Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/12
Letters written by William James Snape between March 1909 and February 1914
As I have no means of testing our weighing machines at Dudbridge and Wallbridge, when you are next in this district with your weights, please would you test them. If anything is wrong I will have them put in order.
re: Trees at Newtown: Please send a cheque re above or I will have to put the matter in the hands of the Company's solicitors, Messrs Little & Whittingham Stroud. I also draw your attention to my letter of 6 July last re trees.
re Gas House Bridge.: Please remit the 10s as per my letter to you of 14th August last or I shall have to report the matter to the Company's solicitors Messrs Little & Whittingham of Stroud.
Thanks for your letter and enclosure which will be considered by my Committee: I will then return the draft agreement enclosed with your letter.
I understand that recently your cattle strayed on the roads and have damaged the bank near this Company's property at Framilode. They have also found their up the towing path to the detriment of the raised bank put there by the Saul Parish Council to keep the water back. The Company does not allow cattle to use the towing path; please prevent this in future. PS We are ratepayers and paid a proportion of the cost of the bank.
Thank you for your letter of 20th which is having my attention.
Your hedge between Oil Mills Bridge and the Sewage Works at Ebley overhangs the towing path. Please have it cut back as soon as you possibly can arrange.
I again draw attention to your trees at Dudbridge which overhang the canal and interfere with navigation. Please get them cut back, preferably next week.
re: sale of shares. Shares in this Company are rarely in the market. I will let you know if I see any chance of disposing of the shares you mention.
re telephone poles, wires. Please reply to my letter of the 26th as I would like to place this before my Committee on the 18th.
In compliance with the Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1888, the repairs referred to in the notice dated 29 July and forwarded to you on 25 July are completed.
Thanks for your letter re; weighbridge at Wallbridge. I will recommend immediate attention at my Committee meeting next Wednesday. When the bridge has been repaired I will inform you so that it can be restamped - weights I think can be obtained from the Stroud Gas Co.
One of our weighbridges needs attention. If convenient my representative will call on you in Gloucester on Monday.
Repairs to Weighbridge at Wallbridge. This has been discussed by my Committee and repairs will be put in hand as soon as possible.
I find you have not yet cut the hedge from your house along the towing path towards the Sewage Tanks. If it is not cut within a fortnight I shall have it cut and charge you with the cost.
re: Weighbridge at Wallbridge. Please proceed with the repair as per my son's conversation with you this morning.
In reply to yours received this morning , a cheque for £3 will be paid in due course probably early in 1913.
I enclose share certificate for share no.81 in this Company made out in the name of Rev. W. Harrison and Mr W R Crofton. I enclose a form as to payment of dividends. My fee in connection with this transfer is 5s.
Thank you for the P.O. for 5s.
The Rowley Stone ticket sent to you should have been forwarded to Mr Mills, Secretary of the Rowley Stone Co. Kindly enclose it in the envelope herewith. Thank you.
re: Stone Ticket. I have written to Mr Ratcliffe and asked him to forward the ticket which is signed by the hauliers.
My Committee thanks you for the loan of the draft agreement re Telephone charges which I enclose.
Registered No. 107074/12. re Telephone charges. The matter has been considered by the Committee. They are willing to continue to accept the present charges for poles stays and struts and for cables laid in the bed of the canal and wharves as proposed in your letter of 14 May last but offer to accept 1s per wire crossing the canal and wharves with a maximum charge of 5s where more than 5 wires cross together. For your information, a number of wires for the Stonehouse exchange pass over the canal there.
The shares you refer to stand in the names of Miss E. Stephens, Miss M A Stephens, Miss E A Stephens and yourself. All I require for this registration is the death certificate of the person you mention. The dividend order is paid to you. The shares are worth about £50 each but seldom change hands.
I have received your letter of the 8th enclosing the request for payment of dividends signed by Rev. R Harrison & Mr W, Crofton.
Please place the P.O. Value 30s to the credit of the Company's account and make up and return the enclosed passbook as soon as possible as the half yearly audit is due in a few days.
