Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/12
Letters written by William James Snape between March 1909 and February 1914
I enclose Share certificate 20 in the name of Catherine P Clutterbuck and a form for payment of dividends.
Please repair the fence at Ryeford drawn to your notice several times. It is in a dangerous condition and you would be liable for any resulting damage. My Committee have instructed me to write to you.
Please forward to above address half a gallon of "impenetrable"" Fine Base Paint for ironwork."
I have received your letter. What is the horse power of your engine and the power at which you intend to work at. Do you use canal water for any other purpose?
Please remove the barge now lying in Framilode basin within 14 days or arrangements will be made to have it removed (under the Canal Act) and charge you with the cost of removal
My Committee press you to pay 12s 6d rent balance due to 24 Jun last. This will save trouble
Re: Whitehall Pound: as J Chapman is suspected of emptying Whitehall Pound as previously reported, I think the onus of refilling the pound should be on the mill owner, especially as I understand Chapman acts as their agent. [Letter crossed through in blue and annotated: Glos C C letter - see Gardom's Book]
Re President: I suggest that Lord St Aldwyn, (Chairman of the Canal Committee, Glos C C) be an excellent choice to replace the late President Sir J E Dorington Bart.
Thank you for your reply. Our charge is 2s 6d per horse power per annum for a pipe to the canal; the charge in this case will be 25s for the year ending April next, payable in advance. If you later require full power (20 HP) the charge will be £2:10:0 per annum. We hope to place orders with you in the future.
Thanks for your letter of the 25th
I enclose the extract of the report of the Inspection Committee re the wall at Ryeford and the Ebley swing bridge which you requested
[Extract of report requested above] The condition of the wall below the coal pen at Ryeford is unchanged since last year: a heap of stones at one end may be for repairs. Ebley Mills swing bridge which belongs to Messrs Marling & Co. Is somewhat out of repair and is dangerous to loaded barges, though unloaded barges may pass it safely.
Re Fishing Competition. Before the competition you will need to take out angling licences. Ten £1 licences were issued on 11 May 1909. Please send instructions for this year's licence tickets.
We would be glad to see Mr Smith at our next Committee meeting on 21st Sep at 3.45 pm
Re: Depositing Canal dredgings: thank you for your letter. My Committee will consider this on 21st Sept
Re: House and premises at Dudbridge. You will require references before the Committee can settle the tenancy. Please send these in the next few days
I have received Transfer of share 73 from Capt H J C Stanton to Mr J Margetson, Share certificate, Power of Attorney and my registration fee of 5s, with thanks
I again call attention to the bad condition of your fence at your sawmill at Ryeford: our Photographer nearly slipped into the millpond while photographing the swing bridge. It requires renewing from end to end.
I return the probate of the late Mr Croome's will and share certificate No 46. Before it can be registered it must be claimed at a meeting of the Committee: I will let you have form of claim. The Committee meet on 21st Sep
Re: House and premises at Dudbridge. As I have not heard from you re references, the matter is now ended.
Finance Act, 1910. The forms you have sent re the Property owned by this Company in Saul (ref. 211, 212, 213) are for an owner . Please send those applicable to a Statutory Co.
Finance Act 1910. The forms you have sent re the Property owned by this Company in Stroud (ref. 2055, 2056) are for an owner . Please send those applicable to a Statutory Co.
I enclose share certificate No 73, made out in your name, delayed as the Treasurer was on holiday. Please send receipt.
I enclose an authority for someone to attend the Committee meeting on 21 Sep to claim the share on behalf of the executors of the late Mrs Croome. Please send the probate of the will shortly before the meeting.
I return the land value forms: we require "Statutory Company"" forms. Please note my pencil remarks re canal and towing path"
The charge of 10s for the pleasure boat is the usual charge in every case. The additional 10s charge is for use of the long pound for 12 months, not quite 2 and 1/2d per month. Please send the 10s due.
