Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/12
Letters written by William James Snape between March 1909 and February 1914
I have received your notice re the Lock house at the Double Locks. The occupier (Mr Bullock) has always had done what he has asked for. I consider your notice rather peremptory: I have always tried to meet the wishes of your council and had you written to me, a notice in its present form would have been unnecessary. Please meet me on the spot and we will go through it in detail. Please give two days notice of appointment.
Re: Gloucester Harbour Board. I have received your letter and will place it before my Committee on 20th Sept
Re: Wayleaves Please reply to my letter of 5th as I have to report to my Committee respecting this matter. PS I shall be glad to receive cheque to balance to follow the one sent, not having the statement.
Mr Cox brought me the enclosed this afternoon - I promised I would write to you about it. I know nothing with respect to the demand, but if it is ours to pay we will do so. Please furnish me with particulars. We have already paid you an item on this property.
Thanks for you letter; please will you return a statement showing how you make up the amount of £5:19:6. I cannot follow the amount in my books. Referring to the notice: we have not received a legal notice, it should have been given on 24 Jun last. I will therefore be obliged if you will send a cheque to balance the account. I notice that in many instances you have paid the account in full.
I find the particulars of the Stonehouse taxes correct. My next meeting is on 24 Sep. If you are anxious to close your account, I will pay from my own pocket and wait for it. I understand your position but hope it will not recur.
Please send as soon as possible a detailed statement of how you have arrived at the sum of £5:19:6. I require this when the matter is considered by my Committee.
I cannot accept your cheque as a final settlement to Dec next as you suggest. In no instance have you given the required six months notice. You also deduct 4s 6d for one week when numbers of the agreements are made out to the nearest quarter day, even though in some cases erection of poles stays or circuits was allowed to facilitate checking and paying accounts. I have been generous to you in many cases, especially in particular when Mr Winterbotham of Stroud cut all your cables and saved you the cost of erecting poles along the road by offering a cable in the canal to maintain connection with Saul and in other cases. I hope you will make up the full rent. Please review the agreement where it is distinctly stated that full rent should be paid and if notice is given we will refund the proportion overpaid.
I again request payment of the 5s rent due last June for the water pipe over Ebley Bridge. If not paid within a post or two I will put the matter in the hands of the Company's solicitors or give you three month's notice per the agreement.
Re: cheques for wayleaves. This matter will be put before my Committee on Wed next. Please send additional cheques to make up the amount of rents due. You are still paying rents one year in advance from now but also entering into agreement on behalf of the Telephone Co for one year ahead.
I confirm by wire of this morning "Chairman cannot accept your terms
I draw your attention to the damage done to the canal bank by pigs owned by Mr Brunsdon of the Canal Wharf Ryeford. Please repair this at your earliest convenience. Mr Brunsdon has been spoken to on the matter but positively declines to do anything.
Re: culvert near the Walk Bridge. The culvert in question belongs to the G&B Canal Co. Please communicate with Mr Cullis, their engineer at Gloucester.
The Committee has decided that a charge of 3d per load will be made on all ashes carted through the Canal Wharf at Wallbridge, commencing 7 Oct 1911.
Please place enclosed money order of £2.10.0 to the Company's account. Please keep the pass book for a few days as I shall be sending more.
Please place enclosed money order for £1.10.0 to the Company's account, balance the pass book and let me have it as soon as possible as I am closing my books for the half year.
Re: ditch at Newtown. I will place the matter before my Committee on 18 Oct.
One of our men has met with an accident. Please send one of your forms to fill in.
Re: Injury to White. I enclose your completed form in this regard.
I have received your statement re 'calls'. You have included calls from Oct 1910 to April 1911, which I do not require. Please send a statement covering calls from 6 May to 30 Sep 1911. With thanks.
Since your enquiry I find that notices for the Committee meeting were not sent out, the half-yearly meeting (only) being advertised as usual. You will not be off the Committee.
Thank you for your report yesterday re: Privy, Dudbridge Wharf. I have asked the wharfinger to have the vault emptied but he has not so far done this. Can you find someone to do this and a place to put the contents. Until recently the privy was locked but the lock has been forced. In your opinion, would it be best to have the structure removed? Orders have been given for work to commence at the Double Lock Cottage.
I enclose an unpresented dividend warrant made out to A C M Croome and Mrs E N Mercer. I will arrange for the Manager at Lloyds Bank to meet it. I apologise for the delay caused by closure of the books for half-yearly audit I will now prepare a copy of transfer for Share No [blot] and send it to you.