The dredging at Double Locks is now complete and Bullock is dredging near the Saw Mills at Ebley. If you think you cannot get up Ebley pound without assistance please send me a post card and I will arrange help.
The toll on coal from Sharpness to Meadow Mill which is Eastington is 4d per ton, to Dudbridge 6d per ton, Stroud Lower Wharf 8d per ton (you have been charged 6d), Stroud Upper Wharf Stroudwater 6d T&S 2d if put on any part of the wharf rented by the trader, Bowbridge Stroudwater 8d T&S 8d, Brimscombe same rate. You pay to Ham Mills Stroudwater 6d per ton and T&S 3d per ton. Beyond Bourne Lock to Brimscombe Station 9d per ton both canals - this rate is fixed to enable traders to compete with the railway, beyond Station Lock to Chalford Stroudwater 8d per ton T&S 3 3/4d. If this is not quite clear to you, kindly call when we can talk the matter over and if there is prospect of extra trade we may arrange special rates.
The necessary entries relating to the death of Miss Mary Alice Stephens have been made in the Company's books. Please return the enclosed form for payment of dividends. Please remit my fee of 2s 6d for registration.
I enclose cheque £7:10:0. Please send receipt.
I am rather surprised that you have not taken any notice of the calls you have had to pay £1 water rent and also my letter to inform you that I had paid £1 on 14 Oct to close my accounts. Please pay without delay or I will have to take action.
Thanks for the P.O. 2s 6d for my fee and the form re dividend payments. I enclose the death certificate of Miss Mary Alice Stephens as requested
I find your letter of 6 June has not been answered. I am the manager of the T&S Canal. If you have any questions regarding the state of the Canal please address them to Lord St Aldwyn who is the Chairman of the Management Committee.
re: sale of share. I have made enquiries but up to the present have had no offer. If you can sell to Mr C. Stanton the value is now about £50.
Please send a reply to my letter of 1 October so I can place it before my Committee on 20 Nov.
I write again to remind you about the overhanging branches of the withy trees between the Double Locks and Mr Kimmins garden at Ryeford. Please have them cut, they are overhanging the Canal and the bargemen are complaining.
Mr Bull has called on me respecting the wharfage charge on coal to Stonehouse. The charge of 1 1/2d per ton is correct. If you do not wish to pay this you can rent a portion of the wharf the same as Dickinson & Cox. They pay 1s per square yard for what they use but as your coal is brought by water my Committee will no doubt let you have a portion for 6d per square yard. If you agree to this let me know and I will mention it at our next meeting held 16 December.
Registered No 107074: re Telephone charges. My Committee request a reply to my letter of 1 Oct as the above letter is on their agenda for consideration at their next meeting on 18 Dec.
Thank you for your letter of 4 Dec which will be considered by the Committee on 18 Dec. In the meantime I may require your local representative to go through the papers with me & perhaps with your permission, walk over the ground with me.
The Sanitary Inspector has enquired as to the progress of your work at Dudbridge Wharfhouse. Please commence the work or the matter will be reported to the Council. The tenant has been here complaining that the vault is nearly full.
Thank you for your letter re telephones - I will communicate with your Gloucester engineer as you suggest.
re: Public Health (Acquisition of Water) Bill. Thank you for your letter and copy of the same. My Committee agrees with your views.
re: sale of shares. I have shown this to the Committee but there was no offer. Since then I have been trying to find a customer but have failed. When I hear of one I will let you know.
I enclose a P.O. Value 6s for calls to 31 Dec 1912. I have paid in today at your Stroud Office £1 for calls commencing 1 Jan 1913. Please send a receipt.
My carpenter informs me that one of your motors with wagon has recently been taken over the swing bridge at Saul. As required in my letter of 14 Aug 1912, please do not use this bridge for such heavy traffic. Our wooden swing bridges are not constructed to carry it.
As there is difficulty in establishing the weight of coal which you deposit in the canal wharf at Dudbridge, please discontinue the practice. In future weighing is to be paid in cash at the time the coal is on the bridge.
