Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/8
Letters written by WIlliam James Snape between October 1885 and May 1889
Toll charge for stone and through rate on Stroudwater Canal. Toll charge and through rate on T&S Canal.
Mud to be taken out of canal opposite your bathing stage next week; the man will call for your instructions.
Names of four carriers who might do the work. The pipes can be delivered anywhere on that road as the canal runs close by, which Railway cannot do. Severn & Canal Carrying Company trying to get the work.
The boatman will send you a postcard giving the exact time he will be at Ryeford. Rowley Stone Co have been asked to provide good stone of suitable size for road working.
We can only buy about £20 worth of oak. Mr Fallows will look out trees up to that amount early next week.
Pick out trees to about £20 value. Bring in the file and letters about T&S Canal. Pay in the money for the sale of the loppings at Ryeford, to show as a separate item in my books. Find out if Mr Critchley has had any salt lately, if he sells it, where does it come from and where to. I have informed Mr Sibly that the man will call on him before he commences to take out mud.
Committee instructs you remove any petroleum or Benzoline from the Ship Inn and premises you rent from the Company as you will be held responsible for any damage from fire or otherwise.
Reply wanted by return as to how you got the weights of two specified cargoes.
Request for weights of cargoes in specified boats on or about 20 April and 18 May 1887.
Discussion on weights of cargoes and request for weights of other specified cargoes.
Way bills to be made out and signed before tickets are made out. Let it be known you are aware of some items being put in cabins. Strange that weights of cargoes carrying onto T&S Canal are heavier than when on Stroudwater Canal.
Charge Mr Gee 10s for use of canal on Monday next, and 5s more if locks are used.
4d rate on the iron pipes passing on to the T&S Canal. 6d on all unloaded on the Stroudwater including wharfage and use of crane.
Rates fixed on the iron pipes landed on Stroudwater Canal and on all passing on to the T&S Canal.
Cannot get a boat to bring bricks from Wood & Ivery as you only ant a part load. They will come by rail.
Get up your sunken barge at Eastington at once, or we will do so and either charge expenses or sell barge to defray costs.
Weight of barge charged lower than it should have been. Was this weight taken from the G&B ticket or by declaration.
In view of short weights, push on with the Gauge Staff for Peyton. See me in the morning re final arrangements for the inspection. P.S. written to Ford to get up his boat at once.
Weight of pipes too low. Was this from G&B Canal ticket or from written declaration. Dead weight to be charged, no allowances. P.S. Details set out of how to get the correct weight.
Cannot lower the tonnage charge for Mr Ford. Any complaint must be put to the Committee.
Railway rate reduction on Coal should not interfere with the water trade.
Remove timber lying under the crane at Dudbridge: causing inconvenience to others using the crane.
Enclosed cheque re quarter year's salary due today.
Enclosed cheque re quarter year's salary due today.
10s for all classes of Pleasure Boats inclusive of use of locks; information on where tickets are obtained.
Bill enclosed for repair of damage to Eastington top lock. Insufficient number of men on barge at time, therefore liable to a fine.
Cannot reduce rate on coal as local coal merchants say that reduction in Railway rate will not affect the water trade. Tonnage amounts via Stourport and Worcester set out.
Empty cottage garden to be put in order, also the weeds and docks in the Withy land at the Junction.
Send an officer to stop night time bathing at Hilly Orchard Bridge and illegal netting between Ryeford and the Railway Bridge.
Bill for docking on water at Ryeford enclosed. Apologise for contravening regulations or be fined.
Request for settlement of account for wharfage.
Remove barge in Eastington short pound, or we shall do it and charge you the cost.
Settle the tonnage for May and June before my meeting with Thames & Severn Canal Co.
Settle account for damage to bridge at Eastington prior to the Committee meeting.
As previously instructed, summons to be taken out unless you see me tomorrow with the requested items.
Pay due tonnage. If you have a drawback claim, see the Company at the Committee meeting on the 19th.
Your letter of apology received. Pay for docking before the meeting is held.
Sunken barge at Eastington to be removed, mud gathering around her impeding other vessels. Also weekly charge will be made re barge tied up in short pound at Eastington.
Dead horse in Wallbridge Stables, you are responsible for anything arising from your neglect.
Sent by messenger in addition to first letter: remove dead horse immediately, it is getting offensive.
Annual charge to be made for trespass on towing path at Ebley.
Annual payment due for bathing in canal at Stonehouse.
All tonnages due must be paid in full and then your claim for drawback made to the Board.
Tonnage account must be paid in full, or your boats will be stopped.