Mr H R Hooper and Mr John Margetson have been appointed members of the Committee of the Company
In reply to yours I am unable to meet you on Friday but can meet any convenient day Monday to Wednesday next week
I have not sent a receipt as the 10s toll is still unpaid. The Clerk at the Junction holds the book which is still open. Please pay or I must take further action.
In compliance with the Act I enclose notice of a stoppage on this canal.
Re: Land Values. Please allow an extension of time to the end of the month: the forms must be reviewed by the Committee before I return them.
Re: Charges for rowing boats: our regulations do not permit what you suggest and tolls are due from every person who uses the canal. We are a commercial organisation and must consider the interests of shareholders.
Re: Mud tips at Stonehouse: After on-site discussion with your manager, I feel we can proceed provided we have an assurance of security of tenancy. We may ask your company to carry out the work. Please ask your engineer to quote a probable cost, ideally before 21st when my Committee meets.
Re: Land Values. Please allow an extension of time to the end of the month: the forms must be reviewed by the Committee before I return them. The Land Valuation Officer for Saul has agreed to an extension but I would like to make all the Company's returns.
Thanks for your letter of yesterday; I enclose a list of all the Parishes in which this Company holds property.
Referring to your annotated a/c sent to me, please let me know how you have arrived at the item £15.9.1. With reference to yours of 15 June, I omitted to include rent £27.10.0 paid to us by the Stroud Gas Works from which they deducted tax. The Committee meet next Wednesday and I need to show them the accounts so an early response is needed. I return the amended account.
Finance Act 1910. Thank you for the information that the Canal Association has requested an extension be extended to Canal Companies in respect of returning Land Valuation forms. My local Land Valuation officers have granted an extension to our company until the end of the month: perhaps by that time the Association will have heard from the Land Values Department at Somerset House.
Finance Act 1910 Thank you for notice of extension of time
Re: canal Bridge Eastington. I will place your plan for the bridge before the Committee at the next meeting
Re: Finance Act. Thank you for your letter
Mrs C W Croome, deceased. I enclose the probate which has been registered. I will forward the share certificate in the name of the executors shortly
Re; Depositing Stonehouse Canal dredgings. Thank you for your letters. The Committee have decided that as no dredging can be done in winter and the matter is not urgent. I will contact you again when we may wish to proceed.
Please place enclosed money order £2.10.0 to the credit of this Company.
I am closing the books for the half year: please send as arranged, the details of all coal brought by the railway and deposited at our wharf in Eastington, Please send urgently as it is wanted by the Committee
Please place enclosed money order 30s to the credit of this Company.
Please place enclosed postal order to the credit of this Company and return the pass book by return of post.
Re: Pike Bridge, Eastington. I would like to meet you at the bridge as the Committee require further information. Please suggest a suitable day after 19th Oct as I cannot meet you before then.
I am closing the books for the half year: please remit £1 for the pipe to the canal at the Leaze due last September, so that I can include it in the proper half year.
The repairs referred to in the notice dated 8 Sep 1910 are completed.
List of rents
Re: Ship Inn: The Committee have decided that they are unwilling to break the lease, which has 10 years to run, as you desire. I enclose a copy of the minutes.
Re: Cheltenham Bill Posting Co. I have received your cheque for £6:4:0 and the Bill Posting Company's receipted contra account for 6s, with thanks.
Thank you for your letter of 15 Sep.
My Committee directs you to remove the barge Elizabeth now lying in Framilode basin when the tide next serves as our man R. Pocket has repeatedly requested or action will be taken (under the Canal Act) at your charge. A charge of 70s for moorings will also have to be paid.
Finance Act: re your letter, you may include this Company among the navigations on whose behalf the proposals are made.
I enclose share certificate No.:46 in the names of Mr A C M Croome and Mrs E C Mercer, a form for payment of dividends and the registration account and a draft form for claim of fees. The next Committee meeting is on Nov 16th.