A Dividend Warrant dated Nov 1st 1910 made out in the names of Mr A C M Croome and Mrs E N Mercer will shortly be presented to you by Messrs Ball Smith and Playne. Please meet the same.
I enclose a cheque for £7.10.0. Please acknowledge receipt.
Re: culvert near the Walk Bridge. Your letter was placed before the Committee yesterday and they have requested me to make enquiries. I will be in contact after this..
A Mrs Williams of Frampton on Severn has reported that a culvert close by Walk Bridge needs urgent clearing out. It may belong to the G&B Canal but we may deal with this and settle with them later. Do you know anything about it - have you or your late uncle worked there. I would like to meet you on site next Wednesday. Please drop me a line so we can make arrangements.
Do you still wish to pay a wharfage charge which is 1s per week for permission to place wagons (but not traction engines) on [the wharf]. Please let me know as soon as possible for the information of my Committee.
The Chairman reported your suggestions to the Committee on Wednesday. They understood that you are willing to contribute £5 towards repairing the bridge on the lines suggested at your meeting. They believe the bridge so repaired will be much strengthened and equal to your traffic but wish to advise you to test it with dead weights when so repaired as the navigation can take no responsibility - the strengthening being done in your interests.
The Committee have considered your letter. If drainage from Mr Truscott's and Messrs Godsell's property has passed into the ditch to which you refer and thence into the canal it has done so without the Company's consent or authority and cannot possibly be permitted. We have not heard from either party: please inform them that the Company's Bye-law makes it an offence to pollute the canal with sewage or other noxious material with a penalty of £5: for each offence. The Company will clear the ditch at Mr Truscott's and Messrs Godsell's expense (approximately £1). This must not happen again and they must dispose of their sewage without letting it go on any part of the Company's property.
Re: Culvert Walk Bridge: I have written to Thomas Walker contractor of Saul and have asked him to meet me near above the bridge on Wednesday next unless it is very wet at about 10.45am. I would be grateful if you are able to be there.
I have received the enclosed from Vowles & Co this morning and await your instructions. PS I have again had the bridge carefully looked at and find more planking will be needed than we thought and two of the stanchions will have to be altered.
I apologise for the delay in answering your letter re shares. There are no £10 shares in this company, the original price being £150. I will let you know if I hear of a likely purchaser.
Re: White's injury. I enclose the Medical Certificate and White's receipt for payments made to him on 13 Oct and 20 Oct 1911.
I enclose with thanks a receipt for a cheque amounting to 16s being the discharge of a claim re John White's accident.
I enclose a draft form of transfer and Power of Attorney re sale of share No. 81.
Re Culvert Walk Bridge. Please find on the other side a copy letter from W. Boulton re above. PS I hope to hear from you before next Tuesday. [Copy of letter from Mr Boulton dated 6 Nov 1911.] 'I have inspected the culvert on two occasions since we met and on both find the level on both sides exactly the same. We have pushed through a 21ft scraper and find no obstruction other than a few leaves which we cleared out. If Mr Williams wishes the water to run lower in his ditch he will have to see what he can do with Rev. Teesdale.'
The attention of Messrs Godsell & Sons of Stroud and their tenant Mr Brunsdon [has been drawn] to the damage done to the canal bank at Ryeford. Messrs Ball Smith & Co of Stroud have been seen but I am given to understand that if I communicate directly with you the necessary repairs of the bank in question will be undertaken. The damage has been done by Mr Brunsdon's pigs.
Newtown ditch: I enclose a letter received from Mr R E Stuart for your perusal. Also find previous letter, your draft reply.
Your letter was considered by the Committee last Wednesday. They regret they cannot enter into the arrangement you suggest. The Company has had the ditch cleaned out. The Committee wish to give formal notice that in future no noxious matter must be permitted to flow from your land on to the land of the company or to enter directly or indirectly into the canal. They request you take all necessary steps to prevent a recurrence of anything of the sort.
Mr R E Stuart, clerk to the Wheatenhurst Rural District Council has informed me that he had communicated to you the contents of my letter to him of 20th Oct last concerning this Company's ditch at Newtown. The Company has had the ditch cleaned out. The Committee wish to give formal notice that in future no noxious matter must be permitted to flow from your land on to the land of the Company or to enter directly or indirectly into the canal. They request you take all necessary steps to prevent a recurrence of anything of the sort.
