Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/11
Letters written by William James Snape between August 1903 and March 1909
Mr Merrett wishes to take out a boat, lying at Ebley, at Framilode Lock. 6s owing for moorage to be paid if he is allowed to go through lock.
Kindly send 6s moorage, owing before she can leave canal, to Mr Fredericks.
I am unable to forward particulars asked for. I will try to let you have same next week.
I return schedule of questions re Canal. Map with canal coloured blue, particulars of Capital, Traffic Locks etc, in Blue Book 1899, altered to date. No longitudinal or cross sections to your scale but one included. Tides at Framilode Lock on Severn flow from 9ft-12ft, 19ft 7in on 12 Jul 1899.
Re F White, labourer, disabled from working. 29 Oct he slipped, hurt shoulder, not at work next day, consulted doctor. Hospital Ticket 12 Nov, still out patient. Case seemed unimportant at time. Request for favourable consideration. No claim made by him against Company who allow him half wages, 8s per week. Continued ...
Continued from 302.
Enclosed is share certificate No.73 in names of Mrs L L & Capt H J C Stanton. 5s fee acknowledged.
Policy No.409259. Receipt of letter re F White.
POs Value 30s to credit of Company.
Accident to F White. I have filled in Notice of Inquiry.
No Canal shares sold 29 Feb 1904 value £55 - 22 June 1906 value £60.
Re F White. Receipt of cheque £3 12s.
You can have the bit of land near the stable on Stonehouse Wharf for 1s per sq yard, the same as you pay for the other portion of land you occupy there. I shall have the small shed removed.
Re 12271 F White. Appreciation for ex gratia cheque £3 12s. In future all accidents to be reported at once.
Canal Bridge at Dudbridge. 1870 S S Marling, obtained permission for Road Commissioners to widen the bridge on west side. Repairs in future to be borne by Commissioners.
Canal Bridge at Dudbridge. Widened portion and roadway to be kept in repair by 'Road Authority', now County Council.
Receipt of cheque £1 4s re W J Aston.
Re Memorials, newspaper cuttings, extracts from speeches etc enclosed. Returned 18 Feb 1907.
You must have all your goods removed from Co. premises 9 Feb, but not fowls house nailed to fence.
Tolls and charges re through traffic to and from Thames & Severn Canal year ended September 1906 £468:6:11d.
Re Thames & Severn Canal. Receipt of Memorials 18 Feb.
Enclosing agreement for top or upper floor Wallbridge Warehouse. 10s 6d/12s for plain/stamped copy. Patch doors to fit. New doors when Mr Ashmead wants them.
From George Tyler. I will take wharf house at Dudbridge from 25 Mar £10:11s per annum or say £15 for house and outbuildings if rented with son in Cheltenham or £5 for outbuildings if rented on own.
Offer £1 a year accepted. Payment in advance to 25 Dec. Few yards more not an encroachment.
£3 and Pass Book. Return at your convenience.
Receipt of Agreement re tenancy Wharf house at Dudbridge 30 Mar, Company and G Tyler. Enclosing insurance policy no.9430619 Royal Insurance Co and forms Nos.9430519 & 9430619 re warehouse.
Re trunk telephone call 19 Feb, no person called from this office.
£2.7.6 to credit of Company's account. Pass Book enclosed.
Withdrawal Requisition and Deposit Notes enclosed. Please send cheque for £16.0.9 and place balance, £1:12:8 in Company's account.
Stroudwater Navigation Coy. Withdrawal Notice.
Agreement re Tenancy of lower floor of the Wallbridge Warehouse. Charge 10s 6d, half of cost.
Agreement re Tenancy of upper floor of Wallbridge Warehouse. Charge 10s 6d, half of cost.
Enclosed: Pipe Stove-Form re stoves fixed in the warehouse on Wallbridge Wharf.
£3 contribution to Gloucester Harbour Board Funds, year ended March 1907.
Last selling price, 24 July 1906, of Stroudwater Navigation Shares was £55.
Receipt of cheque for £16.0.9.
Order for oak for new foot bridge. Cost requested.
Tenancy of outbuildings at Dudbridge. Spend £25, rent free for 2 years, £20 rent free 18 months.
Mr Fulton promised that agreement should be put in hand at once. Almost all poles up. Without agreement, work to be stopped.
Enclosed: National Telephone Company's draft agreement for erection of poles on tow path Bond's Mill - Walk Bridge. Mr Whittingham's view re Agreement 18 June 1895 and height of wire crossing canal between Walk and Stonepits bridges. P.S. Wire by cable in Bridge Hole at Walk Bridge.
Buildings at Dudbridge Wharf. Details of agreement for lease of 5 years.
Addition to draft agreement and clause re erection of circuits, Junction to Stonepits bridge.
Rent £6.10 not £5 for office. Lease not renewable after 5 years but considering payment of £25 on buildings, I intend to see some Committee members.
Re plate broken in weighing machine at Stonehouse. Meeting at Stonehouse wharf.
Letter for Stroud Water Co. Messrs Davis & Co. Water from canal for boilers £4 a year to continue.
Cracked plate weighing machine Stonehouse Canal Wharf.
Request for new plate for weighing machine. Return of cracked plate.
Re estimate. We prefer to do work ourselves at your expense. Pay rent 2nd year. New window and guttering, WC about £10. 10 year lease, option to terminate after 5 years.
Measurements of damaged weighbridge plate. Send a man to Stonehouse to examine it at my own expense.
