Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/11
Letters written by William James Snape between August 1903 and March 1909
Committee accept proposal of your friend Mr Terrell, Gloucester Fishing Club, for 1 year, Jan 1-Dec 31 at £15, section of canal Bristol Road to Severn. No fishing on Sundays.
Please give me notice when your man will be at Stonehouse. He must carefully examine the other plate, bad iron.
£3 to credit of Company. Pass Book enclosed. Please return made up.
I return your bill for £6 6s. Who is going to pay for new plate is not known. Plate at Stonehouse. Please say when you are going to send man to fix new plate. Refer to my letters.
Rent arrangements in detail. Mistake is in the rent. Please send balance owing, 10s.
Instead of £3 10s on rent receipt yesterday, please read £3, less 10s, £2 10 rent paid. Mistake explained. Total £4 17s 6d.
I will be at Stonehouse Wharf Monday 28 at about 10.45am.
I return Probate of Will of Mrs L L Stanton deceased. I will forward signed share certificate.
Rental of canal Severn to Bristol Road. Kindly say to whom agreement should be sent.
Midland Railway Bill for carriage of Weigh Bridge plate, Bristol to Stonehouse 5 Oct. I presume you will pay.
Gate near Stonepits Bridge to be put in order. Rushes to be taken off your land.
Dividend Warrants for £13.15s and £12.7s.6d, half year ended 31 Mar and 30 Sep paid to Lloyds Bank, Stroud
When work is in hand, I am going down to make an inspection.
Account enclosed £1 0s 11d, Company's expenses in removal of faulty plate and replacing new one of Weighing Machine at Stonehouse Wharf.
Detailed expenses bill for new weighbridge plate, Stonehouse Canal Wharf. Total £1.11s.
Enclosed share certificate no.156 Capt H I C Stanton and Major H G Stanton. Receipt of 5s fee.
I will place your letter before Committee 20 Nov for consideration.
Shares originally £150, last selling price £55. Messrs Little & Whittingham, Rowcroft, Stroud, Company solicitors, deal with these matters. Dividends during last four years £11.
Telephone company instructed to fix poles on Canal Company's towing path. If Mr Harding will give me the number of the pole I will look into matter. Kindly put the bank of your land between Bristol Road bridge and next bridge in order. Cattle have trodden it down. Water soon over bank into meadow.
Account for wages 9s and carriage 4s 5d paid to Midland Railway Co. for old plate to Bristol.
Sunday fishing is not an open question. If £15 too much, six days only at £12 the year.
Sunday fishing not an open question. If £15 too much, £12 for six days only for year. Let me know before Committee Meeting 18 December. 1908 licenses to be printed for rest of canal.
Extract from Committee Minutes 20 November 1907. Canal closed for fishing on Sundays.
Par value of Company shares £150. Last selling price £55, 24 July 1906. No £25 shares issued.
Replies to questions: 2. Stroudwater Act 27 Geo II 4. In brackets (which latter canal.....Thames near Lechlade). 6. Receipts from tolls £1130:4s:5d. 8. 'coal' altered to 'local'. 15. Insert 'by gravitation'.
Saul Bridge generally bad. Make good with length of new stone. When work is advanced I will arrange with you where cramps are to be put in.
I beg to return form filled in as requested.
Bill for repairing swing bridge over canal near Gas Works. £176. £89 paid by Canal Co. £89 due from Gas Co.
Return of Burial Certificate of Mr Alfred Brittan. Re transfer of share, communicate with solicitors, Messrs Little Whittingham, Rowcroft, Stroud.
Renting of walls at Wallbridge and Dudbridge. Return engrossment by Wednesday morning. Expenses 21s, your share 10s 6d.
Enclosed 1. Share certificate No.136, Messrs A Brittan and C Miller, 16 Oct 1893. Transfer to Mrs M B Walker.
Please return agreement sealed and signed as soon as possible. Send rent due to 25 December £3 10s, also £6 rent to 24 June 1908 and 10s 6d, half cost of agreements, including stamp duty.