Re: Finance Act.1910: Thank you for your letter. Please inform me of any expenses incurred in the matter of Land Values.
Re: Canal Association (Finance Act.1910) Land Values. I enclose papers and letters received from the Canal Association regarding this matter. Please read and return.
Mr Beavis, a builder of Rodborough, Stroud is making enquiries re delivery of 100,000 bricks from Bristol to Stroud (Upper Wharf). You might wish to contact him. The wharfage charge is 6d per thousand; 6d per ton Stroudwater toll; 6d per ton: Thames & Severn toll.
Land Values: in reply to yours, the matter has been taken up by the Canal Association and is in the hands of the Local District Valuer to whom the returns, when complete, will be made.
As I have no means if testing our weighing machines at Dudbridge & Wallbridge, I would be glad if you could test them when next in this district with your weights. If anything is wrong I will have them put in order.
Land Values: in reply to yours, the matter has been taken up by the Canal Association and is in the hands of the Local District Valuer to whom the returns, when complete, will be made.
Re Land value forms. I have nothing more to add to my letter of 10th except that our forms will sent direct to the District Valuer
I have received your letter re: Framilode lock and will send details of wages, duties etc shortly.
I have received your letter re the late Richard Pockett. Future management has not yet been considered: I intend to see Mrs Pockett shortly.
I enclose a cheque for £2:2:0 subscription by the Company to the Stroud Hospital for the year ended 26th of this month.£1:19:0 (Workman's contribution) was paid to Lloyds Bank on 19th Dec. Please send tickets for above.
Finance Act (1910) In compliance with your letter to G G Hawkins of the Canal Association I enclose a list of names and addresses of local Valuation officers from whom this company has received forms viz O J Pearce, Downfield, Stroud; E C Govich, Painswick; C G Freeman, Rodborough; G O Elliott, Holloway Institute, Stroud; F Shepherd, Saul, Stonehouse; D S Willey, Whitminster, Stroud.
I enclose share certificate No: 81 made out in the names of A C M Croome and Mrs Mercer, with forms for payment of dividends for completion and account for registration fee.
I have received per messenger four tickets Stroudwater Navigation Workman's subscription (£1:19:0) and also four tickets Stroudwater Navigation Co's subscription (£2:2:0), with thanks
Re: Share No. 46. I have received the transfer and certificate of Share 46 from A C M Croome and Mrs E N Mercer to Mr A K Morton Ball together with power of attorney and 5s transfer fee, for which thanks.
In reply to yours, notice is 14 days on either side of any pay-day. Any incoming man would be of good character and I am sure there would be no difficulty respecting the proper working of the post office. Mr Harris is a native of Saul, and will be amongst his relations and friends. During the past 40 years there has only been three men occupying this house.
As I have a meeting shortly, please remove the trees you planted on the bank at Whitminster shortly, as agreed.
I enclose a postal order value 20s . Please credit this to this Company's account.
Re your letter re gorse on 'Canal Bank' at Whitminster, I will write to you again in a week or so.
Re boats on Canal. The Committee have decided that you continue to pay £2:0:0 per annum for four boats and that for a charge of £3 you may have an additional 11 boats built by your pupils - 15 in all, total payment £5, terminable at one year by a month's notice in writing by either party.
Referring to your letter of 7th and my meeting with members of Saul Parish Council on 10th, the Committee have agreed to lend you the Navigation's boat free and men to carry out the desired raising of the banks on condition the Saul Council pay their wages. I cannot say when you can have the boat as much work is needed on the towing path between Shallow Lock and Bristol Road damaged by the flood.
I enclose share certificate No. 46 in this Company made out in your name and also form for payment of dividends - please fill in and return this.
Thank you for your letter. Please tell me where the bank you mention is.
Re: Bank near Saul Bridge I will look at it in the next few days My man down there could do what is required. A large quantity of water flowed over your land near the long row of cottages and did serious damage to the towpath. Please consider erecting a bank at the top of your gardens to prevent this happening in future. PS. It was this water that caused the overflow (not canal water) We cannot be responsible for floods and tides. The Canal works comply with the Act of Parliament.