I enclose P.O. Value 30s. Please credit this to the credit of the Company's account. I have another sum to deposit shortly, when I will send the passbook.
re: Commission of Sewers Enquiry at Whitminster Friday next. Please send me any relevant information concerning this that you have, including a plan of the area or information as to where one can be obtained. I understand Mr Cullis of the G&B Canal has a plan. Please send by return of post. Thanks.
On going through the dividend list for the half year I noticed that you have not presented your warrant for £1. Please pay the warrant into the bank as soon as possible to enable me to balance the books.
On going through the dividend list for the half year I noticed that you have not presented your warrant for £2. Please pay the warrant into the bank as soon as possible to enable me to balance the books.
I have just heard that the Stroud Urban District Council (Mr Milner is the Surveyor, Town Hall Offices, Stroud) are about to consider their stone contracts, and I am told the Canal will be in the running if a little trouble is taken to bring the matter before them. I am seeing Mr Milner tomorrow with your quotation of 20 Nov last viz delivered at Wallbridge 2in 10s 3d; 2 1/4in 10s 6d; 2 1/2in 10s 9d. As he will require stone on the Upper Wharf Stroud, the extra toll to that place is 2d per ton. Please write to Mr Milner at once giving him your prices for delivery to Dudbridge, Wallbridge, Stroud Upper Wharf, Bowbridge, T&S Canal toll 2d per ton. I may say I will help you all I can [continues on next page]
Contains a list of Canal tolls to Bristol Road, to between Bristol Rd and Dudbridge, to Wallbridge Lower Wharf, to Wallbridge Upper Wharf, to Bowbridge. Note: canal toll Junction to Wallbridge Upper Wharf and Bowbridge
I have your demand Form No 2 for Taxes & Land Tax for Eastington. I have nothing further to say than what I told you when you called a few days ago, (viz) that cheques will be drawn for all [underlined] taxes on Wednesday 20 Feb next. The Company's taxes have for many years been paid in February and nothing has been said by anyone but you and if you will explain to the Surveyor of Taxes he will understand. I cannot draw cheques at any time but only at Committee meetings.
I enclose your account forwarded in error. The last and only transaction this Company has had with you was in 1910. Your bill dated 23 Feb 1910 for £1:1:2 was paid Mar 1910. Your receipt No. A62903 was signed by A G Collins.
Thank you for your letter. Like you I understood that a rate would be levied to meet the cost of any proposed cleaning and no doubt due notice will be given by the Commissioners before any work is undertaken. Anything that may affect the interests of the Canal Co will be considered by their Solicitors. How the tidal nature of the Frome affects the liability of neighbouring owners for cleansing the river is a legal question.
I enclose an account for 14s, the cost of repair of the Gasworks bridge damaged by you on Jan 30th last. Please remit the amount as soon as possible.
My chairman has considered your letter re Traction Engine but thinks it is a matter for the Committee which will meet on 19 Feb. Re: House at Eastington, a little papering and painting is required here. I understand that the house was put in order for an incoming tenant in 1905 but nothing has been done since. Your kind and early attention will oblige.
Proposed Wheatenhurst District. Thank you for the sight of Mr Canning's letter to you. I have had no communication from the Drainage Board so have nothing to put before my Committee on 19 February. With your permission I would like to show them your and Mr Canning's letters and yours to him if you would kindly send me a copy. As far as I know your statement as to the G&B Canal Co having bought mills and water is correct, but without knowing the conditions under which the purchases were made, I cannot enter into the matter of liability. PS. Do you intend to be present at Thornbury on the 24th?
Thank you for your letters which will be useful when I bring the matter to the attention of the Committee. If you decide to attend Thornbury on 24th, I would be glad of news of the proceedings.
I enclose a statement showing the proportion of rent charges to 31 Dec 1912
The Postal Authorities - Telegraph Dept. A detailed list of charges totalling £8:19:2 is appended.
Re: telephone rates, please find herewith a printed list of rents as gone through by us at this office: please compare it with your notes. I could meet you or a representative on Thursday or Monday next when the particulars obtained on 16 Jan could be gone through.