Wharfage Ryeford Wharf. Not having heard from you the Committee conclude that you have decided not to use the wharf for wharfage as you suggested. Please remove any wagon or wagons that you have on the wharf and discontinue using it.
At a recent meeting of the Committee, Philip James Evans Esq of Brimscombe Court Thrupp was appointed their representative on the Gloucester Harbour Board in place of H. Hamilton Mills Esq retired.
Re: ditch at Newtown. Thank you for yesterday's letter.
Re: damage to Canal Banks Ryeford: Please reply to letter No 221 of 8 Nov concerning this matter as I must bring it before my Committee at their next meeting.
Re: canal bank at Ryeford: I have received your letter. The land is in the occupation of Mrs Brunsdon who knows of the damage which has been brought to her notice. She rents under Dr Perkins. The canal bank is very much damaged, I believe by pigs and cattle.
I have received your letter of 7 Dec re Canal bank at Ryeford. The canal bank there has been trodden into the canal, which requires pulling back into place, piling and sheeting. I would be glad to meet you on the spot if you wish.
Re: Weighing: I have seen Bassett, the man who is in charge of the weighing who says that the stone was taken from Mr Smart's stock on the wharf and he understood from the carter who took it away that it was for the Stroud Rural District Council. Subsequently this was corrected and the tickets altered and made out to Glos CC and signed by me. Thus you can take the tickets you have as correct.
The ticket handed to me by the Captain has been forwarded to Mr Ratcliffe. I expect the Captain has the other canal tickets in his cabin.
I enclose postal orders value 30s. Please credit to the Company's account and send acknowledgement.
Re: Walls. Please send a cheque of £3.10.0 in settlement of account for half year to Jun 1912 by return of post if possible. I need to balance the books for a Committee meeting next Wednesday.
Re Stonehouse Swing Bridge: Have you tested the bridge as suggested in your former letter? I must again bring the matter to the Committee next Wednesday.
The tolls received this year from traffic to and from the T&S Canal in the year ending 30 Sep last amounted to £361:3:8
I enclose PO value 4s 1d in payment of the enclosed account. Please acknowledge receipt.
Rent £1:14:2 - 1/4 years rent to 25 Mar 1912, Rate to Mar 1912 10s 10d. The above is the rent and rate payable in respect of the cottage at Dudbridge occupied by the late Mr Ely under the Canal Authority. Please remit this.
Re your request, you can have the osier at 6d per bundle, you to cut and take away. Please pay John White, the lock keeper at Eastington. This is the same arrangement as last year.
The trees on your land at Dudbridge overhang the canal. Please have them cut back.
The trees on your land at Ebley Court overhang the canal. Please have them cut back.
The trees on your land in Bristol Road Pound overhang the canal. Please have them cut back.
The trees on your land near the double locks Ryeford overhang the canal. Please have them cut back.
You can have the house at Dudbridge lately occupied by W J Ely subject to your signing our usual tenancy agreement. Rent £6:10:8 per year (including water rate) the other rates are paid by the Company to W Jefferies and will be collected by the Company from you. I enclose (2) testimonials.
Re: our correspondence re damage to the canal bank at Ryeford, I have discussed the matter with our Chairman: he is willing, if you agree, for the Company to carry out the necessary work and charge you with the cost. Please reply with your wishes.
Re: Toll. Your telephonic application for a reduction in the toll on resin delivered to Messrs Bailey & Co of Thrupp has been considered by the Committee: if they could be assured that a reasonable amount of trade in this class of material was intended for the canal they would reconsider your application but as it now stands they feel it would not be just to make any reduction on the advertised toll.
I have received transfers etc re transfer of share No. 92,191 and thank you for the fees cost 10s. The transfer book will be ready for you to sign tomorrow afternoon.
re: fishing. I enclose letter from W. Stallard to you; thank you for the loan of it. The committee agree to your selling their tickets on commission at 3d per ticket as in other cases in this district. On receipt of your letter I will have a book of tickets prepared and give you a call when they are ready.
Thanks for your postcard re fishing. - I will at once have a book printed and provide a rubber stamp to start the agency. Will call and explain
Please reply to my letter re stone as I am anxious to put the matter forward. You need not fear as to Mr Smart as this is an independent contract.
