Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/8
Letters written by WIlliam James Snape between October 1885 and May 1889
Mr Fallows reported the true facts respecting Whitminster Lock. Although he had a few stones, the gates could not be opened completely because of the mud. I did not complain of difficulty in navigating below the lock, as you state. I was not finding fault, just reporting facts.
Please pay the account before the next Committee Meeting or I shall have to report the matter to them then.
Permission given to Wood & Rowe to put ashes on Ryeford Canal Wharf plus instructions on what to do and why. Also: receipt required from Rev Hall of Saul for tithe rent paid July 1888. Also: re the Ocean: get Stonehouse police or our men to watch for one or two nights to stop netting - complaints from holders of angling tickets. Also: by Tuesday get from Mr Field the GWR. charges for coal from various pits to Bullo, plus shipping, weighing etc. Also: please report as to what is happening about Saunders.
Enclosed Rowley Hall Stone Co circular. Details set out of Mr T H Pearce's charges for delivery at Cirencester. P.S. Details of order that Stroud Local Board is about to make.
Re: Rowley Hall Stone. Mr Cole to bring the matter before the next Board Meeting in September.
I have been instructed to open a monthly account with you starting from this date.
You are to attend the next Committee Meeting in September re your illness and claim.
W Smith has been instructed to pay you for night pass for passing up the two Eastington Locks. I want you to go with me tomorrow morning to Framilode.
Please pay 2s for passing up the two Eastington Locks in June to Mr Fallows who will raise a night pass.
re: Whitminster Lock. The depth of water is not the issue, there is mud behind the gates; also at the bottom of the lock and in the chamber. Discussion about how stones got there and need for a wharf near the Junction for lightening vessels before passing onto the Stroudwater Canal.
Permission given to put stone breaking machine for Rowley Hall stone on Wallbridge Lower wharf. Also costs for bringing stone in the rough to Wallbridge Lower and Upper Wharves including arrangement with Severn & Canal Carrying Co.
In view of our wish to deal with traders fairly, please submit complaints re tonnage charges and we shall look into them.
I shall bring to the Committee your information regarding GWR and Severn & Wye charges from pits in the Forest to Bullo and Lydney Basins, and the charges for shipping. I think we can do something under the recently passed Canal Act.
I enclose stamps to include postage for you to send me two copies of the Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1888.
In any case similar to the Rapid's tow boat passing empty up and empty down, charge both ways. PS about charging the Helen Blanch.
On the return journey pay the money owing for the night pass, or the matter will be put before the Committee again.
I understand a contract is to be entered into for Rowley Hall Stone Co to supply Stroud Gas Board and I am to deal with arrangements for carriage. I will let you know when I hear from them.
A member of Stroud Co-Operative Society will put your letter to the Committee, and feels that it would be help if you could also attend, in which case I will try to accompany you. They are keeping 3 horses and carts at work regularly.
I am making up my half yearly accounts. Please pay for the eight months wharfage for stone: dates given. If you are passing anytime tomorrow I should like to see you.
Please pay the money owing for wharfage on larch poles, as this will stop any further proceedings.
Account enclosed for wharfage on Engine Coal on Dudbridge Wharf for given dates.
Surprised at size of broken just delivered, it must be broken a little smaller when broken stone ordered. Thank you for quoting prices to Mr Cole. Mr Wing of the Severn & Canal Carrying Co hopes you will load their boats as they have been to a great deal of trouble. .I understand there is a boat coming with rough stone from your quarry.
My only interest in the Stroud Co-operative Society is to get them to have their coal by water rather than rail. Does your 6s per ton include everything and where is your loading place. If you let me have rate per ton on the Birmingham Canal and the Worcester and Birmingham to Worcester, I shall be able to put the matter to the Secretary of the Society.
I will write to you tomorrow with the information required. The toll on all house coal from the Forest to Dudbridge Wharf has been reduced. Can you do anything for the coal trade there?
Please give me a call tomorrow re a proposed coal traffic from Bullo to Lechlade. PS. Please settle tonnage account for August.
Rate set out as supplied by James Smart for carriage of coal from Bullo to Lechlade. However, under the Act of Parliament, the Thames & Severn Canal Co cannot charge the rate given for wharfage at Lechlade.
I am sorry you cannot supply block coal as wanted, which other collieries will supply, by railway. The Society is a growing concern and the trade is increasing.
Continued: Ideas suggested as to types of coal. Society has to buy at a price to compete with Wood & Rowe and to include for each member. This is a chance not to be missed. They don't run accounts but pay on given date. P.S. Don’t forget the Fishley Co offer..