Enclosed certificate for share No136, Mrs M B Walker.
Whole length of canal available for stone traffic. Discharge at Framilode, Saul, Walk Bridge, Bristol Road, Eastington, Stonehouse, Ryeford, Dudbridge and Wallbridge
Kindly send cheque for rent due and half cost of agreement, as in my letter No. 422, 21 December.
Enclosed Agreement for letting of certain walls for billposting.
Strainers for poles in towing path, Lodgemore to Gas Works.. Large gas mains underneath. Not practical at present..
Water supply by 2in pipe to piggeries at Eastington 1s per week. Let me know when you put in pipe.
Share Certificates Nos.36, 47,112,129,160,163. Request for payment of dividends form to fill in.
Three stays fixed in towing path without consent. Responsibility yours. No work without our consent.
Six share certificates sent to Mr Ball. He has paid balance of my fees.
Order of good and sound, out to out, oak for planking swing bridge.
Amended order for oak. See previous letter 12 Feb.
Extracts from Minute book 6 re Stroud Gas co. Aug 16 1881,
Deleted, Oct 25 1881
Minute Book 6. Oct 25 1881 continued, Nov 15 1881, Dec 6 1881
Extracts from Minute Book 7. Apr 23 1896, May 19 1896.
Minute Book 7 May 19 1896 continued., Jun 16 1896, Jul 21 1896.
Minute Book 7 Jul 21 1896 continued.
Reduced amount £20, rent due for pipes laid under towpaths, no longer acceptable. 1896 'full receipt' given. Right of Stroudwater Navigation to require £5 per mile of pipe. Amount payable under Act £27:10s.
Your office is 14ftx7ft, covering 11sq yards. 2s 6d right charge. Rent 7s 6d a year. Lock up coal yard free. Only 6d per ton on coal. Messrs Dickinson Prosser & Co. 1s a sq yard. 6d not 4½d for coke but free of wharfage.
Chairman agrees to you taking lower floor of Wallbridge Wharf house for year. £6 rental. Portion reserved for ladders etc. Your agreement by Wednesday next.
Complaints against Road Man at Dudbridge. Mud in heaps opposite gates.
Tolls and charges re through traffic to and from Thames & Severn Canal, year ended Sept 1907 £432:4s:11d.
A discoloured inflow has come from the Painswick Brook, probably from Messrs Townsend's soap works. Direct communication to Committee would receive necessary attention.
Price for angling tickets 2s 6d. Reduction for about 30 members, 10 tickets for £10, including 1 day's angling competition.
Rent for tenancy of piece of land near garden at Wallbridge Wharf in future 30s a year as formerly.
£5 15s to Credit of Company's account, also Pass Book. Please return early next week.
Rent due last December 30s. Half Yearly Meeting to be held shortly. I have to close my books.
You were yesterday, at General Half Yearly Meeting appointed a member of Stroudwater Canal Committee. Card with dates of meetings enclosed.
You were yesterday, at General Half Yearly Meeting appointed a member of Stroudwater Canal Committee. Card with dates of meetings enclosed.
You were yesterday, at General Half Yearly Meeting appointed a member of Stroudwater Canal Committee. Card with dates of meetings enclosed.
Stroudwater Canal shares value 23 April £45 each. Re Transfer: Contact Company solicitors, Messrs Little & Whittingham, Rowcroft, Stroud. Dividend reduced, loss of trade, water in pits in Forest of Dean. Etc.
Kindly let me know situation of works, if coal to be brought by railway to Sharpness for shipment. Receivers to pay freight by arrangement.
General Half Yearly Meeting advertised in two County newspapers. Next meeting 21 October. Held on 3rd Wednesday in April and October at 4.30 pm.
Mr Hubert Field, barge owner, Saul will give you the freight. Toll charges on canal. I can get you barges or boats for coal sent into district.
Room on wharf for 20 or 30 tons of poles. 2 days notice. In way of weighing machine.
You did deliver coal to Fromehall and Lodgemore Mills by railway. It is now coming by canal to Lodgemore. Would you send to Fromehall by canal? Try and help canal. Work for boats and barges. Canal 200 yards from Mill.