Re your letter, my son will call on you re posting stations on 2nd at 11 am. Thank you for the trouble you have taken.
Re the gorse bushes on the bank at Whitminster, after further consideration and as other canal interests are involved the Committee cannot agree to the bushes remaining and would like you to remove them.
Stroud Urban District Council and Rowley Stone. Mr Milnes would be glad to hear from you; the Rowley people have quoted prices. The stone can be delivered by canal and my Committee would like it introduced into Stroud. The "Upper Wharf"" is on the T&S Canal and the County Council (Canal Department) will receive toll. "
Thank you for your letter. I will write to you after my Committee meets on 15th of this month
Re: Rowley Stone: Mr Milnes has enquired about wharfage charges; I have agreed that he can stock stone on the wharves free. Re: dredging T&S Canal, about three weeks dredging should be sufficient; I will keep the charges as low as possible.
Re: Land values, I return the form of undertaking dictated to me by the Committee yesterday and signed on behalf of this Company
The tolls received by this Company for traffic to and from the T&S Canal in the year ended Sept 30th 1910 amount to £403:10;5
Enclosed a cheque for £475. Please credit to this Company's account.
Sale to Stroud Gas Co: Thank you for your letter with enclosures and cash £3:5:6. I have forwarded the cheque (£475) and written to each of the tenants as requested.
The house you now occupy has been sold by this company to Stroud Gas Co. All future rent including the rent due at Ladyday next should be paid to the Stroud Gas Co.
I have not heard from you re; the bank from Weir to Osier Bed Framilode pound. The wages if full time will be £3:14:0 per week. Please state if you wish to pay the men or the Company and charge on one account at completion of the work. No charge for the boat.
The house you now occupy has been sold by this company to Stroud Gas Co. All future rent including the rent due at Ladyday next should be paid to the Stroud Gas Co.
Re: Bristol Road Wharf: Thank you for your letter. I will make immediate enquiries and reply. I will do my best to accommodate you.
I enclose the Ordnance sheet: the boundary of the Company's property is marked on it as requested [list of properties appended] Please let me know when you will require the "Forms""."
Bank at Saul on Towing Path: I have received your letter of agreement to the terms in my letter of 21st Feb. They are getting the tools and boat ready and think they will be down on Wednesday next at the Clay Bank loading the first load.
Re: your request for permission to fix a wall letterbox to this Company's wall in Framilode: the Committee is willing provided any damage is fixed at your Department's expense. Reasonable notice for removal of the letterbox as fixed to be acknowledged by both parties.
I am very sorry to find that the men have lopped two Withy trees belonging to you at the Ocean: my Lock keeper thought they all belonged to the Company. I have given instructions for the loppings not to be taken away. If not useful to you I will give 2s each for them. Please convey your wishes; the boat will be down on Tuesday to load.
Canal Association: My Committee has agreed to contribute £3:3:0 to the expenses of the Association's opposition to the Telegraph (Construction) Bill.
Re Billposting Stations: Committee agree to your offer of £7 per year.
Referring to our recent letters, my Chairman thinks the Committee would require a definite notice and suggests three months. We hope you will agree and await an early reply
I find it was four trees and not five that we lopped. I therefore enclose 8s. Please send a receipt.
I enclose M. Order for £2.10.0. Please credit to this Company's account.
In reply to your enquiry re osiers, you can have the same at 6d per bundle cut by you, provided payment is made to my appointee before they are taken off the Company's property. There are some near the Junction at Saul if you wish to take them. When I hear from you I will ask the Lock keeper at Eastington to meet you and point out what belongs to the Company.
I enclose a postal order for 20s; please credit this to the Company's account. Please balance the pass book including interest up to 25 March. On about 9 April about £600 will be withdrawn.