A special rate you gave for Mr James Smart to carry timber from Stourport to Haywood Junction wasn't taken up. Now he has been asked for a rate to take larch fencing from Dudbridge to Chester, leaving your canal half way at Autherly Junction. Could you speak to Mr Hales re the rate between Autherly and Chester. Obliged if you can let me know not later than Monday morning when Smart is calling at my office.
Anticipating Mr Charles Sanders death, we have made arrangements to put in a man at Framilode who knows what is required, is known to myself and Mr Fallows, and is able to devote his whole time to the Company's business, which would not suit the man you have recommended.
Re Framilode affairs: you have started Pockett. Mrs Sanders has papers with the other instructions. You had better look after anything belonging to the Company in the house. If you don't have enough Vessels In and Out forms, let me have a form at once for printing. We need to meet, I think I will come to Framilode on Thursday.
Smart very grateful for your kindness; trying to get the carrying. Has offered a low rate. I will let you know when settled.
Calculations given re materials requirement for lean-to at Framilode. Speak to Oliver and John. P.S. re pay sheets up to the 29th and to the 5th October.
Cheque enclosed re your salary due on 29 September.
Please get the enclosed pay sheets signed and returned to me. Instructions as to materials, some to be sent down by Peter, some to be kept in stock in the yards. How is Mrs Saunders. Pockett has possession of the house from 29th, is he in yet? He should not have been paid up to yesterday. Inform Mr Long he has to pay the same wharfage as his brother from 29 Sept. last. Collect money due from Mrs Mastin. I must have your books on Monday, if you are unable to come send them by Oliver Sittington.
Usual Authority asked for to lay six inch earthenware drain pipe from the Lock Keeper's property to house occupied by E T Ward at Dudbridge Wharf.
I return the letter from Mr Grist enclosed with yours. Sorry he's not prepared to send the coal by water but hope he will have the retorts and fire bricks sent by canal. Letters written re stone for Wheatenhurst Highway Board and one to Stafford's Mill.
Complaint about Walk Bridge not being properly fastened. Please caution men in charge of the barge Sisters as to their future conduct.
Complaint received from Mr F J Barrett of Frampton and Notice enclosed which please read to your men re fine which can be charged if they neglect to close and fasten the Bridge in future.
Insufficient evidence to take action, but you may do so, however the Bridge was left unfastened, not open. Not heard before of the three instances referred to in your letter: please let me have details. Bridges can be left open by anyone: boatmen are most likely to close them as the handles are on the off-side of the canal
Continued: and bridge must be closed to enable rejoining the vessel. Never before had such a case before me.
I believe that contents of a closet belonging to Mr Price at Ryeford flow into the canal. As you have authority to go onto his premises, please inspect and give me a call. Written in pencil: This letter was not put before the Sanitary Authorities. See the one on page 429.
The waste from about 21 pigs you are keeping is running over the wharf into the canal. Please stop at once.
If payment not received for wharfage charge at Dudbridge, I shall instruct Company's solicitors.
There is sewage on bank between Mr Price's privy wall and the canal; please inspect and let me know if vault is full and overflowing or whether I should write to Sanitary Authority to ask them to inspect.
Cheque enclosed being Company's subscription to Canal Association to 1 July 1889.
Fire Insurance Co say you can start work at Bristol Road (Mr Williams) but you must not exceed your estimate. Please charge to this Company the cost of relaying part of the floor.
Instructions on getting the Little Boat taken from the yard to Dudbridge to collect broken bricks mixed with a little hard stone to take to Stonehouse Wharf. Instructions on work required as a result of Mr Kimmins agreeing to have mud spread out at Double Locks. Instructions on work required to Ryeford Foot Bridge. Find out if Rowley Coal put on Ryeford Wharf? Instructions re the bricks required for the floor to Bristol Road
Account enclosed from Mrs Mastin for poles; also sign and return Mr Cam's enclosed account. Instructions on what to do with two trees at Westfield (next two lines illegible). Instructions as to the Framilode (next line illegible) using clay, and if wall or any part of pier damaged I will look before anything is done..
Cheque enclosed for 1 year's subscription to Stroud Hospital.
Stroud Co-operative Society are not going to use Hawkins & Sons' coal in future, because of poor service. Let me have your prices plus suggested price including tonnage and all expenses for Severn & Canal Carrying Co to deliver at Wallbridge Lower wharf. Birmingham Canal charge by gauge weight, different from Worc & Birm Canal and on to Wallbridge where overweight must come free of charge. Continued ...
Continued: It is the little overweight that keeps trade on Canal. Figures suggested plus overweight. Two boats could be kept regularly at work. They want cobbles, not block coal. Their payments are cash drawn every Monday night.
