Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/13
Letters sent during the First World War between January 1914 and February 1919
Postal order enclosed for tithe payment
Deed of Exchanges and Counterpart Agreement between Mr Winterbotham and Company received
Asking for advice re Cadbury Milk Trade and tolls charged, ? Special rates and any other canals who may be involved in this
30s to be deposited in Company's account
I have repaired bridge at Lodgemore and hopefully it will go on for another year at least
Further to your two recent letters, I have no recollection of any definite proposal being made
Query re rates for carrying dried milk on Berkeley Canal and canals to Birmingham
Suggestion that ordinary charges be made for two months, then this could be reviewed and a mutual cost agreed
You may have the withy loppings for 30s. lease let me know by return post I have been offered 35s
The tie rods had been placed to brace the structure and should last 12 months
Please forward monies owed to Company re supervision at Dudbridge Bridge
Committee has agreed an increase to you of 1s per week
Extension granted to end of year for reduced charges
The other party will be contacted re withys as you do not want them
Have you given up all idea of purchasing loppings so I can make other arrangements
Asking for more information re weighing machine
Information re weighing machine to be put before Committee
Acknowledging report of incident at Walk Bridge (no details)
Requesting Probate and names of executors for cheque to be drawn
Thank you for tenancy agreement for Double Lock Cottage
Received Probate of Will for Thomas Boulton cheque to be drawn next week
Cheque enclosed for £5 7s 1d
Request for charges so that account can be paid
Ticket No. 2288 for stone at Wallbridge was correct and charge you deducted has been added to April account
Please send blank form as discussed on telephone
You are liable to carry out any repairs on the weighbridge under your agreement with the Company.
I enclose Dividend Request Form
Enclosed is completed form No.46 as Clerks Salary is less than £120 a year he is not included. The Company balance sheets were forwarded to the surveyor some time ago. My personal return will be forwarded by Monday night post. Please contact me if you are in Stroud
I have received your letter and hope that you return from your travels in better health after your serious illness. I have spoken to Mr Whittingham about my Military Service and he has advised this be left until the meeting. I will hand the agenda to Mr Little. Mr Bullock has signed the tenancy agreement (Double Locks). If this needs to be sealed at next meeting Mr Little will require key to seal box. Continued ...
Continuing 218: I will send schedule of Company's accounts to you. Mr Humphries has again mentioned his salary
Cheque enclosed for telephones bills
Queries about who will sign Company's books re transfer of shares following Probate of Will of Rev A H Stanton
Shares are valued at about £20 at this time
Re dredging canal, you could hire our dredger or have the bottom raked
Re Eastington Weighbridge. My Chairman is away at present but I will see him as soon as possible
I am preparing transfer book for the shares of the late A H Stanton
Enclosed is signed agreement for telephone line
I will send you the cost of repairs for damage caused by your timber carriage to Saul Bridge
Cheque enclose £5, wages last year were £422 7s 6d
Cheque enclosed £32 as settlement of account
Share No. 175 enclosed in name of Arthur William Stanton, plus dividend request form. Dividends for shares 8 & 137 sent to M Stanton
Shares Nos.8, 137, 175 now registered to Mr Stanton at his Stroud address (Field Place)
The annual inspection of the canal shows that the bottom gates at Junction Lock require slight repairs, also the facing planks of the top gates at Shallow Lock ( 2 missing completely)
Please place 30s enclosed into Company's account
Acknowledgement of letter received my me re ashes on Dudbridge Wharf
I am returning Demand Note for Poor Rates for Double Locks which will be paid in future by the Tenant of the cottage (Mr Bullock). I will forward cheque for other rates in a day or two
Committee has agreed to your request to take an electric power cable under the canal at Ebley Mills. The cost will be £1 1s per annum. The work to be approved by Navigation Manager and by Stroud Gas Company whose main passes along tow path.