On 1 April I will send you the toll accounts for this Company and also for the Glos CC T&S Co. I now hold a cheque of £1.4.6 to the credit of Stroudwater Canal and nothing for the T&S Canal. Please send cheques on receipt of the bills as both accounts are to be closed early in April for the half yearly meeting of Stroudwater Canal Co and yearly meeting of T&S Canal. Please send separate cheques as the accounts are entirely separate. Your account for this canal amounts to £4.19.3 and for the T&S Canal £3.14.5. Tolls on the canal are counted as cash paid so please arrange for Mr Davidson to pay when the boat comes up. I have no authority from the Committee to open a credit account and we never do so.
I enclose Land Value forms duly filled in for the following parishes: [detailed list of parishes and poor rate numbers appended]
Re; Telegraph (Construction) Bill. Thank you for your letter. This Company grants permission (subject to agreement) to the Post Office and National Telephone Co to erect poles and struts on the canal towing paths and to run wires over and cables under the canal. At present the Post Office have one pole on the towing path and one cable under the canal. The National Telephone Co. have poles on the canal towing path for nearly seven miles and one cable under the canal.
A requisition for a cheque for £589.5.6 will be forwarded by this company tomorrow (7 Apr) to enable the Company to pay for some stock (purchased) as on the morning of 12 Apr.
Withdrawal requisition [detailed account appended]
[account from previous page completed]
Deposit receipt [detailed] signed by Chairman, Philip James Evans & W James Snape, clerk
Referring to my letter of yesterday's date, I send a withdrawal requisition signed by the Chairman and myself, and deposit note amounting to £614:13:9. We wish to withdraw £589:9:6. Please send a cheque for that amount and place the balance of £25.3.6 to the credit of this company's account.
Please send information on how matters stand with regard to Billposting stations which I can report to my Committee on 19 Apr.
Re: Bridge House Eastington: rent of 1s 6d for the pipe from the washhouse to the canal is due on 29 Sep 1911. 2s 6d for taking water from the canal will shortly be collected. Please note that the pipe from pump to canal is the property of this Company; repair of it is the responsibility of the owner of the property.
Unfortunately your cheque was torn accidentally and the bank refused to accept it: I paid cash for the sum as my auditor is due shortly. I would be much obliged if you could send another cheque. I enclose the stubs of cheque on Wilts and Dorset Bank No A305702 and two stamps, one for the cheque and one for postage.
Re: your letter of the 13th, the 2s 6d is for the present year ending 31 Dec 1911
I enclose a cheque for £589:9:6 payment by the Company for £500 North British Railway Co, 42% preference stock plus expenses [detailed]. Please send the transfer in due course.
Re: frame woodwork from Gloucester or Bristol to Dudbridge: please give me quantities from each place and I will approach a carrier for a freight charge. This company are not carriers
I have received the transfer and will get it signed and returned as soon as possible.
Re: £500: North British Convertible Preference Stock (1875): I return the Transfer signed by the following gentlemen viz. Sir H W Marling Bart witnessed by his private secretary Mr Hallett, Mr A J Morton Ball, Mr H Hamilton Mills, Mr A B Hooper witnessed by myself,. Please let me have the certificate as soon as possible.
Re: Fire Policy issued by your company to this Company. I have received a communication from Messrs Little and Whittingham of Stroud. This Company has paid your charges in advance to 25 Mar 1912 so no premium is due to be paid until after that date. I expected you to delete the two cottages situated at Downfield and credit this company with the amount of premium already paid on said cottages. The receipt for the last premium paid (£6:3:3) is now amongst the papers for the last half year already passed by the auditor. Cover note 4129 to hand per Messrs Little and Whittingham, is this necessary when we are cleared to Mar 1912? I shall be glad to hear from you.
I enclose the letter from The Royal Insurance Co. Re Fire Insurance. I have received the cover note No. 4129 enclosed with your letter to me.