I enclose a cheque for £3 as this Company's contribution to the Gloucester Harbour Board for the year commencing 21 Mar 1913.
You continue to deposit railway coal on the wharf at Dudbridge and it is difficult for our representative to obtain full particulars of quantities. Your men are very offhand. The Company's business must not be treated in this way, but you may be unaware of it. Please instruct your men to deliver a weigh note of every cartload to Mrs Bassett at the Lock House. If there is further inconvenience caused to the Company in this matter, permission to deposit coal on the Wharf will be withdrawn. Please reply to this letter.
The boat Mary will be loading at Sharpness on Saturday next for Mr Critchley whose firm is very short of coal. Please allow the boat to get into the canal on Saturday and, if behind your locking up time, arrange with the Sharpness Co to allow her to come on. I am arranging for her to travel up our canal on Sunday and also the T&S Canal. Can boats travel on the G&B Canal on Sundays?
Mr Hall has called my attention to the state of the weir to the east of your house at Ebley. He says it is blocked. Under an agreement between the late Mr William Lane (the then owner ) and this company dated 24 Jan 1858, it appears that it is the duty of the owner of the property to keep this in order. If you call at this office, I will show you the agreement.
I have received your letter re loading boats at Sharpness and will place it before my Committee at their next meeting.
The tolls received by this Company from traffic to and from the T&S Canal in the year ended 30 Sep 1912 amounted to £368:4:7.
Thanks for letters dated 22 & 23 February. We have not heard from Mr Canning yet on the matter. I suggest it would be wise to carry out his suggestion and advise the Commissioners to drop the scheme and thus save a lot of expense and annoyance. I hope the petition to the Commissioners will have the desired effect.
One of our workmen Alfred Bassett was injured while attending the swing bridge at Lodgemore, near Stroud, yesterday. Please send me a form to fill in with the particulars. (Copy of form appended)
Alfred Bassett Married Lock house Dudbridge. Age 52. Assisted home. Not returned to work. Lodgemore near Stroud 25 Feb 1913 about 4.30pm Swing Bridge. In the course of his employment. Hand rail of bridge struck him when opening the bridge. Opening Bridge for Company's boat to pass. Dr Steadman of Stonehouse is attending him, refer to Dr Steadman. No negligence. William Bullock (ganger) Double Locks Ryeford; Alfred Bassett, Wallbridge, Stroud; John Clutterbuck, Leonard Stanley. National Health Insurance Yes.[detailed list of sums of money dated May 1912 to Feb 1913 follows]
Thanks for letter dated 26 Mar. We have not heard from Mr Canning, I will let you know if we do. Thanks for your trouble.
re: Accident at Dudbridge. I was unaware of the accident you refer to until I received your letter. I find that a few days ago Messrs Abdela Mitchell of Brimscombe were using the crane (entirely at their own risk) and I presume the man mentioned is one of that firm's employees. The crane is in perfect order (having recently been overhauled) and I do not think it is usual to cover cogwheels of cranes of this description as it would interfere with the effectiveness of the machine. At the same time I shall be pleased to have your suggestions and to report them to my Committee.
My Committee has considered your letter of 17 January last. Nothing was done except repair the damage caused by you and they consider the full amount should be paid. Please remit this.
In reply to your letter of 21 Jan, my committee have instructed me to inform you that if you bring your traction engine across the bridge you do so at your own risk and will be held responsible for any damage caused to the bridge by it.
Mr Milnes, Town Surveyor of Stroud, will shortly be advertising for stone contracts and intends to place good orders by Canal if quotations are favourable. Please send quotations for Blue Hill Stone as used formerly to secure the orders.
Re: Dudbridge Wharf. Please call here as soon as you can to discuss use of the wharf.
I will place your letter with enclosure before my Committee at their next meeting.
Re: Gas House Bridge. I draw your attention to my letters of 4 February and 4 March concerning the bridge. As I have to report on the matter to the Committee at their next meeting, please remit the 14s due for repair of damage caused by you to the bridge.