Enclosing order for oak for Mr Wibby. Same size as on other bridges. Could have chock pieces bolted on. What do you think?.
Detailed order for pieces of oak.
List of rents.
Probate of Will of Miss M S Asbury. Dividend warrant for £1.
Re Miss M S Asbury, deceased. Acknowledgement of letter and statement of fees.
Documents to transfer shares 57 & 107 received from solicitors. Will send Share certificates in a few days.
Share certificates 57 & 107, Miss E J Asbury. Please return form re payments of dividends.
£2 15s to credit of Company. Kindly update Pass Book and return.
(Illegible) £1. Not for use. They will be sold and money placed to credit of Company.
I have your letter re stables at Dudbridge. Kindly call and we can arrange matters.
Re Royal Commission on Canals & Waterways. Particulars re Wendover Arm
Very bad state of hedge east of Hilly Orchard. Overhangs towing path. Inconvenience to boatmen.
Hedge east of Swing Bridge to canal cottages at Ryeford requires attention. Also ditch. Hedge overhangs towing path . Inconvenience to boatmen
You allow your donkeys to graze the towing path between the railway bridge and canal cottages at Ryeford. I am to request you to discontinue the practice.
Mrs Ruegg had reminder that dividend Warrant had not gone through bank. 3 Nov 1903 she thought she had paid it to one of tradespeople. Duplicate warrant sent. Letter of indemnity from Mrs Ruegg. Suggest you communicate with her son, A H Ruegg or W J Ruegg, addresses supplied.
You can come as far as Stroud. Journey 15s - Junction with Berkeley Canal, Saul to Stroud and back.
No meeting in August.
No Meeting in August.
Messrs T S Whittingham and J R M Ball appointed Members of Committee of Company 22 April.
My son has appointment Saturday. If Monday suits you, he will be in Gloucester Monday morning.
Stroudwater Canal does not belong to Gloucestershire County Council but made through land purchase. Try angling in canal without permission and see what happens. Angling case at Whitminster. Put matter right in paper next week..
Receipt of your letter re Wharf House at Latton. My Committee will require reference.
I shall be glad to receive Company's balance sheets and vouchers left with you.
You turn out your donkeys on Towing path between Ryeford Brick Bridge and the Railway Bridge. Discontinue to do so or I shall take action under the new Bye Laws.
I will take 3 logs of pitch pine if on October a/c and at price quoted. I will send my carpenter see to the sawing.
Committee Meeting Wednesday. Please return enclosed accounts with particulars, as in former years.
Kindly inform me re Motor Car Bridge Notice and when Act comes into operation.
Communication re payment by National Telephone Co of 4d per pole to Mr W Grey Robinson
Barge and Boatmen complain of difficulty opening and shutting your swing bridge near Ebley Mill. Fear of accident if not attended to.
£2 15s enclosed to Credit of Co. a/c. Kindly make Pass Book up to date and return.
Demand from Mr Davies for Income Tax,18s, on fees for Canal Committee Members. Your charge 9s on statement of account. Kindly state on what 9s is charged.
Re your letter. The Company is unable to admit all the circumstances stated or any liability.
Re Heavy Motor Car Order 1907, Committee considering 'Bridge Notice' proposed to be adopted by Railway Companies, sent to Canal Association. Committee's wish to know course taken by other Canal Companies. Will you adopt notice, if so, in sheet iron or in form of cast iron plates?
Re Heavy Motor Car Order 1907, Committee considering 'Bridge Notice' proposed to be adopted by Railway Companies, sent to Canal Association. Committee's wish to know course taken by other Canal Companies. Will you adopt notice, if so, in sheet iron or in form of cast iron plates?
Adoption of Bridge Notice (re Heavy Motor Car Order 1907) proposed by Railway Cos. under consideration by my Committee. From whom is your Company obtaining same?