The Lock keeper at Eastington reports that the man in charge of your Motor Lorry regularly fills his boiler from the canal at Eastington. Our usual charge for this is 7s 6d per year payable in advance. Kindly remit the same, being payment for one year ending 25 Mar 1912.
I have received your letter and assume that when the new policy for the year ending Mar 1912 is issued the overpayment of 6s originally paid will be refunded. I await your reply.
I have your account of calls from 25 Oct 10 to Apr 1911 (no date given) The balance of 4d brought forward on 20 Oct 1910 and £1 paid on 25 Oct 1910 are not shown. The 4d balance is given in your letter to me of 24 Oct 1910. It therefore appears that we owe 5d of the 9d you state we are over the amount deposited. I await your reply.
I enclose dividend request form duly signed by Sir Wm. H Marling Bart, A Morton Ball, H. Hamilton Mills and A B Hooper.
I have your letter dated 4th May and return as requested Receipt No 6296 dated 25 Mar 1911 and signed by Messrs Little & Whittingham your Stroud Agents for premium £6:3:3 paid by this company in respect of Fire Insurance Policy No. 9817238 in advance to 25 Mar 1912. I understand that on the issue of a new policy you will refund the 6s overpaid.
I have your letter dated 10 May re request as to payment of dividends and below give you names etc of the gentlemen appearing on the same viz W H Marling Bart, Stanley Park, Stroud, Glos; Mr A J Morton Ball - Solicitor, George St, Stroud, Glos (Office); Mr H Hamilton Mills - Sudgrove House, Cirencester, Glos; Mr Arthur B Hooper - Eastington Mills, Stonehouse, [written in 'secretary hand', much more legible than 177 above]
Re: painting for Dudbridge Lock-house. Having obtained a lower estimate for the above work, yours of 21s has not been accepted
A detailed account of rents covering Apr 1910 to Mar 1911
It was noted on the Committee's Annual Inspection last Tuesday that the boundary wall around the piece of land you rent from the company at Newtown was out of repair and requires attention. Please see to this.
(Copy of official note to be returned to Foster and Braithwaite) I have received from you £500 North British Railways convertible preference stock (1875) in favour of Sir W H Marling, Bart, A J Morton Ball, H H Mills and A B Hooper per pro the Stroudwater Navigation Co. Returned as dated.
I have received certificate re £500 North British Railways convertible preference stock (1875) in favour of Sir W H Marling, Bart, A J Morton Ball, H H Mills and A B Hooper jointly and enclose your official note No. 40238 as requested.
I am informed that you have been drawing heavy weights over the Swing Bridge at Stonehouse, property of Stroudwater Navigation. This bridge was not constituted for heavy traffic and you are liable for proceedings for having so used it and give notice to you not to do so again. It has also been reported that you have put 8 new planks in the bridge. This will be brought before the Company's Committee at their next meeting.
Re: Fire Insurance Policy 11209997. I have received the above policy and 6s sent with it, with thanks
Re Timber Dudbridge Wharf:. We shall soon need this wharf room for stone; please arrange for removal of the timber which has been there over a month free of charge. If allowed to remain wharfage will be charged, as well as the cost of clearing another portion of the wharf.
I have received your letter sent yesterday re the Swing Bridge. This will also be placed before the Committee on 21 June.
Re: rent of cottage at Framilode. The Committee feels unable further to reduce the rent but suggests that you apply for a reduction in rates in proportion to the reduction already made in the rent.
Re your enquiry, the last Canal Shares to be sold cost £50 each. There have been no sales for some time but we will let you know of any enquiries. How many do you hold and wish to dispose of?
Re your enquiry, the last Canal Shares to be sold cost £50 each. There have been no sales for some time but we will let you know of any enquiries. How many do you hold and wish to dispose of?
Mr A. Grafton Sprogue of Llandrindod Wells Radnorshire has paid 15s- toll in respect of a small pleasure boat to Wallbridge. Please issue him the usual ticket to be produced here.