Are you in a position to contract for the supply of stone for Stroud DC. I enquire at their request. Please reply as soon as possible.
Are you in a position to contract for the supply of stone for Stroud DC. I enquire at their request. Please reply as soon as possible.
Are you in a position to contract for the supply of stone for Stroud DC. I enquire at their request. Please reply as soon as possible.
Are you in a position to contract for the supply of stone for Stroud DC. I enquire at their request. Please reply as soon as possible.
Are you in a position to contract for the supply of stone for Stroud DC. I enquire at their request. Please reply as soon as possible.
re: Letter from Rowley Regis Granite Quarries Ltd. I enclose the letter to you sent here. If you have a letter addressed to me please send it direct.
I enclose Money Order value £4. Please credit this to the Company's account. As it is the end of our financial half-year please return the pass book made up to 31st March.
Thanks for your letter re stone. The following has been quoted to the Council for Tytherington stone (detailed list of grades, destinations and costs follows) If you can quote a little lower than above I will hand it to the Council and no doubt business will be done. The canal rate is 6 per ton. men at work.
re: Canal Bank at Ryeford: This matter has been considered again by the Committee. Please reply to my letter of 4 Mar last.
I am sorry I have not been able to see you respecting the lockkeepers. I will explain as well as I can. First there is the lockkeeper at Framilode, who does nothing but look after the water and tides, no banking or towing path work and is on average employed roughly half time. His wages are 12s a week with house rent free and one ton of coal for night work when tides are on. The next lockkeeper is at Eastington, acts as yardsman and does other work, wages 16s per week house rent free. The next is at double locks who attends to work night and morning. This man is in charge of the dredging boat wages 16s per week with house rent free. The next man is at Dudbridge who works with the dredging boat and attends to the wharf and water nights and mornings and cleans paddles etc on Saturday afternoons. Wages 16s per week and house free. On T&S Canal from Stroud to Chalford there are three lock keepers. They have house free and 16s per week. They attend to water, banks, towing path and when wanted work with the dredger - in fact do just what I want them to do. All men except two and the engine driver at Thames Head are discharged between Chalford and Inglesham.
A detailed lists of properties, occupiers and amounts due between 1 Apr 1911 and 31 Mar 1912
Please find attached duplicate copies of this Company's accounts for year ended March last. Please do the usual and return to me.
I have received your letter re Dividend Warrants and will attend to it.
I have your letter re tides at Framilode. I will help you in any way I can. If the present gauge is unsuitable please replace it as you wish. We have not kept a record.
I enclose the certificate for Share No. 92 standing in your name. Please fill in the form stating where dividends are to be sent.
The transfer book is now ready for your signature re share No. 191. Please call to sign it.
I enclose Share Certificate for Share No. 191 now standing in your name in the books of this Company
I have been requested to enquire re loading of boats at your Colliery. Some years ago a quantity of coal from your colliery was brought into this neighbourhood by canal. Do you load boats now and if so, what weight do you put on? Do the men have any difficulty in working with boats when fully loaded? Please describe the state of the canal, is any dredging required ?Thank you for any information.
I have been requested to ascertain the through tolls from Birch Coppice Colliery to this neighbourhood. Can you give me the through toll on your canal - what weight of coal can be put on the boats - loads average 33-34 tons from Cannock Chase. If you do not have a through rate, could this be arranged - there is a through rate from Birmingham Bar Lock to Saul Junction with this Canal, details available from the Canal Office Gas St Birmingham.
Thank you for yesterday's letter. I am not suggesting that your company repairs private wharves, but wondered if your company might do a little dredging to deepen the wharf to enable the boats to carry bigger loads which I consider would be to your advantage. That is what we do here to ensure canal trade. As to complaints captains make, we encourage this, to find out shallow places which we at once dredge which in these days of railway competition is very important. We do not construct or repair private wharves but make a point of keeping them well dredged.
re transfer of share from the executors of the late Mrs E. M. Croome to Rev. W. Harrison and W.R. Crofton J.P. I will forward a draft form of transfer if the form enclosed with my letter of 27th Oct 1910 is not in order. A power of Attorney will be required if it is not convenient for the parties to sign the Transfer book.
Thank you for your letter. I am writing to Birmingham as to the rate from your canal to the Bar Lock.