Stamps enclosed for you to telegraph following information required. What you would charge to bring coal from Earl Dudley's Ashwood Basin on Staffs & Worcs Canal and deliver to Wallbridge Lower Wharf to include tonnage. Figures set out for tonnage on Staffs & Worcs, River Severn, G&B and Stroudwater.
I want the information for the Manager of Stroud Co-op Society who deal largely in coal and are anxious to use water. Figures set out as suggested by Manager. They pay in cash and good payers.
Please telegraph as soon as can the freight from Green's Forge at Bloxwich (Fishley Colliery). Write afterwards with any further information.
Charge Mr G Ford the same as we charged Mrs Rowles; and get payment at time of drawing down water in Forked Pound to include cost for loss of water and man's time in refilling again.
I will pass your letter to the Manager of the Stroud Co-op to put before their next Committee meeting. The Society asked me, the Manager of Stroudwater Navigation, to get this information. Details given of Stroud Co-op's coal's trade. I know that Mr Jones of the Staffs & Worcs Canal would like the trade on his canal.
Mr G Ford wants to refloat the sunken barge at Forked Pound, Eastington. The charge he is to be charged set out plus instructions to collect it before anything is done. If the barge interferes with canal traffic you will be held responsible for any damage.
This information is for Stroud Co-op as they don't understand Canal matters. Details given of Stroud Co-op's coal trade and their wish to bring coal by water. Information set out as to Stroudwater Canal's dues, plus hobblers costs for unloading.
Your letter and price list will be passed to the Manager of Stroud Co-op for their next meeting. Will you load 22 cwt to the ton as other collieries do?
Cheque enclosed for quarter's salary due 25th instant.
Cheque enclosed for quarter's salary due 25th instant.
Instructions as to dimensions of dry and sound timber to be supplied for window frames. P.S. A Stroud boatman to be instructed to call for the timber.
Balance sheets for years sending Sept 1885, 1886 and 1887 enclosed; income tax has been paid on the same.
Please put up your barge Annie Maria lying sunk in Framilode Basin in view of complaints that it is in the way.
James Smart will write to you re larch to be taken from Stroud to Chester. Also information required on toll on coal from Ashwood Basin to Stourport as Stroud & Cainscross Co-op are looking into trying Earl Dudley's coal. Stroud Society are not happy with Hawkins & Sons. I'm trying to keep the trade on the Canal. I have got the Cainscross Society to have some coal by water.
Figures set out as to total cost of tolls on Staffs & Worcs Canal, River Severn, G&B Canal and Stroudwater Navigation plus how all the other costs are made up, and importance of overweight in the calculations.
As a result of your request for a stable at Eastington Wharf, the Committee has instructed Mr C Hooper to meet me there to go through the matter. Please put your request in writing to me by return. The rent to be paid is an important consideration.
Sir W H Marling is looking into the use of a portion of some land on towing path side for you to use as a coal wharf at Ryeford. I'll let you know the outcome.
As Annie is at Bristol, please bring up broken Bristol Blue (not brown) stone to Sir W Marling's coal pen at Ryeford. If no broken stone available, bring up block and it can be broken here. He won't have Chepstow stone.
Figures given for price of various coals per ton, plus the address of R Thomas of Fishley Colliery Co.
Stop Stroud Water Co if they attempt to cross Stonehouse Wharf Bridge as they do not have permission. When the pound is open get the levels to find out the thickness of the arch at the crown.
I have sent your price list to Mr Charles Critchley who has coal from the Hockley Hall Colliery Co. This would be trade on the water and not the railway. P.S. I understand the Cainscross Society are giving to give you an order.
Please remove your timber from Dudbridge Wharf. A large boiler is to come up the canal soon and we need to use the crane, which your timber is in the way of.
If a stable is put up for Mr Whiting, cut down the ash tree below Eastington Top Lock for the hay racks. Also arrange for stone now and in a month or two for the worst places in Ryeford Bridge; take 3 or 4 tons from the lot intended to be sold to Mr Savage. Also material required for a W.C. at bottom end of Wallbridge Wharf; put on a lock and give the key to William Clark.
You have permission to lay water pipes over canal bridge at Stonehouse Cross under conditions as set out, and on making an agreement with Mr Mills, the Co's solicitor. Could you not send the pipes by water, rather than railway.
Discrepancy in Smart's manganese tickets. Did you gauge them or take the Captain's word?
Two bills enclosed for two small boats in Framilode Pound giving permission to be kept in the Canal, one for Rev. Mr Ludgater; you fill in the name of the other. If they use the locks charge lockage as usual. Give the money to Mr Fallows.