Re: estimate for colouring and painting Dock House, Eastington. As your estimate was considerably above the lowest received the Committee have not accepted it. Thank you for your submission.
Your estimate of £6:10.6 for colouring and painting has been accepted and you can proceed with the work when the weather permits
I append a Workman's Compensation Insurance form completed as follows: paid during the past 12 months are: Clerical Staff £176:0:0; Foremen and Workmen directly employed £406:9:1; Total: £582:9:1. Year ended 30 Jun1911
If convenient I can meet you at Stonehouse Swing Bridge tomorrow (Wed) at about 2pm to discuss bridge repairs. Please telephone tomorrow morning before 11 am.
Re: Framilode Warehouse. The top room has been void for years and the ground floor is only used for a boat or two and for some lumber which could easily be moved elsewhere and the whole warehouse could be declared void if you assessed the same high. We have repeatedly tried to let it but failed and I doubt will ever be able to do so. We could well do without it. I will have a talk with our man and write to you again. re your question about canals, apart from buildings we are exempt under Act of Parliament.
Mr Pockett reports that when a heavy barge is taken up to Framilode pound the water runs over the floor of his dairy inconveniently. Owing to increased trade from Bullo, in place of some from Sharpness, barges there will be more frequent. Mr Pockett requests that we take up and relay his floor and step and . . . [line omitted from image] . . before doing anything he requests I ask your permission. Please discuss the matter with him and let me know if we can proceed with the work, ideally before the Committee meet on 19th July.
Re: Warehouse, Framilode. As Mr Boulton and the owners of two boats wish to house a pile driver and the boats, we will for say one year from September next pay rates on the above if not assessed at more than £1. We will not recoup the rates but wish to accommodate Mr Boulton, Mr Long and Mr Sims. The Canal Company do not want the Warehouse. If the pile driver and boats are removed we will declare the warehouse void at once. I await your reply.
I enclose postal orders value £1. Please credit to this Co's account.
At the meeting of the Committee yesterday it was decided no meeting will be held next month
At the meeting of the Committee yesterday it was decided no meeting will be held next month
At the meeting of the Committee yesterday it was decided no meeting will be held next month
re Stroudwater canal Shares, they do not very often change hands, so it is difficult to state a market value. A share was sold in 1910 for £50 and that may be taken as approximately the current value.
The Committee have instructed me to proceed with the work on Mr Pocket's dairy floor directly I get your sanction. It will improve the property as the water if slightly higher than the normal level was over the floor. Hoping to hear favourably from you.
re proposed trip over this canal. The charge is 10s one way, 15s return whether the locks are used or not. You can obtain a ticket at Saul junction with the G&B canal.
Thank you for permission to raise the dairy floor at Mr Pocket's. The work will be done to Mr Pocket's satisfaction and Mrs Purnell Edwards will not be put to any expense. Thank you for your assistance.
I noticed yesterday that you have a quantity of timber and a number of wagons on the Co.'s wharf at Ryeford. Please remove them or wharfage charges will have to be made. We are expecting a large quantity of stone for the County Council and the wharf will be required.
I must draw your attention to the damage done by your pigs to the Canal Bank at Ryeford; please have it repaired as soon as possible as then I will not need to trouble the Committee with the matter.
I have received your cheque for £5:19:6 for wayleaves. You have made a deduction, without notice, as you are giving up the tenancy. The whole amount of rent on the account should be paid by the Telephone Co and that Company should arrange with the incoming tenant any adjustment made by you in accordance with our agreement. Kindly let me know if it is intended to remove the poles, wires etc. Please return the account with your remarks on it.
Your quit rent for the pipe over Ebley Bridge 5s is very much behind. As I am now preparing the accounts for the Committee, please send these as early as possible or the Committee may take action.
Re pass for a motor boat: I have received your enquiry. The pass can be obtained on entry to the canal at Saul Junction with the Berkeley ship canal The charge is 10s single 15s return.