Thanks for your letter. I have written to the Coventry Canal as to toll etc. I hope we shall be able to introduce your coal by canal into this district
Thanks for yesterday's letter and note that toll is 9 1/2d per ton from the Coventry Canal to the Worcester Canal. I wrote to the Check Clerk because I thought he was the official of the Birmingham Canal. I am obtaining through rates and freight with a view of getting coal from Polesworth to this neighbourhood by canal.
I have received the Probate of the will of the late Rev W D Stanton. I require the certificate of his death to register the probate and make the necessary entries in the transfer books of the Company, amend the certificates and return to you, The shares will then stand in the names of Miss Alice Maud Stanton and Miss Ethel Sophia Martha Stanton. I enclose two forms of request for payment of dividends. I do not understand your reference to J J Stanton deceased as his name does not appear in the books of the company relating to these shares. The fee for this registration is 7s 6d, 2s 6d per share. Thanks for the P O 2s 6d to hand. A dividend warrant for £3 was sent to the manager Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud on 1 May last.
Re Your letter enclosing duplicate accounts re tax. Please inform me what figures make up the Schedule. A. Item viz £199. It appears to me that the annual value of property occupied by the Navigation for canal purposes has been overlooked. They have been charged [becomes illegible]
Registered No.107074/4/12 Thanks for your letter of 24th inst which will be brought before my Committee at their next meeting on19 Jun.
During my Committee's annual inspection an offensive odour was noticed in a ditch near the milestone at Newtown caused by matter coming from premises owned by you.. Please stop this nuisance at once or the Committee will have to take action.
re Rev W D Stanton, deceased, I return the probate of the will which has been registered in the Company books. I will forward the amended share certificates on receipt of the death certificate. As to the sale of the certificates, I will let you know when I hear of a likely purchaser. Thank you for the enclosed P O value 5s.
re Rev W D Stanton, deceased. Thank you for sight of the death certificate of above. The necessary entries have been made in the Company's book. I enclose the amended share certificates.
Enclosing Power of Attorney form for the transfer of one share.
I cannot understand the tone of your letter. I have had 50 year's experience of canals and have always considered it of mutual advantage for managers to inform each other of anything obstructing traffic. The captain of my daughter's boat informed me of the state of the wharf when I asked him why he came with a light load. After heavy rains drift occurs and shallow places my recur. One should not ignore information from respectable boatmen.
[letter continues] My object is to encourage canal trade, but this is difficult if canal managers do not work together to their mutual advantage
I have received your letter. If the intention is to transfer one of the two shares into the name of Miss E. Stanton and one into the name of Miss A. Stanton, a transfer form will be required.
re your letter of 8 Jun, I have gone through the enclosed draft forms and find them correct. I shall need the Share certificates Nos. 62 and 60. No 7 you can hold until the share is sold.
re. Wharf at Ryeford. I notice that you are still occupying land on the canal at Ryeford. Please remove the wagon now there as I have to report to my Committee in one week. I advise you to do so to save further trouble.
re. Water to Engine. You are entirely mistaken as to being allowed to take water from the canal. You can do so upon a payment of 10s per year but you must take it from your own wharf and not upon the Company's land as you do so much damage. No ill feeling has been shown, you have brought all the trouble upon yourself by your being so stupid and contrary. You had better take your things off the wharf. The 2s 6d water charge is for domestic use. PS You have paid for the water up to 25th [becomes illegible]
re Framilode Lock I shall be pleased to help you in any way I can. You can fix gauges as suggested. The lock keeper attends at the lock when tides are running and can take the reading and any other particulars you require.
Thank you for your letter with six enclosures including P.O. For 10s, received with thanks. I will forward new certificates in a few days.
(Registered No.107074/12) Acquired Telegraphs on Stroudwater Navigation. Your letter of 24th May has been considered by the Committee. They do not understand the view expressed in the first paragraph of your letter. Section 2 of the Telegraph Act 1911 appears to safeguard the Company's interests under their agreement with the National Telegraph Company. If you are relying on any other statutory provision, please let us know previously so the Committee can be legally advised. The Company might perhaps reduce the charge for wires crossing the canal but would then have to increase the charge for poles and little would be gained by the change. The charge of 10s per year for cutting certain withy trees on the Company's land is very reasonable and moderate especially as the cutting stops their growth and therefore decreases their value. The Committee has no objection to all annual payments due to the Company from the Postmaster General being paid in advance: the National Telegraph Company always paid in advance.
