopening of canal between Ryeford and Wallbridge
I have today sent down the pump to the Junction. Many thanks for the loan.
Enclosing sealed memorandum of discontinuance of guarantee for loan of £4000 to Mid Gloucester Benefit Society
Old boat lying at Dudbridge Canal Wharf will be charged 2s 6d per week from 23rd September
Enclosing counterfoils for Income Tax returns
Enclosing postal orders for £3 4s 8d for crediting to account
Enclosing share certificate 173 made out in your name
Nicholls, captain of Fry, left bottom paddles up on Eastington Top Lock on Friday and went home, lowering long pound 15 inches. Tell him not to let it happen again.
Concern that now railway runs to Messrs Hawkins, boats are being kept 8-10 days at colliery for loading
Send 10ft piece of ? wood to Stonehouse Midland Railway Station addressed to Mr Powell
Your boat is now sunk and is obstructing traffic. Raise boat and remove or company will do and charge
Please supply two pieces of wood for Walk Bridge
Enclosing postal orders for £2 0s 4d to be credited to company account
Boatmen complaining that boats made to partly load slack coal they did not want.
Readable version of 539. Claims three boats sold due to tonnage charge. Can get good coal by rail
Thanks for through rates from Stourport to Gloucester. Tolls not changed since 1895. 1d less that before
Company will not object to Stroud and Gloucestershire Light Railway crossing bridge at Dudbridge
Proceed with laying water to 2 houses at Downfield as per estimate for £7 10s
Certifying that value of Stroudwater Navigation shares is £75
If you send 2s 6d I will issue you with a licence for 1902 and give you permission to fish this month
Re sticking of barge Temperance this is only such occurrence in 29½ years. It is due to high sides of barge
Thanks for letter of 7th. Will make enquiries