Re: Gas House Bridge. Re your letter of 13 March, the repair of the bridge was a matter of great urgency and the best and cheapest method was adopted to undertake the repair as quickly as possible. Any company is interested in any work carried out for them and the type of arranging and overlooking you refer to requires outlay. Please remit the amount demanded to enable me to pass it through the books before I report to the Committee.
Re: Crane at Dudbridge. After reviewing your letter my committee have instructed me to have the crane inspected and if possible to cover the working parts as suggested by you..
Re: The stone trade to this canal. Thanks for your letter. I have not yet received the information required but expect to receive it shortly. If it is only a question of 2d per ton, this Company will meet you with a reduction of one penny in the tonnage rates so as to help you send in your contract. I will write to you as soon as I get the information. PS How did you get on with the Stroud Brewery Co.
Re shares: The Company has no Broker. Shares have always changed hands in a private way. As to the price this is difficult to determine as shares are not often sold, this being settled between the parties involved.
Re: sale of shares. The shares of the Company seldom change hands by sale so I am unable to give you a market value. No shares have been sold at the figure you mention. I will bring your letter before my Committee at their next meeting on 20 April.
Re angling: I cannot supply tickets at present as some changes are intended which will be finalised on 23 April
Re fishing in the canal: your letter will be considered by the Committee on 23 April.
The Committee considered your letter and have agreed to allow the three shillings and accept eleven shillings in settlement.
Re shares: your letter will be considered by the Committee at their next meeting on 23 April. In my opinion the shares are worth £50 each.
I have received your letter: owing to a previous appointment I am unable to attend at Walk Bridge on 2 April. For the information of my Committee, please tell me on what authority you state that this Company will have to attend to the work of clearing out of the River Frome on one side for a certain distance. I am not aware that this Company is liable for any work of this kind. Please reply as soon as possible.
re: Alfred Bassett. I enclose "Accident Further Report Form"" completed as requested. The answers to Questions 3 & 4 is information supplied by Dr Steadman who attended Bassett."
I am sorry to have to complain but the Lock keeper at Dudbridge reports that your son who works at the Iron Works at Dudbridge has been damaging the Company's fence at the Lock house Dudbridge and when spoken to about it gave a wrong name. We had to make enquiries - please speak to him about this. It will cost 5s to repair the damage - material and man's wages.
Telephone posts. I enclose a final list of posts (printed). Please send me your observations on this as soon as possible.
I must again ask you to settle the account for repairing the damage to the swing bridge or I will mention the matter to the Company's Solicitors Messrs Little and Whittingham, Stroud.
I enclose P.O. Value 30s. Please credit this to the credit of the Company's account and make up and return the passbook sent herewith.
When you are rolling the road again at Bristol Road, please will you repair the roadway approaches in a line with the Towing Path Gates and the wing walls of the Bridge and on the Gloucester side from abutment to abutment and [underlined] over the bridge. It is getting very lumpy joining your road.
Please find herewith P.O. for £1, also one for 3s & 2d stamps in payment of account for calls 3s 2d and £1 advance payment. Please send receipt.
re Alfred Bassett. I enclose a statement of the amount claimed by the above named together with doctor's bill and certificates.
Detailed list of charges appended to previous letter amounting to £8:9:8
Re Fishery: the Committee are open to negotiate with you. An annual charge of £20 was mentioned. Please send a copy of your rules if you take on the Fishery and how it would affect the Canal and permit licence holders. We await your reply. PS The Committee would agree to the Water Bailiff riding his bicycle on the towpath if and when you take on the Fishery.
Re Alfred Bassett Thank you for yesterday's letter re above.
Angling Tickets: I enclose 10 tickets made out to 'Ye Olde Angling Association' Nos 35 - 44, both numbers inclusive on payment of £1, for which P.O. for that amount has been received.
Re: Crane on the Canal at Dudbridge. Guards have been put on the cogwheels of the crane, work completed today.
Thanks for your letter re fishing. It will be considered by the Chairman and I will write again.
Thanks for your letter containing charges; it will have our attention.