I enclose Certificate for share No. 62 made out in the name of Miss Ethel Sophia Martha Stanton and Share No.63 made out in the name of Miss Alice Maud Stanton. The transfer book has been signed and all the necessary entries made in the books of the Company in respect of these shares. My fee is 10s, 5s per share. I enclose two forms as to payment of dividends for completion.
Thanks for P.O. for 10s sent yesterday.
I have received the forms for transfer of dividends which will be noted.
I have received the account re removing trees from the canal at Eastington which you have returned. The trees are now on the side of the second lock down. Re time, there were 5 men engaged in the work, viz the lock keeper at Eastington and four men on the dredgers. The lock keeper had to report afterwards to this office, going to Dudbridge to take the four men working there on to Eastington and had to leave a blacksmith and a carpenter without assistance. The time taken in walking and reporting is included and taking it altogether you are undercharged. Please inspect the trees on your bank as before long I fear others will fail. There is one opposite the lock keeper's house which Mr Stanton promised to have removed.
re Workman's Insurance. I enclose a completed form as per your letter of 22 Jun. The next meeting is on 19th - please send your demand in time for me to get a cheque drawn.
The Postmaster General is querying the wayleave rents formerly charged by this company for poles etc. He refers to the telegraph Acts 1863 & 1878. I presumed these two acts are now applicable to telephones as well as telegraphs but would like to be clear on this. If the Telephone transfer act 1911 or any other Act has bearing I should like to know. Please respond before the 17th on which date my Committee meets.
I have an enquiry as to a load of coal from Polesworth to Stonehouse Wharf. Please let me know by return of post if you can fetch a load, your freight and when you can be at the colliery (or at Birmingham).
I have an enquiry as to a load of coal from Polesworth to Stonehouse Wharf. Please let me know by return of post when you think you will have a boat ready to go up to the colliery and your freight.
I wish to ask a favour. I would like S. Pready Jun. To fetch a boat load of coal from Polesworth to Stonehouse Wharf and on this next time go straight on from Birmingham. He is willing provided you have no objection as he says you are very kind in giving him constant work. This is a new trade and I know of no one else who can do it for me who will be in the neighbourhood when the load is ready.
re Coal to Stonehouse. I have seen Mr Cox this morning: he has not seen the agent yet. He has promised to call on Mr Cox today. To avoid delay I suggest you write to Mr Cox direct.
I have just had a telephone call from Mr Cox. When you are at Birmingham you can go on to the Colliery as he has arranged for you to load.
I enclose a cheque value £2:13:9 for Workman's Insurance to July 1st 1913
In compliance with the Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1888, I inform you of an intended stoppage on this Canal as per the enclosed notice.
Re: The room at Mrs Pocket's cottage that you saw with my son, what do you think it will cost to case it all round inside and cement the outside before the bad weather comes in the autumn. Let the same dry as much as possible before this is done. The inside could be done at any time. I should also like you to put in a little gate at Mrs Tayhoe's and point the beam where the rain gets in. I think you have done something here before. I am getting all ready for the New Bridge and shall put one up in the Spring if it will last until then. I have been disappointed in getting the long beams and shall now have to use pitch pine. Oak cannot be got for under 8s per cu. ft. I hope to hear from you soon
My Committee have reviewed your letter. The Postmaster General has agreed to the Company's charges for each pole strut or stay (1s) and for cables beneath the canal, but considers the charge of 2s 6d per year for each wire over the Canal excessive: in view of his statutory rights, which the private company did not possess and that the telephone service is for public use, not private profit, he hopes our Company will reduce these charges [letter continues on next page]
Continued from previous page: to Is per wire not using a pole for which a charge is made, wires using such a pole to be free. Other canals have no doubt had similar communications: what are they doing? It seems to be a case for united action.
I enclose a M O value £4:- please place this to the credit of the Company's account.
I enclose the cost of making good the iron stanchions and rail of the swing bridge over the canal near the gas works on 27 July last. The damage was caused by a man driving a white horse and carting manure from the Sewage Works of the Stroud U. D. Council.
Thank you for your letters of 30 July re Telephones and today re National Insurance Act. Please could you send two or three copies of your letter of 2 Aug re unemployment Insurance.
I am informed that you have issued club cards stating that by paying 2s 6d your members may angle from Stroud to Framilode. My Committee would like to know on what authority as you have not up to the present taken out our licence. Please reply as soon as possible.