Re Heavy Motor Car Order 1907, Committee considering 'Bridge Notice' proposed to be adopted by Railway Companies, sent to Canal Association. Committee's wish to know course taken by other Canal Companies. Will you adopt notice, if so, in sheet iron or in form of cast iron plates?
I am sending a boat on Wednesday. Kindly cost and send 5 pieces of timber (details given).
Postal Order for 10s returned over-paid ticket No.2989, 7 Sept, Boat Alert, Coal to Stafford's Mill. Toll on 37 tons @ 8d £1 14s 8d, should have been £1 4s 8d.
Re claim of shares. Special formalities required. Messrs Little & Whittingham, Rowcroft, Stroud, Co.'s solicitors. Next Committee Meeting 18 November.
Motor Car Acts 1896 & 1903. Thanks for yours of 28 October re notices for bridges.
Thanks for yours of 28 October re notices for bridges.
Re Heavy Motor Car Order 1907, Committee considering 'Bridge Notice' proposed to be adopted by Railway Companies, sent to Canal Association. Committee's wish to know course taken by other Canal Companies. Will you adopt notice, if so, in sheet iron or in form of cast iron plates?
Motor Car Acts 1896 & 1903. Thanks for yours of 29f October re notices for bridges.
Thanks for copy of cast iron notice plate adopted by you 6 May. Next Committee Meeting 18 Nov.
I have no means of testing Weighing machines at Dudbridge & Wallbridge. When you are next in the district with your weights, please have them tested.
Motor Car Acts 1896 & 1903. Thank you for yours of 31 Oct re Motor Notice Plate.
Motor Car Regulations 1896 & 1903. Thank you for the gift of the diagram
Re Heavy Motor Car (Amendment) Order 1907, Committee considering 'Bridge Notice' proposed to be adopted by Railway Companies, sent to Canal Association. Committee's wish to know course taken by other Canal Companies. Will you adopt notice, if so, painted on sheet iron or in form of cast iron plates with raised letters?
Re Heavy Motor Car (Amendment) Order 1907, Committee considering 'Bridge Notice' proposed to be adopted by Railway Companies, sent to Canal Association. Committee's wish to know course taken by other Canal Companies. Will you adopt notice, if so, painted on sheet iron or in the form of cast iron plates with raised letters
Thank you for yours with enclosures. Do you think the "Notices"" will meet requirements of Article 1. of Heavy Motor (Amendment) Order 1907?"
Your Company is taking heavy weights over Swing Bridge near Stroud Gas Works. Not constructed to carry heavy loads. Your Company will be held responsible for damage. Give instructions to your carters.
Copy of 483.
Gas Works Bridge. Constructed to carry ordinary traffic to Mills and Gas Works. For extraordinary traffic bridge would need to be packed to protect castings.
Receipt of letter with enclosures and for registration fee, £2 10s.
Motor Car Acts Notices. Kindly let me have copy of your present notice and copy of former notice.
Crane chain for annealing repairing, also testing. When finished, forward to Mr Edward Hill, Stroudwater Canal Wharf, Dudbridge, Glos.
Copy enclosed of our Loco Act 1861 Bridges Notice. Does your Company propose to combine this and Motor Car Acts 1896 & 1903 in one notice or have separate notices?
Stable & Office at Dudbridge. Monthly tenancy, 13s a year, as arranged at first application.
Thanks for copy of proposed notice.
Enclosed ten Stroudwater Canal Share Certificates in names of Mary Alice Stephens, Beatrice Helena Stephens and others, will of late John Stephens, nos.
Dividend Warrant for £7 10s on your 10 shares. You will have Share Certificates on Tuesday.
Thank you for letter. Anything further in matter of notice?
Re Motor car Acts Notice for bridges. Let me know when you do anything more.
Do you intend to exhibit notice under Locomotive Act 1861 in addition to Motor Car notice?
Contract to supply stone to Gloucestershire County Council. Special rate 4d per ton. Mr Waddy, Sharpness Docks Co., has rate on stone from Midlands. Do you need boats or have you second boat in district?
Thank you for letter 7 January. Information very useful to me.
Enclosed 13 Angling permits. Includes your annual competition.