Please note on receipt of this letter, all orders received from this Canal Company are cancelled forthwith.
At a meeting of the Committee of this company on 23 April you were appointed Treasurer. Below is a copy of the minute. ' Mr George Foster Abell, Manager of Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud was appointed Treasurer in place of Mr Dunsford, Retired.
Re: Proposed effluent drain at Dudbridge Wharf. The Committee considered the proposed drain crossing under this Company's property at Dudbridge. It was decided to permit the Stroud Urban District Council to construct a drain at the entrance to Dudbridge Wharf and to charge a rent of 2s 6d per annum subject to agreement.
On 10 February, I alerted your attention to the fact that a little painting, papering or whitewashing was required at the Dock house Eastington but I think nothing has been done. You will find that you are to do these things under your agreement, therefore please see to the matter.
Re: fishing. I have seen my Chairman & am to inform you that in 1911 receipts from the sale of angling licences amounted to £24:15:6 and an average of the takings for the last ten years of £19:12:0. The next Committee meeting will be held on 21 May, when they will be pleased to have your reply.
Re: Alfred Bassett. I enclose a receipt for a cheque value £6:14:8 for which I thank you.
Thank you for your letter sent 6 May.
A detailed list of rents received in year ending 31 Mar 1913.
Re: receipts from sale of Angling Licenses. Thank you for your letter of 6 May. The amount of £19:12:0 mentioned in my recent letter is the net receipt. The men (including lock keepers) employed by this Company doing other work are constantly moving to different parts of the canal and in so doing keep an eye on the anglers - therefore no charge is made against the receipts from anglers. PS One of the lock keepers reports that an angler has complained to him that someone has demanded a payment of 6d from him, which he paid. Who he is, or for whom he is acting, I do not know. The Canal being private property, the Company has absolute control of the fishery and this person has no authority from us. Can you give me any clue in this matter?
In reply to your letter of the 8th, please let me know the cost of ? down to the Eastington Canal Yard. What is the difference between Dudbridge and Eastington. [legibility poor]
I have before me a licence No: 11075 issued by the Board of Conservators Severn Fishery District signed by R. Keats W B Distributor to Mr D. Taylor of Whitminster who has a permit from this Company to angle in the waters of this Canal. For the guidance of my Committee please inform me if the water bailiff above mentioned is acting under the orders of the Board of Conservators. No notice has been given to the Company and I learned of the matter with surprise. As previously stated, the canal towing path, other premises and the right of fishery is the private property of the Company under a special Act of Parliament. PS Please explain the remark in your letter of 26 March last as to the Canal in the Severn District extending for a distance of 17 miles from Sharpness.
Re: Eastington House: I enclose an extract from the agreement you mention in your letter. I will be happy to give you sight of the agreement and to take a copy of it. [attachment of extract from agreement between Stroudwater Company and Mr Charles Smith]: "To well and sufficiently repair and cleanse and in good and sufficient repair and condition keep the inside of the said premises and the glass in the windows and the same so repaired cleansed and kept to deliver up to the company at the expiation or sooner determination of the tenancy (reasonable wear and tear and damage by fire excepted) and to keep the hedge properly trimmed and cut and the garden and paths in good order and condition."""
Re: removal of tree from bank at Eastington. I enclose an account for 12s 6d. please remit.
Re Canal Fishery: Please reply to my letter to you of 9th May. Thanks for your letter of the same date which crossed mine in the post. My Committee meets on 21st May
Your post card to hand. The tree fell into the canal and had to be moved. See our lock keeper, J White.
Thanks for your letter of 9 May which will be brought before my Committee.
Please find herewith revised list of telephone rents
I enclose a cheque £3:3:0, as this Company's contribution for the year ending next June.
I have not heard for a long time how the Swing bridge is going on and if the Brush Company are still using it to the extent that they did when it was last repaired. How are things going on at Stonehouse Wharf is there any trouble as to carting now the board is up. I have to inform you that the Committee have sanctioned a 1s per week rise to the men (who applied) who lives in Company houses and 2s to those who do not. They will be advised.