I hear you have taken heavy loads of timber over the Company's bridge at Saul. It is not in a condition to stand a heavy strain and if you continue to haul such heavy weights it is entirely at your own risk and peril. I hear you have some timber at Epney: for the winter perhaps you can take lighter loads.
The Saul bridge is not at present in a condition to stand a heavy strain: your heavy four horse brakes strain the bridge very much. You use the bridge at your own risk and peril: please exercise great care when passing over at least for the winter.
Please settle your account for cutting trees at Newtown as my books are being balanced.
The Postmaster General has suggested charges to us of 1s per annum for each pole, strut and stay and each crossing wire which is not attached to a pole for which payment is made. My Committee is considering this. Could you please tell me what your charges are and if you have also received an approach from the Postmaster General, what action you propose taking.
The Postmaster General has suggested charges to us of 1s per annum for each pole, strut and stay and each crossing wire which is not attached to a pole for which payment is made. My Committee is considering this. Could you please tell me what your charges are and if you have also received an approach from the Postmaster General, what action you propose taking.
The Postmaster General has suggested charges to us of 1s per annum for each pole, strut and stay and each crossing wire which is not attached to a pole for which payment is made. My Committee is considering this. Could you please tell me what your charges are and if you have also received an approach from the Postmaster General, what action you propose taking.
The Postmaster General has suggested charges to us of 1s per annum for each pole, strut and stay and each crossing wire which is not attached to a pole for which payment is made. My Committee is considering this. Could you please tell me what your charges are and if you have also received an approach from the Postmaster General, what action you propose taking.
I am told you make use of the bridge at Saul. It is not at present in a condition to take a heavy strain. Please exercise great care when using it. I am sure you are aware that you do so entirely at your own risk and peril.
The Postmaster General has suggested charges to us of 1s per annum for each pole, strut and stay and each crossing wire which is not attached to a pole for which payment is made. My Committee is considering this. Could you please tell me what your charges are and if you have also received an approach from the Postmaster General, what action you propose taking.
I am told you make use of the bridge at Saul. It is not at present in a condition to take a heavy strain. Please exercise great care when using it. I am sure you are aware that you do so entirely at your own risk and peril.
I am told you make use of the bridge at Saul. It is not at present in a condition to take a heavy strain. Please exercise great care when using it. I am sure you are aware that you do so entirely at your own risk and peril.
I am told you make use of the bridge at Saul. It is not at present in a condition to take a heavy strain. Please exercise great care when using it. I am sure you are aware that you do so entirely at your own risk and peril.
I enclose the cost of making good the iron stanchions and rail of the swing bridge over the canal at Downfield on 27 July last. The damage was caused by a man driving a white horse and carting manure from the Sewage Works of the Stroud Urban District Council.
1912 Blacksmith's time repairing damage to stanchions and rail of the Gasworks Bridge Downfield. 2 days @ 5s £0:10:0
Thank you for your letter re Post Office poles and wires
Thank you for your letter re Post Office poles and wires
The Postmaster General has suggested charges to us of 1s per annum for each pole, strut and stay and each crossing wire which is not attached to a pole for which payment is made. My Committee is considering this. Could you please tell me what your charges are and if you have also received an approach from the Postmaster General, what action you propose taking.
Thank you for your letter re Post Office poles and wires
The Postmaster General has suggested charges to us of 1s per annum for each pole, strut and stay and each crossing wire which is not attached to a pole for which payment is made. My Committee is considering this. Could you please tell me what your charges are and if you have also received an approach from the Postmaster General, what action you propose taking.
The Postmaster General has suggested charges to us of 1s per annum for each pole, strut and stay and each crossing wire which is not attached to a pole for which payment is made. My Committee is considering this. Could you please tell me what your charges are and if you have also received an approach from the Postmaster General, what action you propose taking.
The Postmaster General has suggested charges to us of 1s per annum for each pole, strut and stay and each crossing wire which is not attached to a pole for which payment is made. My Committee is considering this. Could you please tell me what your charges are and if you have also received an approach from the Postmaster General, what action you propose taking.
The Postmaster General has suggested charges to us of 1s per annum for each pole, strut and stay and each crossing wire which is not attached to a pole for which payment is made. My Committee is considering this. Could you please tell me what your charges are and if you have also received an approach from the Postmaster General, what action you propose taking.
Thank you for your letter re Post Office poles and wires
Thank you for your letter re Post Office poles and wires