Enclosed: Return as to Capital duly filled in.
You cannot take building at Dudbridge on conditions offered. Offer of rent 3rd year, Company to deal with WC, drains, guttering.
Broken plate weighbridge. Matter to stand over. Send man when you can. Iron must be bad.
Request for oak.
We do work, rent paid from 2nd year. You do roof etc. rent from 3rd year. Terms reasonable.
Offer will be accepted. Rent to commence 24 June 1909.
Value of Stroudwater Navigation Shares 24 May £55.
Cost of lease £2.2. Your portion £1.1. Property tax 5s a year. If you agree you can have key to premises.
William Bullock reported that you forced your way through towing path gate You broke Bye Law of Co. and broke skin off his hand.
Hope to hear from you tomorrow. You need not have copy of lease but as well to have one.
Receipt of letter. Will be put before Committee 19 June.
Bill for use of warehouse, Wallbridge for storage of cement, tolls etc, Wharfage for water cart.
Kindly let me have terms as to Insurance re recent "Workmen's Compensation Act""."
Kindly let me have particulars as to Insurance re "Workmen's Compensation Act""."
Draft of lease for premises at Dudbridge. Please look over and return.
Re lease for premises at Dudbridge. Please return with your objections marked in pencil.
Kindly let me know your terms for Workmen's Compensation Insurance with explanation of clause 3. saying how you would treat permanent disablement or accidental death. Details of canal.
Completed form, details of Company, occupations of workmen, wages, accidents etc.
Wayleave agreement for poles on towing path Bond's Mill to Walk Bridge, Wheatenhurst.
Interview with Mr Colwell of Gloucester, Commercial Union since letter of 22 June. As well for us to do business through him.
Enclosed is M.O. for £1.15s, payment of premium for Insurance of Co.'s workmen.
Defective plate of weighing machine - Stonehouse Canal Wharf. Send someone to inspect it as soon as possible. Annual inspection shortly.
Enclosed Postal Order for 30s to Company's account
re machine plate Stonehouse Wharf. You supplied machine and was paid for it. Defect in plate. You are responsible for it. Guaranteed for 2 years. Company's solicitor will take it in hand.
In compliance with sec 39(3) of Railway & Canal Act 1888, I enclose notice of intended stoppage on canal Pike Lock to top of five at Eastington 17-26 August approx.
Your Company proposes to lay pipes over or by side of bridge over canal at Dudbridge. Kindly let me have the usual plan with written particulars.
Acknowledgement of receipt re weighbridge at Dudbridge. To be put in hand at once.
Inspector has found weighing machine at Dudbridge 12lbs out of order. When can you send a man? Weights from Stroud Gas Co. and men to assist. Tenant Mr Z Whiting also requires machine put in order. You could arrange two jobs to be done about same time.
Bartlett & Son of Bristol's man could put machine at Dudbridge and yours in order at same time, using weights from Stroud Gas Co. Cost of repairs to be paid by you.
Mr Hodgett, District Manager, tells me Telephone Co. will remove poles from your land to towing path and will not overhang your land. Mr Richard Martin took over Bridge 17 June 1836. I have Deed.
Notice re repairs too short. Men working in mills, materials, Manager of Gas Co re weights. Next week. Mr Whiting's weighbridge at Eastington.
No Committee Meeting next month.
No Committee Meeting next month.
No Committee Meeting next month.
No Committee Meeting next month.
No Committee Meeting next month.
No Committee Meeting next month.
No Committee Meeting next month.
No Committee Meeting next month.
No Committee Meeting next month.
No Committee Meeting next month.
No Committee Meeting next month.
No Committee Meeting next month.
Enclosed are share certificates nos. in names of Col J C Little, F A Little, E P Little. Please return form, duly filled in.
Re yours 25 July re contribution, Gloucester Harbour Board. Before Committee 18 September. From 1 August our Vice- Chairman, H Hamilton Mills, will be Trustee & Representative, held till 31 July by Mr C H Hooper, Chairman
Please send one piece oak 8ft 6in x 12in x 6in to Mr S Organ, Carpenter, Eastington Canal yard.
Please supply and send 12 Coach screws 7in long by 5/8in.
Kindly put one ton cement on boat for Stroudwater Navigation Co. Captain to put it out at Eastington.
Your man completed repairs to weighbridge at Dudbridge about 10 o'clock this morning.
Repair of weighbridge at Dudbridge completed this morning.
Time sheet for man who worked on weighing machine at Dudbridge.
Canal Return for 1905 relating to Works, corrected as desired.
Kindly send a bill of particulars to present to my Committee. Excuse direct communication with you. Unsatisfactory letters from your office.
Usual course to put rushes cut off slopes on bank. Right of way. If in your way I will have it removed after stoppage work at Eastington. Mr Tudor often has it. Poles belong to National Telephone Co.
Further information re expenses. If you send a new plate, I will send broken one to you. No traction engine has been on wharf.
Hedge and hedge bottom from bathing place to opposite Mr Sibly's shed requires cleaning out and trimmed..
Company only toll receivers. Will provide landing places wharfage free near lock keeper's house. Drop Mr James Smart, Chalford, a line. He will give you particulars. I will join you.
Re weighbridge plates. I have a Committee Meeting Wednesday next.
Send another plate to be fixed immediately. I have asked a competent man, Mr Lugg, Iron Founder of Brimscombe to be present when plate is broken.