Specified rates and sizes for putting up stable at Bristol Road. P.S. Bricklayer leaving soon so work cannot be done after he leaves.
Tonnage account not paid; all your boats and barges stopped until back tonnage paid. Attend the Committee re any application for drawback. 6d per ton to be paid on timber to Chippenham.
A request to take water from the canal by putting a pipe through bank not to be allowed. Alternative arrangements and charges specified.
Inform captains of Smart's barges that tonnage has to be paid at Dudbridge Lock before being allowed to pass on. P.S. Do not tell the captains why.
I do not have authority to allow drawbacks. Tonnages must be paid in full and application made to Board.
Cheque enclosed in settlement of account.
Our figures for coal are correct. Gloucester included by mistake in Stroud and Neighbourhood. We take every load as 30 tons. All delivered between Framilode, Stroud and on to T&S Canal.
State of water will affect trade. Give instructions to men to deal with. Report on any wastage of water.
Acknowledgement of receipt of cheque. Error in name of boat may mean 5s owing; however, if overcharge, it can be made up on another cargo, without having to alter my books.
Arrangements made for stoppage to repair Bristol Road lock.
Pipe at Ryeford can be stopped as not an ancient watercourse. Re the one at Ebley, follow the usual routine.
Repair required to wall near Ryeford canal bridge. Any interruption to navigation will be your responsibility.
No boat to use the canal or locks on Sundays otherwise in contravention of Bye law No. 2
No boat to use the canal or locks on Sundays otherwise in contravention of Bye law No. 2
No boat to use the canal or locks on Sundays otherwise in contravention of Bye law No. 2
No boat to use the canal or locks on Sundays otherwise in contravention of Bye law No. 2
No boat to use the canal or locks on Sundays otherwise in contravention of Bye law No. 2
You will be charged published rate on all grain brought up to Dudbridge, previous rate was a special rate to secure trade.
Particulars required of tithe charges paid for the last 2 years.
When can I check sewerage tank at Ebley to ensure terms of agreement have been complied with.
Remove your fence recently erected on Canal Land at Hilly Orchard Bridge. You owe us 2s 6d for water taken from the canal. Cut the branches over-hanging the towing path.
I have legal authority to charge for the taking of water; surprised at tone of your letter and shall place it before my Committee
The interests of the share-holders are looked after. When you take water you will have to pay for it as does everyone else, including several Directors. Your letter will be placed before my Committee as you ask.
Re your application: my Committee has instructed me not to pay the Whitminster Tithe Charge.
Re Whitminster Tithe Charge: Your letter will be placed before Committee on the 20th instant.
When will you start laying footpath over Ryeford Canal Bridge. Mud and rubbish washed down from road causes disruption to canal traffic. P.S. setting out dates of meetings and previous letters re this request.
We need space for quantity of timber coming in on Monday; no where to put it and crane cannot be worked because of your iron pipes lying under the crane. Please put them further up the wharf.
Committee instructed that charge of 2s 6d must be paid. Please pay bearer.
Call on Mr Fallows who will pay you the 3s 5d tithe charge.
Cannot comply with your request because of our agreement with T&S Navigation on charge per ton on coal delivered at Wallbridge Wharf. Also cannot agree to suggestion re carting as it would be an evasion of the agreement.
Re roadway at Ryeford Bridge: Can you do something to prevent water drift into canal as Mr Savage will not.
Mr Arkell refused to pay 2s 6d for water extraction at Downfield, and says we can "get it best way we can""."
I wrote to your agent, Mr Long, to call at our Eastington Office to collect Tithe rent charge of 3s 5d.
Grain of any kind charged at 6d per ton except wheat charged at 10 sacks to the ton. Hope you will be able to do something for Mr French and Mr Knight.
Ask your men to look out for someone damaging withy trees between Double Locks and Ryeford Mill.
The charge of 22s per annum for water from canal for engine boiler at Ebley correct. Details given of how this was arrived at. No deduction can be made. Mr Fallows will call on you tomorrow to collect the rents.
Cheque enclosed for £3.3s. Being one year's subscription to Canal Association up to 1 July 1888.
Cheque enclosed for £10.8s. Being one quarter's salary as Clerk due on 29th instant.
You have refused to pay rent charges. The Company's solicitors say that the land at Ryeford has nothing to do with the rents. You boat will not be allowed to use the canal if you don't pay the messenger I send on Monday. This letter is notice that we can take possession of the land at Ryeford as per your lease. If you do not pay the due 23s on Monday proceedings will be taken to recover the same.