Your wages from the next pay will be 17s per week as an occupier of a Company's house and garden rent and rate free.
I attach a copy of the Committee's decision concerning your medical expenses." The claim of Alfred Bassett for compensation has been paid by the insurance company but they refused to pay the doctor's bill of £2:5:0 as they were not liable to refund this. The committee offered Bassett to pay half the amount viz £1:2:6
Your wages from the next pay will be 17sper week as an occupier of a Company house rent and rate free. P S You can inform John Clutterbuck and F. White that their wages will be 18/- per week from the next pay.
The Committee have considered your letters of the 9th and 20th. The Committee are surprised that your Board claim the right to licence persons to fish on this Company's Canal, basing this on the Severn Fisheries Provisional Order, 1911. Please supply a print of this order for our perusal, as we have not previously heard of or had notice of the application for it..
Thank you for providing a copy of Severn Fisheries Provisional Order (1910) confirmation Act 1911. Please may we retain this until 18th June next when the Committee will next meet.
Re: Proposed effluent drain. The Committee will be willing to accept a lump sum in compensation. I understand that an arbitration will shortly take place with regard to the compensation to be paid to two other owners of affected land and after that you will no doubt be able to make an offer based on that arbitration for consideration by the Committee of this Company. If accepted that would save needing an arbitration in our case. I presume the arbitrator will wish to inspect Dudbridge Wharf: please advise me beforehand so that I can be present.
Re Fishery A water Bailiff of the Board of Conservators Severn Fishery demanded the payment of 6d from one of our licence holders, when angling, which he paid. We are taking this up with them and the question of their rights as far as our canal is concerned will be considered by our Committee on 18 June. Have you had any similar occurrence with them? The water bailiff was on the towing path without our knowledge
Thank you for the loan of the Fisheries order which I shall return shortly. It appears that this canal is exempt under section 19 (i) of the order [much more detailed discussion of the point] I will be glad to know under the circumstances your board will not continue to require to licence persons already licensed by this canal to fish.
Thank you for the loan of the Fisheries order which I shall return shortly. It appears that this canal is exempt under section 19 (i) of the order [much more detailed discussion of the point] I will be glad to know under the circumstances your board will not continue to require to licence persons already licensed by this canal to fish. [annotated Sent to Mr Waddy see 392]
Re Fishery; I enclose a copy of a letter sent today to the clerk of the Board of Conservators: Severn Fishery District Worcester. Could you tell us if your solicitor has considered our point and what he thinks of it?
The fence of your field near the top lock at Dudbridge is reported to be defective. Please repair it to prevent cattle getting on to our property there and damaging our tenants crop of garden produce. If any damage occurs a claim will no doubt be made. It is only a small job and should not cost much.
I enclose a time sheet re erection of Saul Bridge. I have set out each day for this week which can be filled in so no confusion can arise on pay day. I think there is a back balance due to Bullock and Bassett for the time they have worked with the blacksmith. I have set a column aside for this. If this is not clear please write to me.
Re Effluent drain I will place your letter before the Committee.
I will place your letter before the Committee at their meeting tomorrow.
On completion of the bridge you can proceed at once to cut the weeds in the Framilode pound. If you can spare a man from the bridge, you could put him to mow the banks up from Framilode Lock
Re Telephone wayleaves: I have again to report the non payment of wayleaves amounting to £8:19:9 and due on Dec 31st last. Please forward payment in settlement of the account rendered.
The Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation would be willing to accept a rental of £15: per annum for the right of fishing (rod and line only) on the Company's Canal (subject to the existing current licences to certain individuals granted prior to the proposed lease) on the conditions of a lease to be prepared by their solicitor at the expense of the Board. Please respond as soon as possible as to the terms of lease etc. Of course your board would charge anglers not less than 3s per annum (our present 2s 6d and your 6d) and not less than 1s for a "visitor's ticket"" for one or two weeks. Otherwise on the determination of the lease to your board the Company would find a difficulty in re-establishing its present scale of charges. Thanks for the copy of the order which I enclose. "