Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/13
Letters sent during the First World War between January 1914 and February 1919
Private L Pockett is starting on Monday, thank you for your help
Do I pay Private Pockett direct or through you? The men from the 13th Batallion have been transferred to another Regiment. They are doing sterling work
Exact copy of 402
The paddock is the property of the Stroudwater Navigation and nothing is known of the arrangement you mention. The new Lock Keeper has taken over the paddock you mention
I note you wish the Company to pay the soldiers direct from 14th June
A written statement of cost needs to be obtained from Mr Brint before commencing work
I enclose information re pay
Details of pay to soldiers enclosed with 406
Your wages have increased on the understanding that you will also help with weeding etc. I think that is fair.
Wharf at Dudbridge - Committee has agreed to your request if satisfactory arrangements can be made
My men are weeding at Stonehouse at present but will get to the water course at Eastington soon
Lance Corporal Forsyth has requested to visit his family. Please could you send him a pass and vouchers
Details of civilian earnings for soldier labour
Copy of civilian earnings for soldier labour
Letter re Lance Corporal Forsyth received
Copy of soldiers civil earnings enclosed
Workers Compensation Insurance - cheque £5 enclosed Wages expenditure for last year to follow
Details of soldiers pay
Covering letter for soldiers civil earnings
Two men have been called for medical examination (a lock keeper and a bricklayer) these men are essential to the running of the canal and our Chairman has asked me to write to you
Forms received and will be returned as soon as possible for Protection Cards for canal workmen
Addresses and job descriptions of two canal workers
Completed forms enclosed
List of soldiers pay for last 6 days
Covering letter for soldiers civil earnings
Enclosing forms completed by the men you mentioned in your last letter
The water course from Coffin Weir to the river needs attention. Is there much leakage from the trunk?
Enclosed are forms filled in by the men as requested
Telegram received per telephone last evening
Protection Cards received for George William Minett and John William White, conditions will be complied with
Notice to quit premises previously occupied by your late husband ready for Tidesman Pockett
Cancelling proposed car inspection as Chairman will be on holiday
Letter received re Crook and Workman
Meters are not used by the Company
Soldiers pay 6 days to 19 July 1918
Workers Compensation Insurance - Soldiers pay for year ending June 1918
Explaining the need for Mrs Harris to vacate the lock keepers house ready for Mr Pockett
Our advertised tolls are less than the maximum allowed, and in several cases we charge less than advertised. List given.
Proposal to increase tolls on coal to Gyde Bishop, Worth & Co, Critchley Bros, Bliss Mills by 1d to help with canal maintenance costs.
Soldiers pay 6 days to 26 July 1918
Returning completed protection card for myself
I will pass your letter to our Chairman
No Committee meeting to be held in August
Cheque received but the account has been altered in two places 3746, 3789. The weights were based on the declarations of the captains, and subsequent changes cause us some inconvenience
Soldiers pay for 6 days to 2 Aug 1918
Acknowledging receipt of accounts for payment and letter from Mr Pope re Framilode Lock. Mrs Harris has been given fair notice and Mr Pockett has agreed that she can have all produce from the garden. He is the chosen person for the job of Tidesman and has the knowledge to do the job (he was, in fact, offered the job by my late father eight years ago following the death of his grandfather) and will need the house. Continued ...