Present value of Stroudwater Navigation Co shares is £72 per share.
Several barge owners says they will charge less money per ton than the railway to bring Iron Ore from Bristol to Dudbridge, Thrupp and Brimscombe. The Canal Co's take has been reduced per ton.
Mr Jennings, a Stroud coal merchant, wants to have coal by canal. On my recommendation he says he will have a trial load from you; but first needs to know about weight. Figures given as to other collieries weights. Rate given charged on coal from the Basin to Stourport. See this as a new trade and give it a trial.
Continued: Better class of coal required Please reply by return. If weight will be as above, there is an order for two loads at once with boats will be sent. Sorry to trouble you but want your coal to be tried here. Figures set out showing likely profit.
I'm told by a Stroud coal merchant he is having coal from Messrs Morris & Shaw's Birch Coppice Colliery near Polesworth, and that they are making arrangements to send him the coal by water. Is this so. How far is the colliery from Coventry Canal and the distance to Birmingham c/f Cannock Chase or Hawkins. I have introduced the Fishley to Stroud & Cainscross Co-op Soc. What is the rate on the Coventry from Polesworth to Birmingham and Birmingham to Gloucester, so that I can give the coal merchant the information when asked.
Cheque enclosed in settlement of tithe rent, Eastington Parish for year ending 1 October 1888.
Cheque enclosed in settlement of repair of fire damage to house occupied by Mrs Williams at Bristol Road Wharf.
If, as Mr Little thinks, the Water Co are laying the pipes over canal bridge at Stonehouse, come and see me as I have had no notice of their intention to do so.
I've received notice the water pipes are going to be put over Stonehouse Bridge tomorrow. Go down there as soon as you receive this. I'll be down sometime in the day. Find out if construction of bridge is same as at Ryeford.
Little & Mills want to know about the dividend due to Mrs Wood. Please read Messrs Mullings & Co's enclosed letter, which please return, and let me know.
Please send specified details re coal from your colliery so that, together with the information Mr George has given me re the canal tolls, I shall be able to make my calculations to answer Mr Jennings question as to whether he can get his coal from you by canal rather than by railway. Would you be able to give me the railway charges to Stroud including truck hire etc.
You are doing little trade by canal at Ryeford Wharf and using it almost exclusively for railway trade. The rest is very difficult to read, but an assumption could be that the canal company is going to charge more for the use of the storage area as it is not being used for canal trade.
Best to use boatmen who know the district and load from the colliery. Try a trial load from Hawkins to Wallbridge wharf at a suggested price per load for freight and tonnage plus a calculation of what the coal would cost
Continued: and suggested profit.
I am not charging dead weight on manganese James Smart is taking to Staffordshire; what you do on the G&B Canal is up to you.
Tonnages, weights and distances set down for coal that Morris & Shaw, colliery proprietors of Polesworth, wish to send by water to Stroud. Can this be done. Tonnage charge given on timber from Gloucester to Coventry.
Instructions as to freight and tonnage charges for a load of coal for Mr Aldridge from Earl Dudley's Green's Forge using the Tewkesbury Boat. Also new trade of coal from Messrs Morris & Shaw of Polesworth to a local coal merchant: calculations given on freight and tonnages charges and weights per boat
Continued: Tonnage given on timber loads to Coventry from Gloucester. If this can be done a coal merchant will give an order at once.
I cannot alter the tonnage rate on the manganese from Stafford's Mill to Staffordshire, but will allow 5 tons on each boat instead of charging on actual dead weight.
Tonnages, weights and distances set down for coal that Morris & Shaw, colliery proprietors of Polesworth, wish to send by water to Stroud. Can this be done. Tonnage charge given on timber from Gloucester to Coventry. I should like you to see young Jennings.
I agree to the terms, set out, for boat load of coal from Hawkins & Sons delivered to Dudbridge Wharf.
We shall do nothing about canal rates until the Board of Trade has settled Railway rates. Classification of Merchandise Traffic and Schedule of rates and charges can be obtained at any Railway station. PS. We shall have no printed list of rates until rates question is settled.
Please instruct John to make sign board, size set out, for Wallbridge Wharf. Keep account of costs of materials and labour.
The toll on house coal from the Forest of Dean to Stonehouse, Ryeford and Dudbridge Wharves will be reduced, from today's date. The toll on coal delivered at Wallbridge Wharf remains as at present.
List of timber and sizes required for New Stable at Eastington Yard plus further instructions.
In future please write on the back of the ticket the weight, date and your signature for any coal put out of a boat.