The Committee say that the Swing Bridge at Stonehouse is restricted to a limit of 5 Tons per load
I enclose particulars that you requested
As Frampton Bridge is on the canal between Gloucester and Sharpness please refer to Mr Waddy of the Dock Co, Gloucester
Messrs Steel & Co have been given permission to put an electric cable under the canal at Ebley Mill
Committee accept your proposal to pay 1 1/2 d per ton on 207 tons of ashes on Dudbridge Wharf used by highways
Acknowledgement of receipt of particulars for Tax 1916/17
Draft agreement to be made by Company's Solicitors and sent to you for approval
Please call in when you are in Stroud and I will grant permission as requested
The Gentlemen forming the Committee of Stroudwater Navigation do not receive any fee except £1 12s 6d divided amongst those present at each meeting I therefore return form 46
The canal has been raked between the bridge and the bathing place at Stonehouse and nothing found to obstruct traffic as mentioned by you. There is a fair depth of water in the middle. The problem may have been caused by your Captain's reluctance to wait below the bridge at Stonehouse Wharf until a laden boat had passed as requested by Captain of Messrs Butlers Motor Barge (Kathleen). I wrote some time ago about your man blocking the canal at Bonds Mill
A poor copy of the other letter on the page
Letter crossed through
Letter re weeding and dredging of canal which have been carried out. The Captains need to agree arrangements to prevent trouble. Your Captain blocked the Canal at Bonds Mill having left his boat unattended where he knew two laden barges needed to pass each other. He could have tied up at Newtown where there is plenty of width and depth. Please acquaint me of any difficulties you have in navigating the canal.
£70 13s 10d to be deposited in Company's account. Pass book omission for Stock 3/7/16 £6 11s 3d
£6 10s as payment of Salary up to 29th Sept.
Treasury Notes £1 10s to be put in Company's account. Please return passbook
I enclose draft proposal letter to Vowles & Sons, do you want me to send now or after meeting
Re: Swing Bridge at Stonehouse. No formal agreement is necessary but the arrangement is as follows: Only vehicles drawn by horses, mule, donkeys to pass over bridge, no mechanical traction allowed. No load to exceed 5 tons. As you use the bridge a lot you will pay half cost of repair and maintenance
No traction engine whatever the weight to pass over the bridge
We agree that lorry with its own motor is not the same as a traction engine
Re: Bridge at Stonehouse, I enclose letter from Vowles & Son
I acknowledge receipt of your letter
Enclosing draft agreement re my employment by the Company. The figure with the T&S Canal is more on account of the house I occupy.
Specific arrangements for use of Swing Bridge at Stonehouse
All future Dividends in respect of £500 Cape of Good Hope Inscribed Stock to be paid to Company's account Lloyds Bank, Stroud
All interest from Company's Deposit account to be paid to Lloyds Bank Stroud in future
Dividend Warrant in the name of W C Stanton received
Returning altered Dividend Warrant
Cheque for 10s enclosed
Please reply to my letter of 31 Oct
Enclosed is agreement between Company and Mr L Humphries
Acknowledge receipt of £1 1s payment from Frederick Steel & Co
Please could you sign enclosed authority for payment of Dividends on the Cape of Good Hope Fund to be paid to Lloyds Bank instead of Chancery Lane Safe Deposit Co.
Received counterpart Grant by the Company to Frederick Steel & Co re electric cable near Ebley Mill
Your vehicles have damaged the swing bridge on two occasions and I will send account for repairs to you for payment
Enclosed is authority for payment of Dividends from Cape of Good Hope Stock to be paid to Lloyds Bank Stroud
Forms enclosed for payment of Dividends re Cape of Good Hope Stock that will be paid from time to time by London County & Westminster Bank to Company's account
Request for transmission of Dividend Warrants by post
The cost of repair to swing bridge will £1 17s 6d plus the cost of one of our men to assist. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter
Enclosed cheque for £2 2s re subscription to Stroud General Hospital
Your boundary wall next to the canal at Lodgemore has fallen and debris is in the canal causing problems with navigation and the swing bridge. My men will be there tomorrow (at a cost to you) to help your men to clear the canal
Your letter has been forwarded to the Chairman
Rate of tax paid on Dividend 30/4/15 1s 8d in the £, 31/10/15 3s in the £
Enclosed are Dividend counterfoils as requested
Subscription to Canal Association enclosed £3 3s
I will get signatures of Mr Evans and Mr Marling and Cheque for £95 as requested
Deposit for Company's account £49 15s 6d plus request for cheque for £95