You may take the tenancy of the cottage from 25th December 1887, plus details of how to keep it aired.
Suggestion of area to use for washing out of Trap, Instead of using Stonehouse Wharf, as it washes rubbish etc into the canal, at a charge of 5s per annum from 29 Sept last. Also request for bill for work done at Lock House, Double Locks.
Disagreement over the Surveyor's assessment of where the water drift comes from plus details of places where it does come from. PS. a request for cheque for the rents.
Enclose share certificate no. 193 plus acknowledgement of receipt of 3s. transfer fee.
Payment of account enclosed required as my books have to be closed for half yearly meeting. Details of the wharfage for stone sent to Wallbridge & Dudbridge.
Concerning credit to Severn & Canal Carrying Co, tickets, and weight.
Busy with half yearly accounts, but hope to meet you soon re water run-off at Ryeford Bridge into canal.
Confirmation required of weight put on the pipe boats.
G Ford has paid tonnage - let his barge through; explanation of charges to him for goods to Eastington, Stonehouse Wharf and siding and wheat from Avonmouth and Bristol on a/c of Butt Skurray & Co. Have you the declaration of weight from the captains of the pipe boats. Mr Fallows to send down a gauge stick. Did Storm and Dublin have no more than 30 tons in each.
G Ford has paid tonnage, let his barge go, send me the ticket and I will instruct Peyton.
Value of Stroudwater Navigation shares is £76 each.
Toll on pit wood to Eastington wharf reduced to 6d per ton dead weight.
Mrs Hazle says that poles sold to you on understanding you paid all claims. Please pay the 10s our man William Clark told you to pay.
So long as you take bricks down by water you may take water from the canal at Bonds Mill for building purposes at no charge, but you should have written first to Committee for permission.
Suggested dates for appointment to meet at Ryeford Bridge.
Wrong charge made by Sharpness Dock Co. on timber to the Junction. See clause 47 in Act of 1870 and the original act. Should like to meet you, here preferably so that I can show you the Acts.
Dredging required of your portion of canal below Wallbridge Lock. Details of suggestion as to how this can be done; otherwise canal will soon be closed..
Enclosed Mr P P Bouverie's indemnity re 10 shares sold to Mr Broderip on 30 May 1882. Please let me have the 10 share certificates.
Details of rate on barley and maize to Mr Knights at Dudbridge, and details of rate on wheat
Not yet received old share certificates.
Either return the old share certificates or the indemnity; plus references to earlier letters from the solicitors.
Return the indemnity at once, which will be returned on receipt of the old share certificates.
Acknowledgement of receipt of 10 canal share certificates.
As requested by W D George: rate on acids in carboys from the Junction to Dudbridge & Stroud Lower Wharf and rate on same to Wallbridge Upper Wharf on T&S Canal. If large quantity can be guaranteed by water the matter can be placed before my Chairman. Rate charged on acids from Bristol at present used by Mills.
Garden bank near Ryeford swing bridge slipping into Canal. Should like an appointment to discuss.
Rowley Hall Stone: details rate of broken stone delivered at Ebley Wharf and rates and sizes at quarry. Can't reduce charge any further. Load could be got down before Xmas, but need to know when so as to secure boats.
Costings and labour requirement re garden bank slip at Ryeford. Not our liability. Who will do the work - you or us?
Your rate per ton plus carriage. Can you get a special rate from Mr Waddy the same as rate given to James Smart for 60 tons wanted before Xmas. Sir William Marling wants 40 tons, but if he would take 20 more, would make 2 boat loads.
Lockage charge for ashes to Saul. Can't make any alteration without sanction of my Committee. .
Can you deliver 40 tons of broken stone for Sir W H Marling Bart at Ebley Mill before Xmas at same price as you did the last?
Details of piling required and what will happen if full height of bank not piled. Please meet again at Ryeford.
40 tons of broken Rowley Hall stone must be delivered at Ebley at time stated and charged to Marling & Co Ltd before Xmas at stated price. Please do this to keep trade together.
Heard nothing since your letter of 31 August re Messrs Egelstaff's affairs. Notice given that stone laying at Wallbridge Wharf will be sold in settlement of tonnage and wharfage due to the Co,
Details of work to be done and agreed with Mr Fallows re withy bed at The Junction.
Sir William Marling will refuse to have the stone if it arrives after Xmas. You've had plenty of notice and plenty of broken stone at the Quarry.
Re: matter of ashes, details of the decision by the Committee on charge.
Cheque enclosed re subs to the Stroud Hospital for one year to 25 Dec 1887.