Reduction in toll on coal from Forest of Dean only refers to Black Coal brought to the wharf, a reduction can be made on all house coal from the Forest if you promise an increased trade; a different toll is charged on coal for manufacturing and brick making purposes. Discussion on railway v. canal trade and what the tenants of the company should do.
Claim form for return of income tax on dividend for year ending Sept 1888 paid to the Gloucestershire, Bisley and Chedworth charity of Charles Ballinger.
You have charged the Cainscross Co-operative Society a different rate from the rate you stated to me.
The state of Wallbridge Short Pound is such that it is preventing barges from working. Please deal with the rubbish. P.S. the Lock bank needs repair and the cart road stoning.
I cannot charge less per ton at Dudbridge wharf and up to Chalford, but wharfage is free as is warehousing for the iron. What is the cost of a specified size crane chain in best iron.
The rate of toll on grain taken from Stonehouse siding Stonehouse wharf to any place between there and Framilode. Show this letter to Mr Peyton when you pay the tonnage.
Enclosed account from occupiers of two cottages at Dudbridge for damage and cost of clearing same after burst of water pipe.
I personally observed the obstruction and damage. I am not aware of repair other than your lock keeper borrowing a rake from us. Further, on the 19th the barge Kitty had great difficulty in passing along that part of the canal.
Instruction on the timber required for Lock Gates.
Cheque enclosed. Mr Morgan is expecting you to pick out two of the small oaks, also to meet you at Whitminster for you to pick out 1 elm.
Fetch a load of bricks from Messrs Wood & Ivery's Works, Albion, West Bromwich. A load of drain pipes is to be brought here from either Doulton's wharf at Smethwick or Oldbury. What would your freight charge be.
Mr Fellows will call on you to pick out two small oaks; He will meet you at Whitminster to pick out one elm.
Please look at the closet vault at Ryeford which is emptying into the canal as a result of soil and rubbish pushed into the Canal by your tenant.
Your letter re sub post office was put before Committee today, a letter box will be placed in the Company's house in charge of R Pocket.
Put Peter Daniels in your pay sheet. When next up at Dudbridge find out from Vick & Co where a crane chain can be tested - could Fielding & Platt do it? Do not spend money on coming up by Railway unless absolutely necessary.
Please remove present stable and clear area to enable construction of new stable to start on 6 May.
Re Stroud Co-operative Society's loads of coal from Polesworth: tonnages do not agree with the rates given by you. The difference on rates paid and rates given originally by Mr George on the Coventry, Birmingham, Worcester, Severn, Berkeley and Stroudwater canals set out in detail.
Continued: Please look into this matter.
Enclosed: two Coventry canal tickets on which toll has been paid, please let me have the same or send to Mr Aldridge, Manager, Co-operative Society, Stroud. Another load ordered today. I've heard from Messrs Barnes & Chadborn. The costs of tolls set out, assuming a reduced freight cost as their boats would be back loading.
Has my claim against Stroud Water Co been passed re damage by burst water main at Dudbridge?
Enclosed income tax form. Shares not been in market recently, but selling privately.
Re boundary of land at Wallbridge Lower Wharf; I accept your right of way but dispute your ownership. I have ordered the pegs to be removed and will put the matter before my Committee.
Three share certificates enclosed in the names of the Executors of the will of the late William Davis Esq.
Your claim for damage to your boiler will be put before the Committee on the 21 May.
Postal order enclosed re iron mooring post of given dimensions. Does extra include carriage?
Enclosed receipt signed by Mr Aldridge of Stroud Co-op Society re your postal order. Glad you've got the price down and they say they will be able to do a trade.
Income tax has been paid on dividends paid to Miss C P Clutterbuck as set out. Shares worth £73 each.
Weight of two boats brought from Polesworth. Can price per load be brought down? The time and trouble I took will be wasted because of the action of the boatman who would not wait for the coal.
Income tax forms of the Co. for year ending March last enclosed. Let me know what you make it as we need to deduct the tax we have paid twice on rents.
Cheque enclosed re carriage of bricks from West Bromwich to Eastington.
I disagree with your total, kindly go through it again. I'll call in on you if I am in Gloucester soon.
Please have boat at Wallbridge Wharf at 9am on Saturday 1 June for Committee's inspection of the Canal.
Repair needed to inside bottom gates at Dudbridge Top Lock. If necessary have a day's stoppage.
If Committee decides to have old chain tested, could you do this and for what cost? Also what would chain of given dimensions lift?
Little & Mills have requested that I meet you at Ebley to discuss the road silt in the Stroudwater Canal.
Crane on Dudbridge Wharf not to lift any weight greater than five tons as from today.
My Committee cannot at present make a reduction in toll on wheat to Lodgemore.