List of deposits (see letter 261)
Enclosed 4s 9d payment of account
Dividend for War Stock received
Acknowledging receipt for deposit of £49 15s 6d and that you are sending cheque for £95 on Saturday
Returning demand note for Mr Little and Mr Whittingham which I assume refers to Committee Fees for which this Company has already paid tax as can be seen in Company's books. This has been explained to Surveyor of Taxes
Enclosed war stock forms + cheque for £95
Please ask Mr Brint to let me have exact size gate for repair
Thank you for cheque £95
Letter re income tax on shares held by you and Mr Jacomb
? Figures relating to letter 269 to Rev Wood
Letter re dividends and tax paid for shares held by you and Mr Jacomb
Letter received re New War Loan
Draw water at Bristol Road Lock to rot the ice in Shallow Lock Pound to help to run the boat. Where are receipts for rents for Cookley and Long, and Cookley's notice of his intention to give up the land. Have you repaired Jamb Piece at the tidal door and carried out other maintenance on bridges and paddles as there are complaints from users
Acknowledging letter re rent for pipe at Stonehouse
You will be responsible for any damaged caused by your trees at Downfield falling into canal
Enclosed forms for signing re New War Loan
Contact details about how Mr Johnstone could take up Civil Engineering
Apology for notices which were overlooked
Letter re accounts for timber which have already been paid
Letter re tides
You must abide by the bye laws for the unloading of goods and unload your stone where requested by the Wharfinger. You are liable to prosecution if these bye laws are ignored
Continuation of 276
Acknowledgement of receipt of letter
Enclosed is passbook for updating
Fee for through traffic 1915-16 £270 17s 1d received
The Company cannot pay any expenses referred to as they had no say in the original application and did not agree to proposal and do not incur any responsibility. This canal has not been taken over by the Government.
Enclosing probate of will for late Reginald Sewell Stokes
Terms for paddock at Framilode Rent £15 a year. To be used for pasture/hay, hedges and ditches to be maintained
Income tax on dividends has been paid 2s in the £1
Returning probate of will of Reginald Sewell Stokes, recorded in Share book, fee 2s 6d
Request for outstanding payment of bill £1 15s for posting stations
Request for information for Canal Control Committee re number of barges owned by you, number of boatmen, number of boats lying idle and number under repair,
Canal Control Committee - request for information about total number of boats, men, boats lying idle and under repair and the affect on your barge and boat
Can you tell me the reasons why you have discontinued running your boats on the canal. Also how many boats and boatmen you have on the waterways plus those lying idle or under repair
Can you tell me the number of barges and boatmen you have working on the canal, as well as those lying idle
Can you tell me the number of barges and boatmen you have working on the canal, as well as those lying idle
Information I have so far, List of different classes of employees (according to potential military involvement), list of Bye Traders, list of other Traders.
Asking if she will be willing to be responsible for the cost of repairs or alterations to warehouse at Framilode to be converted to a dwelling
If the Rural District Council will allow the place to be occupied as a dwelling the Chairman thinks the rent will be £5 a year (tenant to pay rates), please forward references
Postal Order enclosed 10s 1d for payment re Junction Fees, receipt requested
Request for reference for Miss Shaw
Letter about proposed tenancy
Forwarding letter form Messrs E T Ward & Son
List of repairs that need to be carried out along the length of the canal
Rural District Council insist building should comply with regulations. Plan to be given up as too costly
Share certificates No. 1, 114, 115 enclosed Plus certificate death Capt Hodgson. Shares now in name of Martin family. Last sale June 1916 shares £20
Enclosing deposit receipt £49 15s 7d plus request for withdrawal £42 10s 1d
Receipt received for £7 5s 6d. Cheque to be received Saturday
Cheque received £42 10s 1d
Some of information you requested is enclosed. I will send other information as soon as possible
As a member of the labour battalion it would be very useful if you could help clear the canal, with your knowledge of the canals the authorities may be able to release you for a time to work on the canal
Quoting tonnages for years ending 1913 and 1916 from Forest of Dean and South Wales and the Midlands. Mr Cookley (coal Merchant of Framilode) and the Co-op at Cainscross (at one time had deliveries from canal) not on your list
Information which I had omitted to send re Rents and Post Office Telephones