Continuation of 438: Mr Pope can be described as meddlesome and does write to the press
Soldiers pay for 6 days to 10 Aug 1918
Soldiers pay for week ending 16 Aug 1918
The new policy should be made out as before, the present expenditure is owing to the war
Soldiers pay for week ending 23 Aug 1918
Soldiers pay to 30 Aug 1918
Soldiers pay to 6th Sep 1918
Mr Pockett is keen to put his furniture in the Lock House at Framilode as soon as possible. He will dig your potatoes for you free of charge. Mrs Pockett will continue to reside at the adjoining cottage
I have received your two letters re Dudbridge Wharf, I have a meeting on the 18th
Re medical examination - I have arranged as requested
Re your fence at Dudbridge, our lock keeper is intending to make a claim for loss of crops due to disrepair of the fence
Could you extend the leave to eight days for Lance Corporal Forsyth
Soldiers pay to 13 Sept 1918
There is an inspection chamber about halfway along concrete wall between your land and the Ocean containing a 4 inch pipe running into the canal. Please could you remove the elm tree on your land about 50 yards from the church which if it was to fall could cause damage to the canal bank
Please could you arrange for the hedge above and below the bridge at Ebley to be cut back as it overhangs the towpath
Work needed to be done by you near your mill at Ryeford following the canal inspection
Our lock keeper Minett has asked for compensation for loss of garden due to fence at Top Lock Downfield
Acknowledging permission received for Lance Corporal Forsyth to take longer leave
Private Crook gives address for 3rd Bedfordshire Regiment and he was in 7th Bedfordshire whilst in France
Received passes and vouchers for Lance Corporal Forsyth
Arranging boat owners meeting with Lieut Gayton
Please commence work on roof of warehouse at Framilode
Due to shortage of labour we are unable to carry out work as you suggest
Mr E P Little will be the Company Representative on the Fuel and Lighting Committee
Quoting toll rates for stone from Junction to places to Wallbridge and through rate to the T&S Canal
Soldiers pay to 20th Sept 1918
Accounts have been altered, payment to be made as per notes handed to Captains on the canal
Soldiers pay to 3rd Oct 1918
Let me know cost of work you propose
List of tolls on coal to places on Stroudwater and T&S Canal
Please call on Mr Shipway re your claim about fence at Downfield
I have suggested that Mr Minett contact you re fence at Downfield
Ashes being taken through Wallbridge Wharf should pay wharfage and any damage must be paid for
You can have the ashes we delivered to Newtown at 2s per ton
If Mr Hopkins takes any ashes from Newtown, keep an account of what he has
Mr Andrews, barge owner at Saul, is short of a captain and tells me that he has applied to you for help but this has been declined. I have advised him to contact you again
Workers Compensation War Addition Act 1917 Messrs Riseley & Sons undertook our liability under the Act without extra charge of 20% re letters dated 31 Aug 1917 and 4 Sep 1917
Please write to Mr Preston and explain you are badly in need of a Captain working from Sharpness to the Stroudwater Canal carrying small coal to the cloth mills. If you know that the man working on the farm is not a farm labourer by profession please inform him. Ask for a new form so that you complete it correctly
Soldiers pay-list
Pass book enclosed for updating prior to audit
Ashes being taken from Lodgemore Mills through Wallbridge Wharf by Messrs Strachan & Co by heavy lorry, there is no objection to this as long as Wharfage is paid and any damage caused put in order
Soldiers pay to week ending 11th Oct
I would be grateful for your reply to my previous letter re ashes from Lodgemore Mill
Soldiers pay
Ashes from Lodgemore Mills, the cost of wharfage will be put on your account, damage caused by vehicles moving ash must be paid for
Please contact Strachan & Co direct re ashes
A long letter about Pte Peto who has been seconded as a mate on the 'Ila' due to the mate having flu. The Captain is very happy and would like to continue this arrangement until his mate returns
I would appreciate a reply to my letter re ashes from Lodgemore Mills, I notice you are using our wharf again
We propose that Private L Pocket continues as Tidesman when he returns to civilian life
Enclosed is Doctors certificate for H Stephens following his accident at Downfield swing bridge
I will put your request re land at Stonehouse Wharf to the committee, would you be willing to take a term of years
I have particulars for half year to Sept 1917 but not for last year
Acknowledging receipt of your letter 26th Nov
The surface of the wharf needs attention
Your letter re Pte Peto has been forwarded to Mr Ward with a request for him to contact you. I will replace Pte Peto with Pte Beard for the next voyage
Letter re leave being arranged for 4 men for 12 days commencing 20th Dec plus other leave details
Messrs Strachan & Co have ashes at the wharf if you would like them
Enclosed are completed forms for Henry Stephens
Correspondence re Henry Stephens claim
Rates for transporting coke to Frampton
Please send £3 10s as payment for one years billposting stations due 25th Dec 1918
Letter received re H Stephens
Could you call and see me re letter you sent
Re share certificate Miss Nellie Martin
Re share claim
The soldiers will return to London tomorrow - their work has been very much appreciated
The soldiers will return to civilian life and I would like to say thank you for all their hard work keeping the canals going
Re transfer of shares
Re L Pockets Uniform
Re shortage of men to work the canals now that soldiers have returned to civilian life
Statement enclosed
Requesting £5 cheque for Henry Stephens
Transfer of shares (Martins)
I will speak to Miss Martin as requested re transfer of shares
Please stand by to attend the tides at Framilode as Pockett has been recalled to the army
Re share transfer
Re share transfer
I am trying to get you released to return to Framilode
Importance of L Pocket being allowed to return to Framilode as Tidesman